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The Urban Meyer announcement

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
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Did you just say he chose loyalty over the program and winning?!?:pound:

Newsflash — Smith kept a job because he is/was a tremendous recruiter. I’m guessing Smith stayed with Meyer so long, because from the sound of it — he could do whatever the hell he wanted without fear of repercussion. How does an employed coach get accused of truancy and still have a job?!?!

If Harbaugh had that saying on the wall of a football building and preached about the moral high ground, etc and something like this happened to him — I’d be giving him the same shit. Meyer is the one with it in big bold letters in the practice facility. I’d be willing to guarantee over the next few days, you will see articles written about this exact same thing laughing at the hypocrisy of it — hell, I’m sure they are out there now.

It is only a secret to the blind faithful at OSU. Meyer has been shady for a long time. He kept it under wraps for a few at OSU, but the report just shows OSU was better at keep it a secret than UF.
He was a terrible coach on the field. He was there because Meyer chose loyalty over doing the right thing.

If you need to sit there and believe Meyer is some horrible person for this, be my guest. I've certainly lost respect for him and it'll tarnish an otherwise stellar career. He deserved his punishment, and now we can move on. However, don't for a second think michigan is any cleaner than OSU with the shit you guys have had happen recently.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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Yeah his fake outrage is amusing.
outraged? not outraged at all. This is funny, your biggest of who's who spent all day in a room to save their asses from a PR nightmare and came away with an even bigger problem. Take an unbiased look at what they are telling you, "Buckeye Nation" They are basically banking you'll buy such a lame story. Meyer's meds make him forgetful!?!? LOL

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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There might have been an internal investigation but the original statement made it look like a cover up had occurred. It was the butterfly flap that caused a hurricane.
That's absolutely fair.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I just ask Ohio to remember the media doing this to their beloved Buckeye football program come 2020. Remember don't believe their politics.

Do you really think everyone in the state of Ohio is an Ohio State fan? If so you're even goofier than I thought.


Oregon Is Faster
Sep 7, 2010
Eugene, OR
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Do you really think everyone in the state of Ohio is an Ohio State fan? If so you're even goofier than I thought.

Sorry please forgive me, I take medication that makes me goofy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
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He once again didn't choose very good words, but I'd bet he was told not to apologize so it wouldn't give her ammo in a lawsuit. They can't say sorry without leaving themselves open and Courtney is for sure the type to go after money.

Everything said by all of them was carefully worded. Meyer just isn't as quick on his feet with words.
Entirely possible.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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Sorry please forgive me, I take medication that makes me goofy.

Oh bullshit. You're been goofy for a helluva lot longer than this investigation. Nice try though.

Deep Creek

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Do you really think everyone in the state of Ohio is an Ohio State fan? If so you're even goofier than I thought.
Good point. I've lived in Texas my entire life and I hate the fucking Dallas Cowboys.

Ickey Shuffle

Do you have a minute to talk about Joe Burrow?
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Not angry or anything like that. I have my own concerns with my own team.

Pretty much the outcome I was expecting. He didn't abuse the poor girl himself.

Ickey Shuffle

Do you have a minute to talk about Joe Burrow?
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Do you really think everyone in the state of Ohio is an Ohio State fan? If so you're even goofier than I thought.


I'm more of a Michigan fan than a Ohio State fan if it comes down to it.

* Pukes *.


Jul 14, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 420.04
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Good point. I've lived in Texas my entire life and I hate the fucking Dallas Cowboys.

In NE Ohio there's always been a strong N.D. following do to all the Catholics in the area. Plus anyone that actually thinks all sports fans in any given state all root for the same team is should get his head checked. @OregonDucks go get your head checked!


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2011
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In NE Ohio there's always been a strong N.D. following do to all the Catholics in the area. Plus anyone that actually thinks all sports fans in any given state all root for the same team is should get his head checked. @OregonDucks go get your head checked!

Why, the prognosis is always the same, empty.


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He was a terrible coach on the field. He was there because Meyer chose loyalty over doing the right thing.

If you need to sit there and believe Meyer is some horrible person for this, be my guest. I've certainly lost respect for him and it'll tarnish an otherwise stellar career. He deserved his punishment, and now we can move on. However, don't for a second think michigan is any cleaner than OSU with the shit you guys have had happen recently.

