Big Red Said
New Member
BRS.. we both agree that Taylor needs to ride the bench.. it's ok to admit it
ha ha...
I have a budget meeting coming up... how would you like to do the presentation for me...?
BRS.. we both agree that Taylor needs to ride the bench.. it's ok to admit it
I'd have to put on me fancy clothes and shower en sech..
already reserved the holiday as lazy day.. but if you need me to, I'll be there..
demanding that we spend less money on silly arenas, and focus more on paying a real basketball coach..
and stuff along the same lines.
little backwards there, no?
Valid points, BRS
tho, it's hard to discount what he did for the Black Power movement, and what he and many others had to endure during the times.
They did a lot, and while they may have come out racist in their own minds, and unfaithful/hypocritical in their personal lives.. the power and legacy they hold is at times more important than the facts.
If MLK was white, I am not sure I would feel any different.. unless it was whites who were treated poorly for so long previously.. and even then I'm not sure how I'd feel now.. we're too far removed from extreme racism, and equality is all i've ever known
Threre was 35 guests on the forum today at lunch time, must be the random hot chick thread.... pervs
Evening. Spent the day in "the hood" doing.habitat for humanity. Sick as a fucking dog though. In ned for remainder of.evening
how fast ye have to get her going to clear all 4 wheels?