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tOffical all things Sterling thread

Do you agree with Jabbar

  • Yes I agree

    Votes: 18 85.7%
  • No I dont agree

    Votes: 3 14.3%

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You can be anything
May 11, 2013
DC of Mexico
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Kareem is the single most intelligent athlete I have ever heard speak on social topics, and it is not close. If ever there was a person I might follow blindly trusting their judgement it is the GOAT of the NBA, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

@hammer, he is racist?


You can be anything
May 11, 2013
DC of Mexico
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I agree, but using Hammer's logic, the NBA shouldn't react like they did, because the evidence was illegal. He think this is a courtroom.

Despite thinking what a douche sterling is I am having a hard time getting behind the mob here. It really depends on what is written in the NBA lawbook or what ever rules they have in place for these situations.

It is possible Silver was just waiting for Sterling to fuck up so he could get someone he knew to be a bigot out of the league after watching for years as Stern did nothing.


You can be anything
May 11, 2013
DC of Mexico
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I thought about the possibility that the NBA set up the set up for whatever reasons...but Stern is not in office anymore so I want to give the benefit of the doubt to Silver.


Iron Duke
Apr 25, 2013
Tobacco Road
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so you are a bigot that is against rich people ..

Pffft. I said no such thing. What I'm saying for those too daft to understand, is that his fucking money got him where he is now and the NBA just turned their heads the other way. If it hadn't been that he was so wealthy then he would have never gotten to be the owner of anything. Much less an NBA franchise.

In 2006 the DOJ brought a housing-discrimination suit against him. THREE YEARS LATER he settled for $2.75 MILLION.

In 2009 he wrongfully terminated Elgin Baylor.

Clippers legal update: Elgin Baylor on Donald Sterling - latimes.com

Again, the NBA turned their head. Why? Not because he was an influential man with a whole bunch of money????? BULLSHIT!


May 15, 2013
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I saw Maddow last nite frame this story very well...again.

She told the story of Yankee owner Steinbrenner getting banned twice by MLB, the 2nd ban was a lifetime ban in 72' for illegal campaign contributions to the Nixon campaign. He was banned for life...but WAIT!..MLB let him back into baseball in less than 3 years after his lifetime ban. 3 years? MLB said the Yankees "NEEDED" Steinbrenner back...


Time will tell I spose. I think the man should sell his team ASAP, but the way that tape was aquired is way wrong and deserves merit on it's own. NBA has a mess on their hands for years to come.


Iron Duke
Apr 25, 2013
Tobacco Road
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Your argument makes no sense. Money has nothing to do with the racism issue. Sterling is a racist regardless of how much he is worth.

You're right. Racism and Wealth have nothing in common. What I stated was HIS WEALTH was a means to HIS POWER.


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Jul 26, 2013
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Magic Johnson has expressed interest in buying the Clipp organization...DS gf set-up with MJ future interests in mind?

Bombshell of a Fox News story right there.

I just saw that MSNBC jumped on it already they are a much better news organization jumping on all the top important stories.

Sterling truthers emerge: Was it a set-up? | MSNBC

Sterling truthers emerge: Was it a set-up?

A handful of conservatives are spinning a theory about the racist rant that got Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling banned from the National Basketball Association: he was set up!

“Whoever set this up is really good. They covered every base. They’ve got the media wrapped around their little finger,” radio host Rush Limbaugh said Tuesday according to a report by Talking Points Memo.
“This is a fascinating theory. And, Neil, I’m glad that you held on through the break so I could dig deep, explore further,” he said, crediting the caller for the theory. “You know, you got it.”

The caller, identified as Neil, believes that someone wanted to buy his team and said he hopes people rally around Sterling.

Conservative blog Daily Caller reporter Patrick Howley questioned Magic Johnson’s involvement in the scandal


Finger Poppin Dat Pussy
Oct 18, 2012
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I agree, but using Hammer's logic, the NBA shouldn't react like they did, because the evidence was illegal. He think this is a courtroom.

I think he had to do it, to save these playoff games, the fans, and players. They forced him to do it basically.


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
SE Mich
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He banned him for life. Maybe suspending him indefinitely and actually thinking about what the implications are would have been the wise thing to do? Does Silver think he's going to be able to throw together a group to buy the team is going to happen overnight? What if Sterling gets pissed and sells it to an ownership group that doesn't even hide the fact that they're looking to relocate and has no problem lawyering up and taking it to the courts? Dumb, knee-jerk reaction by the league.

Doesn't the league have to approve any franchise sale and/or move ? Idk.


Captain Spaulding
Apr 21, 2010
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Silver and Sterling....genius.

NBA has been steadily declining for years now. After this ordeal, its all sports fans are talking about. Just in time for the playoffs.

Sterling was ready to sell and kick back at his mansion, pretending to be a plantation owner in the deep south, ....when he told Silver of this, they came up with this scheme for him to get caught saying something disgusting (he's already a known and documented filthy racist, so it doesnt matter what the public opinion of him is)which would naturally get crazy national attention, thrusting the NBA (and the playoffs) into the national spotlight

Now Sterling retires, and casual sports fans remember that the NBA exists and possibly watch a game or two of the playoffs. Win-Win.


