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The Urban Meyer announcement


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Apr 19, 2013
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I do find it ironic that both you and MnB are out ripping the guy's character when the only thing he's guilty of is not firing a guy. Seriously, that's what he's done wrong here. His discipline record at OSU otherwise has been damn near perfect, even you can admit that. What happened at UF is a UF thing - in case you haven't seen, every coach before and after Urban has MAJOR disciplinary issues. It's what happens in a toxic environment like Gainesville.

I've said since the beginning that if they found out Urban didn't follow through on his reporting duties or if there is any proof he influenced Courtney in not pressing charges or in any other way was implicit in actual domestic violence, he should be fired and brought up on charges himself. Clearly none of that happened, and the rest of this is just fluff that's getting absolutely blown out of proportion.

If Meyer didn’t have the words ‘honesty’ and ‘respect all women’ literally painted on the wall of his practice facility. I’d say absolutely nothing about his character.

He brought this backlash on himself by lying (or is this the misremembering because of medication) and then letting Smith get away with everything listed above from the report (many of them disrespecting women). That’s why I said he needs a new coat of paint in the practice facility.

I’d guess there are articles out there already saying exactly what I’ve said. Without the moral high ground stance he preaches about — this wouldn’t be but a blip. His own words are what turned this into a bigger deal than it needed to be.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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I do find it ironic that both you and MnB are out ripping the guy's character when the only thing he's guilty of is not firing a guy. Seriously, that's what he's done wrong here. His discipline record at OSU otherwise has been damn near perfect, even you can admit that. What happened at UF is a UF thing - in case you haven't seen, every coach before and after Urban has MAJOR disciplinary issues. It's what happens in a toxic environment like Gainesville.

I've said since the beginning that if they found out Urban didn't follow through on his reporting duties or if there is any proof he influenced Courtney in not pressing charges or in any other way was implicit in actual domestic violence, he should be fired and brought up on charges himself. Clearly none of that happened, and the rest of this is just fluff that's getting absolutely blown out of proportion.
I was ready to give him a free pass before that event last night, and was confused why he was suspended given what they actually said at that press conference, however you are entirely under reporting when he was guilty of.

This isn't the same as paying players or anything of that sort and there are FAR worse things high level coaches have done, but he covered for this guy for many years. He knew about the strip clubs and simply told me not to do it again. He failed to report his prior criminal record to Gene Smith and the school at the time of hiring him. He himself admitted to using his fondness for his grandfather to cloud his judgement and said he 'missed all sorts of red flags'. Then you have the weirdness of immediately asking how to delete his phone records the day before he gave his phone up for the investigation.

We can split hairs over did he lie, or simply gave false and misleading information. We can do the same over whether he covered up, or covered for this kid. There isn't that much difference. But the facts remain the same.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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If Meyer didn’t have the words ‘honesty’ and ‘respect all women’ literally painted on the wall of his practice facility. I’d say absolutely nothing about his character.

He brought this backlash on himself by lying (or is this the misremembering because of medication) and then letting Smith get away with everything listed above from the report (many of them disrespecting women). That’s why I said he needs a new coat of paint in the practice facility.

I’d guess there are articles out there already saying exactly what I’ve said. Without the moral high ground stance he preaches about — this wouldn’t be but a blip. His own words are what turned this into a bigger deal than it needed to be.
I think one problem is that Meyer still thinks she was not abused like the general public does. She has pictures but we dont know if that damage was due to her being on the attack.

For the sake of the school he should have fallen on his sword but he decided to "keep it real". He didnt believe she deserved an apology so he didnt.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
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I think one problem is that Meyer still thinks she was not abused like the general public does. She has pictures but we dont know if that damage was due to her being on the attack.

For the sake of the school he should have fallen on his sword but he decided to "keep it real". He didnt believe she deserved an apology so he didnt.

Yeah — that was painful to watch. I can’t believe prior to the news conference, OSU didn’t talk to him and make sure he’d apologize to her — thy knew it’d be one of the first questions.

He came off as smug and only caring about his own situation. (And that’s just being honest, no disrespect to OSU fans meant by that).


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Aug 24, 2016
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Maybe the root of Urban's problem lies in his upbringing in the Catholic Church - an institution that is known to turn a blind eye on atrocities committed by members of its heiarchy.


Iron Duke
Apr 25, 2013
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Maybe the root of Urban's problem lies in his upbringing in the Catholic Church - an institution that is known to turn a blind eye on atrocities committed by members of its heiarchy.



I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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And what he taught his Florida players, if you start losing, blame it on an illness.

Just think if he would have been a little bit more firm on Aaron Hernandez. Could have changed his life


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Aug 27, 2011
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Just think if he would have been a little bit more firm on Aaron Hernandez. Could have changed his life
I think Aaron had plenty of dudes that were "firm" with him.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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I think Aaron had plenty of dudes that were "firm" with him.

