Well-Known Member
yes against Conneticut and thar pitcher looked like he plays for U-ConnDid they play their seond game?
yea it was totally not good at allKearney did worse than sucked
It was horrendous..
Yep. 12-0 loss today
You've got the podium
Grats on them making it that far though..
It's much easier to be critical of what others are talking about then to lead the discussion....
this is Obummers line ---LOL !!
LOL....that too....
iiiiiimmmmmmmmm drunk
iiiiiimmmmmmmmm drunk
LOL @ chuck getting drunk off of 2 rasberry wine coolers......
6 beers, and 2 cape cods...but remember im 128lbs...
Texans suck
Texans suck