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
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And who's arguing that's the case? I'm saying it isn't right that he be forced away from HIS team. That they are trying to force him to sell his team. Where does it end? He's a stupid fuck for associating with a gold digging hooker. He's a scumbag for being a racist pos who treats minorities like second class citizens. I never denied that nor do I defend that. This goes farther than just racism and bigotry. Where do we draw the line? What if you are a Christian and it suddenly becomes taboo to speak of your faith because it offends other sects of the population? If you really think that's not where this is headed you're fooling yourself. The PC machine will not quit until all individuality is wiped off the map and we are a nation of like minded robots. Laugh if you want but time will tell.

When it comes to what you are allowed to say without consequence from your bosses, business associates, etc. there really is no line. There's no legal exposure but our free speech protections <> free speech without consequences.


Captain Spaulding
Apr 21, 2010
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I suspect that much like Brown vs. Topeka the vote will be unanimous. No owner wants to be listed as the one who voted against this. Yeah, they are afraid of some precedent being set. But they are even MORE afraid of boycotts or a general strike by the players.

yep, like i said yesterday, the only way someone votes no is if Sterling has some major dirt on someone


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
SE Mich
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This is not the case. Any rules violation by the owner is covered from articles 13-15.

Article 24(l)
Where a situation arises which is not covered in the Constitution and By-Laws,the Commissioner shall have the authority to make such decision, including theimposition of a penalty, as in his judgment shall be in the best interests ofthe Association. The penalty that may be assessed under the preceding twosentences may include, without limitation, a fine, suspension, and/or theforfeiture or assignment of draft choices. No monetary penalty fixed under thisprovision shall exceed $2,500,000.

I've put the pertinent clause in bold and underlined it for you. It looks like a "if we decide you screw up, you're gone" catch-all clause. Unless he's challenged this language previously, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.


Work Hard Play Hard
Apr 17, 2013
Tracy CA
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I'm not buying someone set him up. Why go through all that trouble and leave a dumb bimbo in charge of getting the incriminating evidence that sounds like she cant count to 10? i would be afraid she would forget to press the record button. Even if he was setup I call that Karma since he destroyed a lot of other peoples life.


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
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Except they can't.

To kick him out, they must meet one of the terms listed in article 13 of their constitution, none of which apply here.

Wrong. Read Article 24(l)


Work Hard Play Hard
Apr 17, 2013
Tracy CA
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The notion that white people's racism is both the cause of racism and solution to curing racism or oppression within humanity is absurd.

Any reasonable survey of human history will show this truth. Human nature is twisted across ethnic groups, periods in history, etc, etc. Oppression, slavery, racism has been around and pervasive across many, many ethnic groups and races.

All races need to be accountable in the fight against racism.

Why is it absurd if white people are the cause of racism? Who taught you how to problem solve? Before racism it was nationalism. There were Black Greeks and Black Romans. There was no issue with racism until it was used to justify Europeans invading and conquering the world.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Let me make an attempt at an analogy.

You (white race) are in a family. You do something horribly and unquestionably wrong towards another member of the family (black race). With time you realize your evil ways, sincerely apologize, do your best to recompense what you can, and change.

Will that person in the family that you wronged instantly forgive you and pretend like it never happened? Maybe if he's a really, really good person.

Would you expect him to get over it right away? I doubt it.

Will it ocasionally be brought up and thrown in your face? Very likely.

How long should be given to the wronged person to move on? Should you be ok with the occasional anger outlash back at you because of the memory of what you did? Will you be understanding if it takes time for him to move on, if he doesn't handle it with the best grace?

Its a tricky, gray-area question. The ideal, theoretical best outcome is for everyone to forget that the blacks were ever oppressed in our country and move on as if it never happened (except to remember the great actions of great people). If everyone could sincerely do that, racism would be gone. But its just not realistic. Yes, harboring anger from past racism can help foster racism, but is it reasonable to expect otherwise?

My thoughts.

Racism...the reality of it hurting blacks is far more on the economic side than being from slave ancestry, disliked, called names, etc. Statistics indicate blacks are far more likely to be denied a mortgage, accepted into college, less likely to be promoted on a job than a white person with similar credentials/credit history, etc.

Circle effect...education, blacks (as a whole) are more likely to live in rental housing in a weak tax base area, attend poorly funded public schools which makes it harder to get into college, which makes it harder to get white collar, or higher paying technical jobs.

Here in ATL there was/is a black good ole boy network and within the city limits, the black power brokers more or less discriminated against whites by giving the big city contracts to black own firms/contractors, etc. White people cried foul, rightfully so...they were being denied an economic opportunity.

If some blacks are angry at whites or express racist attitudes...I think it would be born out of economic depression than anything else. It's not all the white man's fault, but I guess somebody has to be blamed.


Half Woke Member
Jul 3, 2013
SE Mich
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Answer his question dipshit!!!!!

When you are proven wrong are you going to admit your dumber than shit???

But we all know your inferiority complex wont let you do that. Because you live to be right on everything!!!
It could be sunny and 90 degrees outside and you would argue its snowing with 6 inches on the ground already!!!

"That's a good point" and

"I guess I was mistaken"

are 2 phrases that are not in JDM's vocabulary. It's part of his charm.