As long as there is orange and grape soda in the locker room with watermelon flavored potato chips in the vending machine, I don't think anyone cares...
Yes, it is. A conversation had with the expectation of privacy is no different whether it ends up being (most likely illegally) recorded or not. The guy's a scumbag, sure, but this was a private conversation and not likely to be something punishable at all.
I think you're looking at the legality. This is not a attorney-client, or Dr.-patient situation therefore not admissible...we're not dealing with a legal situation here. The NBA is a private league...How they choose to police their own in this case weighs heavily in the court of public opinion.
The other 29 (or whatever it is) owners may not be able to force him to sell the team because of these comments (public or private), but they can certainly dole out some type of punishment with regards to conduct doesn't matter how the information got out.
Different sport, but the Colts owner was just arrested recently...of course that is a legal situation, but you can best believe the commish has been in contact with him about cleaning up his act. Same with Jerry Jones drunken escapades. The Debartolo owners got in trouble with some gambling issues...because the topic was gambling, the league had a larger hammer, they were forced to sell.
He'll sell. He'll be a dumbass if he doesn't sell after all of this. Just read he bought the Clippers for $15M and they're now worth over $500M. To give ya'll another idea of how money talks, the LA NAACP chapter gave Sterling a Man of the Year award, even though they knew about him being a racist, but apparently, Sterling wrote the NAACP a nice, big fat check. These players don't give two shits about what Sterling said, they only care about getting paid, which I have no problem with. Just don't be hypocritical about it......
It is a legal matter. Potential punishments and what qualifies for them are contractually agreed to. You can bet that any punishment that is not contractually ironclad will be fought.
The league has no power that is not contractually agreed to. They can't punish a team without a contractually valid cause. A private conversation is extremely unlikely to meet that criteria.
It is a legal matter. Potential punishments and what qualifies for them are contractually agreed to. You can bet that any punishment that is not contractually ironclad will be fought.
The league has no power that is not contractually agreed to. They can't punish a team without a contractually valid cause. A private conversation is extremely unlikely to meet that criteria.
Kobe just tweeted that there is no way he should be allowed to continue owning the team. I think the players take this a LOT more seriously than most of you here THINK they do. I also don't think they really knew he was a racist - its one thing to say a guy is racist, but then he's smiling in your face handing you money. Its quite another when he's making statements about you. I'm sure the players have heard rumors about EVERY owner. But once again, their focus is on basketball, not the owner.
Hell probably most of my bosses have been racists - one was actually a rapist and another was a sexual deviant - both are in prison now, but nobody criticized us for not walking out on the company.
I would think...actually I'm pretty sure the NBA has a code of conduct (contractually agreed to) that applies to ownership level...the Malouf bros found this out.
Hey...I'm not 100% sure what's going to happen here, but I expect the league handout some type of punishment here and then it will become a legal situation in earnest should Sterling fight it.
Private conversations aren't going to fall under that code of conduct.
A private conversation is still a private conversation if someone illegally records and leaks it.
Third parties can do stuff, sure.
As long as sterling pays whatever his obligations to the league are, though, they can't do shit to him.
Everyone already knew that he was a racist asshole. Yes, they are absolutely playing this up to something it's not. No one is a bigger fan of Magic than me, but come on, Magic. Stop pretending like you're "hurt." You live in Beverly Hills, not Watts.
I agree - and I don't see how the Clippers can continue to exist unless he places the team into the hands of his wife and puts her on the board of governors - then becomes a silent partner