I like your beard.

...waiting for someone to say a four year old is lying about this. And I will then attack them by all means available on the internet.
Screw you Adrian.
Most unfortunately, it's a bit more than that. Naturally, the pictures "leaked".
Pretty much no way he gets out of this.
/I'm gonna go and hug my kids.
...waiting for someone to say a four year old is lying about this. And I will then attack them by all means available on the internet.
Screw you Adrian.
This is why you don't have the victim give a statement in the presence of the accused... You get real statements.
Jesus. Poor kid.
Ray Rice hits and knocks out his fiance, Adrian Peterson is accused now of beating his son, Jerry Jones is accused of Sexually assaulting a exotic Dancer. Remember when having an openly gay player in the NFL was the biggest story this season i bet Roger Goodell does...... WOW
Hes probably calling Jerry Jones and telling him that all is forgiven if Sam is promoted to the starting roster immediately.
oh and its only week 2 oof the media has ALL year to be on all of this. my goodness.
if AP is guilty of this then hes done. bye bye forever. same with rice and I wish Jerry Jones (god knows that will not happen with his power)
Really don't know how in the world AP gets out of this.
............ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Look man, I was hesitant to judge when it first came out, but do research and you'll see he beat his child. Often it would seem. And you're asking about your fantasy team. Screw you. Added to the list.
I'm going to start constructing an ark, methinks we only have a short time before the flood waters come.
I'm going to start constructing an ark, methinks we only have a short time before the flood waters come.
Come on, we all know it won't be a flood again. I'm thinking fires and/or earthquakes. Is the ark wooden?
Ray Rice hits and knocks out his fiance, Adrian Peterson is accused now of beating his son, Jerry Jones is accused of Sexually assaulting a exotic Dancer. Remember when having an openly gay player in the NFL was the biggest story this season i bet Roger Goodell does...... WOW
just put the animals on Dash. Humans had their chance and we are fucking it all up
just put the animals on Dash.