I'm So High Right Now
I blame the training programs the NFL currently has for teams.

Dan Shanoff @danshanoff · 5h Ugh. Kids fire up this week's new episode of "NFL Rush Zone" TV cartoon, and the guest star player is… Adrian Peterson.
I really wish I was going to this game tomorrow. The stadium is going to be rocking. It's going to be intense.
As if the Redskins don't have enough troubles. They certainly don't need blatently horrible officiating which makes one think that the NFL has some other type of agenda and needs to prove something because of their name
Every time I watch Seattle I don't understand how they aren't penalized more often. They have a talented defense, but they should have flags thrown on them every other play.
I can't hear you because I have a Super Bowl ring in my right ear and I'm deaf in my left ear.
Not a good day for the zebras:
1. Missed Harvin stepping out of bounds on his TD run
2. 49ers just scored a TD although the play clock had expired.
Un-Bill-ivableHow about those Bills?
?Seriously. Life was simpler when the issue we were faced with was trying way to hard to discredit a geniunely nice, albeit woefully under-talented for the NFL, guy.
Fire Harbaugh.
Any one in particular?