True Lakers Fan
Los Angeles Lakers Fan
She's just as bad as he is.......she's been sued for discrimination as well.
It pretty much sounds like the Clippers curse is going to do it's voodoo once again either way

She's just as bad as he is.......she's been sued for discrimination as well.
To a point that is correct and I agree, but when a person steps forward and tells the entire world about a private conversation he or she has had with another individual in a position like Donald Sterling's and is able to prove that he made such statements and those statements proves that he is a racist, then bad things are going to happen. Players can refuse to re-sign with the organization and you can't force players to sign with the Clippers. Fans can refuse to pay to see the games and you can't force them to come. Advertisors can refuse to market their products in your time slots and you can't for them them to pay for advertising either.
If all of three of those items happen to the point of epic failure of the team - then the organization can simply say - "Hey we will contract your team out of existence or you can sell now" Has anyone forgotten about contraction? If they have the power to contract non-profitable teams out of existence, then they can force Sterling out.
It boggles me that he is ok with his "girlfriend" sleeping with black folks but he doesn't want them at his games... He is cool with them railing her brains out for him to get sloppy seconds but not ok with them spending money at his events? That confuses me.
It boggles me that he is ok with his "girlfriend" sleeping with black folks but he doesn't want them at his games... He is cool with them railing her brains out for him to get sloppy seconds but not ok with them spending money at his events? That confuses me.
He's going to be fined and possibly suspended for a season. There isn't much else Silver can do to Sterling.
what can they suspend an owner of a team from ?
Plantation mentality. PLENTY of slave masters did the same thing......only they were usually raping the slave girls
This is what happens when you don't value human life. He thinks he's above them.
Everyone already knew that he was a racist asshole. Yes, they are absolutely playing this up to something it's not. No one is a bigger fan of Magic than me, but come on, Magic. Stop pretending like you're "hurt." You live in Beverly Hills, not Watts.
JDM is right that the NBA probably has less clout here than the fans, and sponsors do collectively as you're noting. Unless their hands are contractually tied (what JDM is suggesting) the NBA will levy something against Sterling and he'll either comply or fight it based on some sort of privacy laws being breached.
IMO...if people (players, league execs, ex-players, fans, media sponsors) are as upset as they appear over this the NBA is not going to have to do much...Sterling won't have the team that much this point he might be best served to sell, pocket his profits and move out of the public eye.
No...but Sterling did remind him he's from E. Lansing though.
Hammer...I hear ya on the overblown thing, but no way to sugarcoat this. That comment should be a slap in the face to ANY black person regardless of how much clout/money they have.
To me, it sounds like he was shitfaced and making some passive aggressive digs at her, cuz shes half black. Then, she keeps directing him back on the racism track knowing its being recorded. Her side of the convo almost sounds scripted. Jmo
It remains to be seen, but I think the NBA owners can make it really ugly for Sterling and I think they could force him out if they wanted to, but Frank McCourt threatened lawsuits and made it ugly for the MLB who was satified with him selling the team and leaving on his own terms. If(and this is a really big if) the fans, sponsers and players makes it really ugly for him - then the power of public opinion should force him out. It's kind of tough to hold that kind of outrage long enough though. I also think the the NBA might be able to screw with him and contract him out of existence.
If they were to simply refuse to schedule games for him next season - It could get ugly for him not that I think they will do that
The black people are very keen on detecting prejudism or racism that a person is concealing.
Sugarcoating?...even if he was goaded into it...he meant what he said...if he was shitfaced that only makes it more credible imo...truth serum!
Is that why he was being honored at a NAACP dinner next month?