I am the Lizard King
Why does everyone keep saying that?![]()
I heard Sterling want's to buy the Penguins.

Why does everyone keep saying that?![]()
VERY WELL SAID its not illegal to be racist you should be able to feel or say whatever comes to mind behind clothes doors in your own privacy. She violated that by setting him up over the phone and getting money for it by giving it to TMZ. His ex girlfriend is a bitch when they got together she looked the other way or put up with his racist antics but when they started fighting and he broke up with her she pulls this off....
she didnt say much with his racist dick in her mouth enjoying his wealth
people dont want to see that though
We will see what happens with that - but it remains to be seen if the owners will vote him out with a two-thirds majority. Cuban likes the punishment - but as you said, has not signed off on forcing him out yet - to our knowledge
I realize it's a black eye for the league and something had to be done about it. This is just over the line, IMO. A year suspension and a hefty fine as well as some sort of counseling should have been the initial step.
I wasn't alive and one man purportedly had the likes of Sterlings people murdered by the million while the other guy said don't bring blacks to my games. I'm glad you are so swift with your analogies. The next time I need a real gem of an analogy, like this one, I will PM you.![]()
Weak ass sauce is weak as fuck.....
We can all agree on one thing; he was dumb as fuck for ever getting involved with that gold digging parasite. She totally ruined whatever life he has left and seemingly got away without a hitch. Unless the whole third part thing is not true then she will face litigation beyond the other lawsuit being brought against her by Sterlings wife.
I wasn't alive and one man purportedly had the likes of Sterlings people murdered by the million while the other guy said don't bring blacks to my games. I'm glad you are so swift with your analogies. The next time I need a real gem of an analogy, like this one, I will PM you.![]()
The racist Jew bastard gets the axe! I do commend the NBA on the swift and decisive action. Usually when a person accuses a Jew of being racist, the Jews usually pull the ole' "Anti Semitism" rhetoric out their buts. They then use their money and influence to get the accuser blacklisted and silenced for daring to challenge the so-called never racist Jewish community. I'm hear to tell you that I have plenty of experience with racist Jews so this is not an isolated case. Almost all the Jewish women Ive met don't allow blacks into their homes. When I did enter the homes of my Jewish buddies, I was eventually greeted with this same linear-thinking racism by their Jewish mothers or wives. They hide their silverware, they spray the couch with Lysol after you've left, sometimes they've actually said they don't want their son hanging out with "Svartzes" (Jewish slang for N-Word). The Jewish guys I've met have for the most part been open-minded to other races. But they are usually so P-Whipped by their Jewish women that they don't speak up for racial injustice. Jewish women are right up there with southern whites as being the most racist people around. Seems the Jews didn't learn as much as they thought from the Holocaust about human/civil rights as they claim. Seems racism is fine with some Jews, as long as it's not against Jewish people. Then it's bad. I wont be surprised if some Jews accuse me of being racist toward Jews simply for pointing out that they have been racist to me.
I compare the NBA's handling of Donald "The Furor" Stern to how the NFL handled the Riley Cooper "N-Word rant" where the league barely gave him a slap on the wrist. Racist, I mean RILEY Cooper was back on the field before the preseason was out.
Apparently Sterlings ex-GF (who already imbezzled over 1.8 million from DUMB DONALD) sold him out. "Hell hath no fury..." This whole fiasco probably torpedoed the Clippers hopes of winning the west this year.
This guy is old school and what he said is bad. Now, lets apply the same rules to all. Charles Barkley said the NBA is a "Black League." Does that mean he no longer wants white players? Or that a movement is afoot to ban whites players. He also a lot of Black players made Sterling rich. I suspect very few of the black players went to work for the Clippers with the thought of making Sterling richer.
I tend to think they did so for the multimillion $ contracts they signed.
And finally, after he goes and he should be given the NBA rules, make sure everyone associated with the NBA (that means EVERYONE) who uses the N word on the court or in practice or in a night club or restaurant or at home is banned for life from the NBA.
Not well said because it's perfectly legal to record a private conversation in a closed room. It's not exactly moral, but the recording was legal.