John: 8:36
They aren't taking his property though - that's where you fail to understand how business works in a major league sports. They are exempt from the laws that govern how the company you work for is forced to follow. Each team is a franchise of the NBA. McDonalds does the same thing - every owner of a Mcdonalds restaurant is a by law allowed to do business under their McDonalds name whiich can be removed from them if they don't follow their rules. I guarantee you as someone who has audited more than half of the McDonalds owners in Southern Ca, that those owners are screwed if they lose the right to use the McDonald's name.
No difference here - He would be wise to sell the team and move on. Personally I hope he does fight them in court - I would love to see him lose everything he's got because that is what would happen
I can't believe people would actually want to see this slum lord racist POS win at anything....