Look at you going straight to butt sechs. Do you know my friend @BigRedMoe ?? He’s more of a goat guy but if you have a beard he could make an exception I’m sure


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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Look at you going straight to butt sechs. Do you know my friend @BigRedMoe ?? He’s more of a goat guy but if you have a beard he could make an exception I’m sure
Nah, and I'll pass, but thanks for the offer, I think?


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Yeah — that was painful to watch. I can’t believe prior to the news conference, OSU didn’t talk to him and make sure he’d apologize to her — thy knew it’d be one of the first questions.

He came off as smug and only caring about his own situation. (And that’s just being honest, no disrespect to OSU fans meant by that).
I didnt get smug. What I got is someone who didn't think they are at fault and didn't hide the displeasure.


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Aug 22, 2018
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Wish Arky would have had the same AD and Pres back in the day. 3-4 game suspension for lying about a damn motorcycle wreck & we’d be much closer to the BCS-bowl we were with Patrino vs the toilet-bowl we are/we in with Bert Belima


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
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Ths is going to get so bad when the Dispatch uncovers that this was changed at the request of someone with an interest to protect the football team ... and the 14 day "investigation" failed to uncover it.

Yesterday the committee said that Gene and Urbs were in contact with Powell PD throughout the investigation. I think they said like 3 months. Powell PD not only unchecked "Arrest" but they also unchecked "Invest. pending" and conveniently didn't check either "Prosecution Declined" or "Closed".
Or did they, and that is in the reports that Chief Vest refuses to release to the Columbus Dispatch hiding behind the recent law that says they cannot release the info on an 'open' investigation. If it's closed, the law no longer applies and it would be available through FOIA.
Sure seems like they unchecked "Closed" at some point to Give the appearance it is still open to cover-up something.
Why would Gene and Urbs stop pursuing after a few months unless the investigation were "Closed"?
Chief Vest is on record stating the investigation is still open. Near 3 years later? Sure thing Chief.


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
Hoopla Cash
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Yea, thats what happens when you know the whole thing is a witch hunt. all of the sudden football coaches are supposed to be in charge of every assistant coaches marriage.......

Dude. Urbs admitted he'd been treating Zach Smith with kid gloves for ALL the reasons I'd listed that some of you OSU fans were giving countless BS emojis to.
Do I need to repost all the reasons Urbs was motivated to cover for Zach Smith?


^^ Privileged ^^
Jan 10, 2010
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He didn't tell Urban about his problems with the police in late 2017. He didn't tell him about the trespassing charge. He didn't tell him about the protection order. They learned about them from facebook. That is why he was fired, because he had already been warned not to hide this sort of thing.

How do you know Zach didn't tell Urbs.

Maybe that evidence was in the texts Urbs deleted?


Phantom Marine
Jul 25, 2013
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He was a terrible coach on the field. He was there because Meyer chose loyalty over doing the right thing.

If you need to sit there and believe Meyer is some horrible person for this, be my guest. I've certainly lost respect for him and it'll tarnish an otherwise stellar career. He deserved his punishment, and now we can move on. However, don't for a second think michigan is any cleaner than OSU with the shit you guys have had happen recently.

Maybe Urban didn't want to fire a guy who knows where all the bodies are buried. If so Urban is still making sure his bills are paid. Urban is shady as hell with the" Oh, I can't remember 2015 so it wasn't lying". Funny hw he couldn't answer things because of his memory but when word got out people might be looking he sure remembered about text messages he wouldn't want others to see. No way a married couple of 29 years who are as tight as they are not telling each other if someone in their close family and working relationship is saying her husband is abusing her. Not a chance in hell. Even if they don't think it's true they are still going to talk about it.
Another thing. Some of you think abuse is always easy to spot. Maybe he wasn't a hitter maybe he pushed her around grabbed her and threatened her. If you only think abuse is there when the woman has a black eye and broken ribs then you're going to miss seeing the other abused woman.
And I don't care what you ass backward cavemen think. It's not un manly to believe you shouldn't hit a woman or push her around. You're a fucking puss if you think thats part of being a man.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Awe it sounds like that rainbow is still hurting your little feelings. Little ones worry about the ratings.

Sorry I forgot what I said to you earlier. Please refresh my memory.. my medication makes me forget and spew all kinds of nonsense.



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Aug 24, 2016
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I said a few days back that I thought Urban would get a reprimand & a one- or two-week suspension. I think the three weeks is more appropriate. It was unclear whether he would be allowed on the practice field or in his office during that span. It's not much of a suspension if he is still allowed to oversee game preparations.

And I thought Shelly Meyer got off unscathed. She also failed to report what she was told through the proper channels & should have gotten some type of official reprimand & at least a week's suspension.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Oh no!! Not another rainbro!!

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Deep Creek

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Aug 26, 2015
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Wish Arky would have had the same AD and Pres back in the day. 3-4 game suspension for lying about a damn motorcycle wreck & we’d be much closer to the BCS-bowl we were with Patrino vs the toilet-bowl we are/we in with Bert Belima
Hey WPS. Long time no see.