Radical Moderate
And the hyper progressive city council that is ruining the city.
Please don't tempt me. I don't want to go on a long rant about this on the Mariners board

And the hyper progressive city council that is ruining the city.
I'd say I'm pretty well traveled since I've been to roughly a dozen or more countries and Seattle really is one of the most beautiful cities I've been, especially when the sun is out. It's too bad that it's being ruined by all the homeless people.
But it’s not really Seattle and that is the biggest myth. It is the surrounding areas as well that makes Seattle beautiful and why athletes love the area once they get here. Outside of the travel it really is an attractive place to play for FA with how no matter your social economic background you can enjoy some aspect the area gives you, along with for right now no income tax.
I just went back and looked at the Predictions thread to remember how many wins some of us predicted.
Cloud 162
Ulmax 85...but also 75
ZiPs 77
AnoitedOne 75
SeattyleCoug 75
jerseyhawkfan 75
Las Vegas 74.5
Fangraphs 73
Duders 72
PolarVortex 68
Hopefully the front office heavily emphasizes this in contract negotiations. It's one of the reasons I decided to stay in Seattle instead of taking a higher paying job in New York City. I would've made substantially more in NYC, but after taking into consideration the state and local taxes, I net a lot more in Seattle than I would've in NYC.
For what it's worth, I don't think we'll see a state income tax initiated in Washington State in the near future. To my knowledge there is no movement for it and it would be really complicated to institute. It would require a constitutional amendment and legislative approval. Pretty sure every time it has been attempted, it hasn't worked out.
I can't exactly put my finger on what it is, but there is something that really makes you want to root for him. I'd say right now he's probably my favorite player on the team, although that would obviously change if he started regressing. I think it would be really cool for him to get some national exposure.
There is though, it’s just called a Capital Gains tax which no one understands that is activated for it. Certain politicians keep trying for a capital gains tax and if the Washington State Supreme Court rules it constitutional then an income tax will come within months. It’s no different than the other side that keeps trying to make more stringent laws just to get the SCOTUS to overrule Roe V Wade. Sorry, trying to not to get political.
That's actually a good point. I didn't know there was a push to get a capital gains tax pushed through, which is a lot more palatable to the public than an income tax. From a legal perspective if they can somehow reconcile the Washington state constitution with a capital gains tax, they can then use that precedent to argue on behalf of a state income tax.
The courts could eventually rule that a state income tax is constitutional if that were to happen, but I still feel like there would be a pushback against it. Still kind of a messy issue legally and politically though.
Tbh I don't think it really matters if we get political. Not like we have any mods on here and there is no "Washington/Seattle politics board" and it's not like any of this is hostile since I think we're on the same page and this can go back to the subject matter whenever.
Are you talking about Servais and Dipoto or the players?
The MLB network did a good little story on the Mariners and how it would be a terrible organization for any player to join as long as Jerry is at the helm. Going to the Mariners means you are about to be traded was the gist of it.
I don't think I've pretended or tried to convince myself or others that this team is bad and doesn't have much of a shot of winning more than 75 games.
Assuming that we're on the same page with this, I'd rather keep throwing Jay Bruce out there in the futile attempt that he puts something together that will at least get a team to take a flier and eat a few million of his contract. His 17 home runs over his last 63 games might be enough to get someone to bite and at least take a nibble out of what he is owed. I will admit this is optimistic/borderline delusional on my behalf, but you never know.
It's also probably better off for Branden Bishop to continue getting regular playing time in AAA. If he were called up to the Mariners right now, there isn't really a spot for him aside from as a 4th outfielder which isn't all that beneficial to his development.
I just went back and looked at the Predictions thread to remember how many wins some of us predicted.
Cloud 162
Ulmax 85...but also 75
ZiPs 77
AnoitedOne 75
SeattyleCoug 75
jerseyhawkfan 75
Las Vegas 74.5
Fangraphs 73
Duders 72
PolarVortex 68
There is always a capital gains push but it’s always pushed as a tax on the wealthy. A tax on the wealthy is fine and all but it’s unconstitutional according to our Washington State constitution. If the Washington State Supreme Court somehow rule that’s it’s ok then an income tax is next. That’s the head tax was fought against so bad by people who wouldn’t have been affected by it. It is exactly how I was saying there is a push to get minor victories through abortion with the end goal of having new precedent to over turn Roe V Wade.
Oh yeah I wasnt trying to call you out, sorry if it came off like that. I just mean there is no reason for Bruce to get much playing time. I like giving Bishop a shot because of his defense mainly and how it can help the pitching. I think that alone can benefit a pitching staff that doesnt miss a ton of bats.
Constitutional law isn't my specialty and without getting into the legalese of it, but you're right that if the Washington State Supreme Court is able to argue that "capital gains is different than the income specified in the constitution," they can just as easily flip a few years later and say "Well we taxed capital gains, that's income! Therefore it's constitutional."
I don't follow state politics aside from what I see on the Seattle Times, but you're right that it's a possibility. I still think would still be difficult to accomplish judicially and legislatively though.
In an ideal world I'd support a rather small income tax on the highest earners in the state, but it would need to be offset by a reduction in other taxes. Unfortunately that wouldn't happen and allowing an income tax could possibly lead to a slippery slope of higher and higher taxes.
I just went back and looked at the Predictions thread to remember how many wins some of us predicted.
Cloud 162
Ulmax 85...but also 75
ZiPs 77
AnoitedOne 75
SeattyleCoug 75
jerseyhawkfan 75
Las Vegas 74.5
Fangraphs 73
Duders 72
PolarVortex 68
I just went back and looked at the Predictions thread to remember how many wins some of us predicted.
Cloud 162
Ulmax 85...but also 75
ZiPs 77
AnoitedOne 75
SeattyleCoug 75
jerseyhawkfan 75
Las Vegas 74.5
Fangraphs 73
Duders 72
PolarVortex 68
They are going to get worse (if that is even possible) when the fire sale starts. I expect Encarnacion, Leake, Santana, Beckham and Bruce all to be gone. Losing those guys will be good for the team in the long run but it will hurt us in the win column this year.I'd probably go closer to 70 if i had to guess now I can see another fake run in them maybe. I figured May would be brutal but not this brutal facing all solid teams basically