Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
I disagree. Since when did the Heisman base its award on the amount of "partying" by its winner? Even in this video of him leaving this frat party, he wasn't drunk and out of control. And just what "standard" do you think he has to live up to? Does he need to live up to Tebow's righteousness? Does he need to try and pretend to be someone else, just to please you and his other critics? His teammates, just like any team, just want their "leader" to be REAL. They just don't want someone who is a fake. Despite Tim Tebow's critics of his religious beliefs, his team had enormous respect for him as their leader, BECAUSE THEY KNEW HE WAS REAL. You take a survey of Johnny's teammates, right now, and I would guarantee that they support him, and respect him as their leader, despite what you and other critics say. They respect him BECAUSE HE IS REAL!
I'm not saying he has to be an angel. I could give a shit if he parties and fucks. But he takes it too far sometimes. Yeah I bet his teammates really appreciated what he said on twitter, that he couldn't wait to leave Texas A&M. Like I said he can be a college kid and drink and all that, but don't go to far bc he will suspended or get arrested and that is not fair to his TEAMMATES. He only gives a shit about himself, unlike Tebow.