but if you want to wipe out racism we all need to let go of the past because that cant be changed , but we can sure change the way we all are now ..
Pretty hard to let go of something that you are being reminded of on a daily basis in some cases.
but if you want to wipe out racism we all need to let go of the past because that cant be changed , but we can sure change the way we all are now ..
Wrong. Read Article 24(l)
Pretty hard to let go of something that you are being reminded of on a daily basis in some cases.
And in case some of you conspiracy "buffs" haven't heard...magic has stated he wants no part of a clippers ownership/ has no interest in owning them.
If the NBA had something to do with him being set up, then they will have it comming, but I don't give a damn who set him up. He deserved everything he got. Just like drug dealers get what they deserve, after being set up by police and people on the street.
Post #370
"He's right, and the owners aren't going to set the precedent that that's acceptable. They know damn well it could easily be twisted to apply to them next."
Post #394
"The owners won't set that precedent."
Post #400
"It won't be a handful. It will be a strong majority. They won't set the precedent that a private conversation can have them forced out of a several hundred million dollar investment."
Post #420
"A private conversation, illegally recorded and publicized, is not grounds to force someone to divest their property. The owners will not set a precedent that it is."
Post #423
"Regardless, there will not be the votes to kick him."
Post #537
"But even if there were, the owners absolutely will not set the precedent that they can have their team disbanded for a private conversation. There is way too little to gain by doing so and way too much to lose."
Post #542
"If you're disputing that the owners will set the precedent that they can have their property taken away from them based on their behavior entirely in private, you don't understand people very well."
Post #599
"Even if the terms did exist, do you see 3/4 of the owners supporting the precedent that they can have their team taken away for a private conversation. Some may, but even a majority isn't that likely. They need 75%."
Post #619
"But it probably won't come to that. The owners won't give silver the vote he wants. The reason he came out and said anything now is for the playoffs. He doesn't want to lose the viewership for the playoffs. When that is over, that is when this battle will actually start. Silver won't win. There is no case for the owners to contractually be allowed to vote on this."
That would be 9 separate posts where you claimed that the owners will not vote to remove Sterling. Wanna know how many posts you said that there was a low chance that they might vote him out? ZERO. The only thing you posted remotely close to that was an "Even if....." statement.
So, 9 times you have stated that they will not vote to remove him.
Backpedaling indeed.
I agree, but using Hammer's logic, the NBA shouldn't react like they did, because the evidence was illegal. He think this is a courtroom.
Seeing as white people were the ones that put this dynamic in motion I would think if it is eradicated in whites racism will no longer be a problem for anyone. Any other racism is a result of what white people put into practice.
O.K. I've just been observing from the periphery. Hell, I don't even have all the facts. Also, I'm moderate to moderate / liberal. So, I usually side with minorities, underdogs and the poor.
This thing just feels like a politically correct witch hunt and foolish rush to judgement. It feels like it's gonna backfire somehow. It feels like some kind of absurd reverse racism that can be swallowed but not digested. It won't stay down. It will get puked back up...
Anyone else get this feeling?![]()