Sarcastic F-wad
Who said the small villages need to be white? Make Two Rivers dominated by Asians or Middle Easterners. Idgaf. But make the racial composition consistent so it it doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.It's only ridiculous if you think that shows should be dominated by white people. We all grew up expecting that so it can be jarring. But for the younger millenials and Gen Z people, it is more jarring when they see a overwhelmingly white cast. But ultimately, why does it matter what skin color the characters have?
So if you are a show runner that is trying to appeal to the 20 something crowd, it makes complete sense to have a diverse cast. It costs them nothing to do it, and will get them praise for doing so.
there was a commercial for something, I have idea what, about 15 years ago or so that amplified this issue. There were three kids playing some game in a bed room. A black kid, a Latino kid and an Asian kid, iirc. A white woman comes in and says something to them (probably delivering the tag line of the ad) and all the kids respond with something like “OK mom”.
Diversity in casting is great. I really don’t think ANYONE is saying different (except for the actual racist fucks on both sides - ONLY cast whites or cast anyone EXCEPT whites). I am just asking that the story dictate the casting, not a woke checklist. Casting Two Rivers, in a non-woke casting office, should have called for homogeny, not diversity. Conversely, casting for a city (or a port/trading village) should call for more diversity.