The Doobster
What?!?! Sterling snuck into the game!
What?!?! Sterling snuck into the game!
If I were a franchiser like the NBA, I would like to have the power to remove a franchisee if they were to tarnish my brand like how Don Sterling did to the NBA. I think what happened to him was fair considering the PR nightmare it turned out to be. If the government did this to him it would be a different story, but I don't blame the NBA for looking out for their best interests.
Yes from a PR standpoint I get it.
However, the world gets very, very murky when all our private conversations can be taped at any time by anyone in any context and in any setting then instantly broadcast to the world for instant prosecution, trial and execution.
(This is a slippery, slippery slope because very, very few people never say anything regrettable)
And you're an idiot. I know what's going on and have the entire time. I simply stated that it set's a terrible precedent, the way it was handled. Maybe you just have no ability to comprehend outside of your little (and I mean tiny) box. It's all good, "baller," no ill will.
Did anyone happen to get #1 Clippers fan Billy Crystal's take on this whole mess?
LOL that looks like Penny Marshall.....
"Grateful that Silver did the right thing. Owners must follow his lead and unanimously vote Sterling out. Now let's win the game tonight."
Thank you, DDD
I hadn't heard a peep from him.
You're right. I don't have the ability to comprehend your bipolar posts.
P.S. Continue sucking up to the mods on SportsHoopla. It suits you well.
Nope. (nor do I believe he was "set up" )
I think he finally got what was coming to him after years and years of bigotry.
I think he got what he deserved but I have a hard time believing he didn't get setup & that magic was the one behind it.
I ain't buying that theory for one second......
Magic has too much integrity and way too much too lose if that were ever proved to be the case.
He could jeopardize his own empire and totally ruin his legacy.
I just don't see it...... also, I'm not big on conspiracy theories.
It feels like a setup. But I doubt Magic would get involved in something like this. Magic has been the top shelf and no dust for a long, long time.