Oh blah...OU fans have no recourse but try to win a PR battle after JF totally embarrassed their team/program.
Weak sauce...
And your just pandering to Manziel because you beat him trying to make yourself look better. Goes both ways.

Oh blah...OU fans have no recourse but try to win a PR battle after JF totally embarrassed their team/program.
Weak sauce...
And your just pandering to Manziel because you beat him trying to make yourself look better. Goes both ways.
And your just pandering to Manziel because you beat him trying to make yourself look better. Goes both ways.
And your just pandering to Manziel because you beat him trying to make yourself look better. Goes both ways.
I don't even think he really is a fan of LSU.
you do realize P.T. Bob is a troll and not worth arguing with.
Hammer has some trolls to ban before the season. Just how many is the question?
I don't even think he really is a fan of LSU.
This panty waste Oregon fan bumped a thread from two years ago, which didn't even concern his team.
Who's trolling again?
Good point OD. A fucking lackey troll from espenis that brings nothing to the table.
When you have senority, you can bump whatever the fuck you want.
You have nothing here and if so just for a short time. I assume you would want to be here for football season bc it is a great place. So cool down Bobby!
He didn't do anything. Let him have his fun.
Or, I just respect his abilities as a football player as opposed to some self-righteous sooner fan attacking a kid for beating the snot out of his team.
Nice Chip Kelly thingy btw...he too was the one ultimately shut the fuck up....no?