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The return of Zeke


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Apr 17, 2013
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Do you really want to get into a show me yours argument with a team owning MORE hardware than your team.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. You ain't too bright are you?

Dude, you gotta be the last guy anyone in your life would ever wanna grab a beer with

Try to lighten up for once and laugh


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The only injury on offense that is killing them is a lack of Eli getting hurt. They lost with and without their three WR's

Simply in-accurate...The offensive line is laughable, the defense has gone from a solid unit to a digraceful one, and thats been since day one.....I know that Eli bothers a lot of people cause he has done twice what most fans will never get to celebrate once, but lets keep it real


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Simply in-accurate...The offensive line is laughable, the defense has gone from a solid unit to a digraceful one, and thats been since day one.....I know that Eli bothers a lot of people cause he has done twice what most fans will never get to celebrate once, but lets keep it real

Joe Montana won a lot of SB's too, but doesn't mean he is a good QB now. he doesn't actually bother me at all, he has just about single handedly taken the Giants right out of the East competition. If anything I'm grateful for him and hope he remains the Giants QB for years to come.


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Joe Montana won a lot of SB's too, but doesn't mean he is a good QB now. he doesn't actually bother me at all, he has just about single handedly taken the Giants right out of the East competition. If anything I'm grateful for him and hope he remains the Giants QB for years to come.

Like i said, thinking he has single handedly taken the Giants out of the East competition is simply wrong, and he obviously bothers you

Dont let it, Im sure you will have another Cowboy 10 win season, early exit January to celebrate, thats only something thats been happening since before the cell phone was invented


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As for the suspension, good. Get it started and get it over with. Serve your 6 games and still move forward with your lawsuit and fucking ruin Goodell and the NFL as we know it. Goodell already has one foot mostly in the grave, finish him.

I know some of you think Goodell is going to get ousted.....not going to happen. Jerry Jones is merely throwing a temper tantrum. He no longer has any say in this matter.....he was kicked off the compensation comittee a couple days ago.


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Like i said, thinking he has single handedly taken the Giants out of the East competition is simply wrong, and he obviously bothers you

Dont let it, Im sure you will have another Cowboy 10 win season, early exit January to celebrate, thats only something thats been happening since before the cell phone was invented

Yes, i'm bothered by a QB that can't throw and leads to losses. Keeps me up an night :pound:


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I know some of you think Goodell is going to get ousted.....not going to happen. Jerry Jones is merely throwing a temper tantrum. He no longer has any say in this matter.....he was kicked off the compensation comittee a couple days ago.

He wasn't part of the competition committee actually. And he stopped dealing with them because he hired a lawyer, so he pretty much has to stop talking to the other owners.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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It is possible but no. The reason for this is because all he would have to do is appeal to the Supreme Court. That is the one court that can say they will not hear the case and it is done. Zeke has a right to appeal and he has a right to have his day in court.
This same court denied Bradys appeal without excepting it to be looked at.

I'm no lawyer, and I dont pretend to be one, but yuo on the other hand, WELL?


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I know some of you think Goodell is going to get ousted.....not going to happen. Jerry Jones is merely throwing a temper tantrum. He no longer has any say in this matter.....he was kicked off the compensation comittee a couple days ago.

JJ by himself is not going to oust Goodell, but...he has influence and friends among other owners.

The real threat here is how much influence does Jerrah have in the room? He's not the only one that's not overly excited about Goodell being renewed.


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JJ by himself is not going to oust Goodell, but...he has influence and friends among other owners.

The real threat here is how much influence does Jerrah have in the room? He's not the only one that's not overly excited about Goodell being renewed.

I figure it is Jerry and Snyder leading the anti-Goodell pack. Kraft perhaps behind the scenes.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
Las Vegas, NV 89129
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Dude, you gotta be the last guy anyone in your life would ever wanna grab a beer with

Try to lighten up for once and laugh
Lighten up?
Says the guy shoving lame pics of Lombardis in the faces to those who have more.

If I ever stop in for a beer at your bar, I'll be sure to empty my bladder on a bar stool.


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This same court denied Bradys appeal without excepting it to be looked at.

I'm no lawyer, and I dont pretend to be one, but yuo on the other hand, WELL?

I never said I was a lawyer and in previous posts about this issue I even said I am not an expert so don't be a jackass. I am merely making an opinion just like you are.

Now on to the point at hand. They did have a hearing with he appellate court regarding the Tom Brady case. It was the NFL that filed an appeal because a previous judge threw out the suspension. There was a full hearing on this matter in the 2nd Court of Appeals. Tom Brady requested Re-Hearing of the case not new hearing and was denied. So you are wrong in that matter. An appeal on this would have had to go to the U.S. Supreme Court and Brady chose not to do that.


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I figure it is Jerry and Snyder leading the anti-Goodell pack. Kraft perhaps behind the scenes.

I can see that...PIT was the only team not to vote for the current CBA...I'm not sure if he's high on Art Jr's XMas list either.


I Support Law Enforcement.
Jul 17, 2013
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I never said I was a lawyer and in previous posts about this issue I even said I am not an expert so don't be a jackass. I am merely making an opinion just like you are.

Now on to the point at hand. They did have a hearing with he appellate court regarding the Tom Brady case. It was the NFL that filed an appeal because a previous judge threw out the suspension. There was a full hearing on this matter in the 2nd Court of Appeals. Tom Brady requested Re-Hearing of the case not new hearing and was denied. So you are wrong in that matter. An appeal on this would have had to go to the U.S. Supreme Court and Brady chose not to do that.

Fair enough, my stance from the get go is there is not enough evidence for suspension especially 6 games.
I've acknowledged chances are slim, but if any case can rip up the current CBA this is it.
At this point I'd like to see Zeke sit, then the court rule the NFL was wrong. The lawsuit against the NFL and Goodell will make the league better in the long run.

SU Nittany Tide

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I dont see the cowboys having any trouble without zeke. the nfc east is so weak this year
That's an odd statement. Eagles 8-1. Cowboys 5-3. Redskins 4-4 with a very tough schedule and just coming off a win at Seattle. One bad team in the division.

SU Nittany Tide

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Simply in-accurate...The offensive line is laughable, the defense has gone from a solid unit to a digraceful one, and thats been since day one.....I know that Eli bothers a lot of people cause he has done twice what most fans will never get to celebrate once, but lets keep it real
Eli bothers me because he has a career passer rating worse than Michael Vick and will probably get into the HOF.

SU Nittany Tide

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The news this morning is that the case will be looked at the next level on December 1 so he will definitely be suspended for four games and there is potential that could be the end of it. I'm guessing it is unlikely that it will be shortened to four games, but it could happen.


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Eli has two rings because of the DEFENSE

Let's stop lying about this. Eli hasn't done shit in his entire career outside of two games where he didn't fuck it up for his team. He got carried by a defense and good running game.

Only New Yorkers have a high opinion of Eli, the rest of us see what he actually is. A limited talent, turnover machine that's been blessed with good fortune to have 2 rings, and probably a HOF berth with HORRIBLE numbers.


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Fair enough, my stance from the get go is there is not enough evidence for suspension especially 6 games.
I've acknowledged chances are slim, but if any case can rip up the current CBA this is it.
At this point I'd like to see Zeke sit, then the court rule the NFL was wrong. The lawsuit against the NFL and Goodell will make the league better in the long run.

I personally think Goodell has way too much power. I also think the 6 game suspension was say too much. I believe something happened between Zeke and his accuser. I am not so clear on the particular facts like who started it. Zeke is more of a wrong place/wrong time scenario. Another big name in the game caught up in an issue. So he is the poster child going forward.