I said Meyer was shady long before he ever signed on to be OSU’s coach. As I said — he is a tremendous coach, but the talk of the moral high ground and respecting women etc should disappear.

And you can believe he chose loyalty, but the only reason Smith kept a job so long and why he got away with so much is his recruiting abilities. He is one of, if not, the best recruiters on the staff — he has a ton of connections in Florida and won’t be easily replaced in that aspect. On the field coaching ability — that can easily be replaced. Elite recruiters aren’t easy to come.

And you can continue to try and drag Michigan football into this, but not sure why? Last time we got investigated was for RichRod and too much practice time or some shit?!?! And I literally said our coach is bat shit crazy and cut throat too. I even called that UM would get bit by the same injury bug that Saban had at Bama and Meyer had at OSU as he cleared roster spots. I called it the day he was hired and sure enough — UM had like 1-2 medical hardships before Harbaugh and we’ve had like 10 in 3+ years since. Only difference is — I admit he is being shady using a loophole to clear a roster spot, while OSU and Bama fans screamed they were legitimate injuries — I called it exactly what it was — getting rid of players he didn’t recruit and didn’t need to open roster spots for new recruits.

Just so you don’t think I’m bashing Meyer — ALL top coaches are shady. ALL top coaches are cut throat. It is the nature of the business. Some are more shady than others, while some try to pass themselves off as above that stuff. In the end though — they will all do whatever it takes to win. If I were getting paid millions to coach a game — id do the same thing

Old Lion

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain
Apr 18, 2013
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Meyer is the scarecrow - Needs a brain
Meyer is the Tin man - Needs a heart
Ohio State is the Lion - Needs courage
Buckeye Nation is Dorothy - Clueless

You going to take this shit @Tin Man and @Old Lion ?

Tin Man

Loquacious Constituent
Jul 14, 2014
Southern Piedmont
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Meyer is the Tin man - Needs a heart

You going to take this shit @Tin Man and @Old Lion ?

Hey now, Duckie, your kin warmed to the Tennesseans - enjoyed our hospitality in Knoxville and found us to be the best of guests in Eugene, so, I'll put this nicely - Urbs doesn't have the stuff to be a Tin Man. You go ahead and make all the jokes about scarecrows you want, but respect the pliable metal. We're all heart, M****r F****r!

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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I said Meyer was shady long before he ever signed on to be OSU’s coach. As I said — he is a tremendous coach, but the talk of the moral high ground and respecting women etc should disappear.

And you can believe he chose loyalty, but the only reason Smith kept a job so long and why he got away with so much is his recruiting abilities. He is one of, if not, the best recruiters on the staff — he has a ton of connections in Florida and won’t be easily replaced in that aspect. On the field coaching ability — that can easily be replaced. Elite recruiters aren’t easy to come.

And you can continue to try and drag Michigan football into this, but not sure why? Last time we got investigated was for RichRod and too much practice time or some shit?!?! And I literally said our coach is bat shit crazy and cut throat too. I even called that UM would get bit by the same injury bug that Saban had at Bama and Meyer had at OSU as he cleared roster spots. I called it the day he was hired and sure enough — UM had like 1-2 medical hardships before Harbaugh and we’ve had like 10 in 3+ years since. Only difference is — I admit he is being shady using a loophole to clear a roster spot, while OSU and Bama fans screamed they were legitimate injuries — I called it exactly what it was — getting rid of players he didn’t recruit and didn’t need to open roster spots for new recruits.

Just so you don’t think I’m bashing Meyer — ALL top coaches are shady. ALL top coaches are cut throat. It is the nature of the business. Some are more shady than others, while some try to pass themselves off as above that stuff. In the end though — they will all do whatever it takes to win. If I were getting paid millions to coach a game — id do the same thing
I do find it ironic that both you and MnB are out ripping the guy's character when the only thing he's guilty of is not firing a guy. Seriously, that's what he's done wrong here. His discipline record at OSU otherwise has been damn near perfect, even you can admit that. What happened at UF is a UF thing - in case you haven't seen, every coach before and after Urban has MAJOR disciplinary issues. It's what happens in a toxic environment like Gainesville.

I've said since the beginning that if they found out Urban didn't follow through on his reporting duties or if there is any proof he influenced Courtney in not pressing charges or in any other way was implicit in actual domestic violence, he should be fired and brought up on charges himself. Clearly none of that happened, and the rest of this is just fluff that's getting absolutely blown out of proportion.