Well-Known Member
me wasn't drinkin and drivin, sir. that was on way home from work almost 2 years ago.
me wasn't drinkin and drivin, sir. that was on way home from work almost 2 years ago.
How in the hell did ye manage that on the way home from work?
I will never be a regular wearer of a seat belt, they are way to fucking uncomfortable... I'd rather die than where them fuckers everywhere I go......
I will never be a regular wearer of a seat belt, they are way to fucking uncomfortable... I'd rather die than where them fuckers everywhere I go......
wearing a seatbelt ain't even uncomfortable
ye all are some giant faggits, and quite honestly if HH is gonna continue to drink and drive, I hope he never wears a seatbelt, and something happens ta him before he kills someone.
I admit though, if I'm not out driving on the highway, I usually don't wear my seatbelt.....
However, if I'm out on the highway, you better damn well believe I'm wearin that shit. I have too much Husker football to watch still in my lifetime to throw it all away just because I don't want a strap over my chest for 30 minutes en sech.
And I don't trust one single driver besides myself.