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The return of Zeke


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The news this morning is that the case will be looked at the next level on December 1 so he will definitely be suspended for four games and there is potential that could be the end of it. I'm guessing it is unlikely that it will be shortened to four games, but it could happen.

Thing is, if they had made it 3 or 4 games I don't think Jerry or Zeke would have fought this so hard. 6 games was a clear over reach given they don't have any proof of wrongdoing or even a realistic case. They just DECIDED to make Zeke the poster boy for DV, on a very WEAK case. Unfortunately I don't think the league office will learn anything from this fuckup

SU Nittany Tide

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Eli has two rings because of the DEFENSE

Let's stop lying about this. Eli hasn't done shit in his entire career outside of two games where he didn't fuck it up for his team. He got carried by a defense and good running game.

Only New Yorkers have a high opinion of Eli, the rest of us see what he actually is. A limited talent, turnover machine that's been blessed with good fortune to have 2 rings, and probably a HOF berth with HORRIBLE numbers.
That and blindly chucking it up to his #4 receiver in triple coverage who then went on to catch it on his helmet.

In 2007 the average score of a Patriots game was 37-17. The Giants beat them 17-14 and it was because of the QB according to most people.

SU Nittany Tide

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I personally think Goodell has way too much power. I also think the 6 game suspension was say too much. I believe something happened between Zeke and his accuser. I am not so clear on the particular facts like who started it. Zeke is more of a wrong place/wrong time scenario. Another big name in the game caught up in an issue. So he is the poster child going forward.
The league wanted to get rid of the gray area and look tough so domestic abuse is six games regardless. It either had to be six games or zero based on that.


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The league wanted to get rid of the gray area and look tough so domestic abuse is six games regardless. It either had to be six games or zero based on that.

Fair point and I truly understand it. While I think 6 games was too much the rule does call for it. It is put in so asshats like Josh Brown does not get away with a slap on the wrist because they are good at hiding the abuse they commit.


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Thing is, if they had made it 3 or 4 games I don't think Jerry or Zeke would have fought this so hard. 6 games was a clear over reach given they don't have any proof of wrongdoing or even a realistic case. They just DECIDED to make Zeke the poster boy for DV, on a very WEAK case. Unfortunately I don't think the league office will learn anything from this fuckup

League could have said "we find nothing in the DV case, but the other issues like excessive speeding + pulling hte top down + bar fight leads us to suspend Zeke 4 games" then reduce it in appeal to 2 or 3. Everyone would have been happy with that. Zeke isn't branded a woman beater (which hurts his ability to sign spokesman deals), the NFL gets to suspend a player they obviously want to, and Roger doesn't have to deal with the DV crap.


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League could have said "we find nothing in the DV case, but the other issues like excessive speeding + pulling hte top down + bar fight leads us to suspend Zeke 4 games" then reduce it in appeal to 2 or 3. Everyone would have been happy with that. Zeke isn't branded a woman beater (which hurts his ability to sign spokesman deals), the NFL gets to suspend a player they obviously want to, and Roger doesn't have to deal with the DV crap.

That's the thing. The NFL could care less about Zeke's reputation. They care about the NFL only. The owners are for themselves and the amount of money they can make. The only owner that really gives is shit abou Zeke is Jerry Jones. Just like the only owner that gave a shit about Brady was Kraft. Jones sure in the hell did not. He defended Goodell during deflategate.


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That's the thing. The NFL could care less about Zeke's reputation. They care about the NFL only. The owners are for themselves and the amount of money they can make. The only owner that really gives is shit abou Zeke is Jerry Jones. Just like the only owner that gave a shit about Brady was Kraft. Jones sure in the hell did not. He defended Goodell during deflategate.

But Jerry has nothing to lose now. he has achieved everything in the NFL he wants, so if he has to torch the place he will. He should have torn everything down back in the uncapped year bullshit, but he played nice because it was still in his best interest. now? Well he has a team that can't be taken away and he is in the HoF. What can the NFL do to him for suing them? Nothing.


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with or without Zeke this week, is anyone else surprised the Falcons are favored over the Cowboys by 3 points? The Falcons have looked very unimpressive to me and the Cowboys seem to be catching fire ... not sure what I'm missing ... (which probably means the Falcons will win by 3 touchdowns)


I Support Law Enforcement.
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I personally think Goodell has way too much power. I also think the 6 game suspension was say too much. I believe something happened between Zeke and his accuser. I am not so clear on the particular facts like who started it. Zeke is more of a wrong place/wrong time scenario. Another big name in the game caught up in an issue. So he is the poster child going forward.
No problem with this thinking. No way can I say nothing happened and I'm a where there's smoke there's fire persob, just theres I trust any words thus girl utters.


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with or without Zeke this week, is anyone else surprised the Falcons are favored over the Cowboys by 3 points? The Falcons have looked very unimpressive to me and the Cowboys seem to be catching fire ... not sure what I'm missing ... (which probably means the Falcons will win by 3 touchdowns)
Doesn't that mean it is a push, with the home team getting 3?


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Doesn't that mean it is a push, with the home team getting 3?

Basically. The Falcons are soft against the run. They haven't played but ONE solid game this entire season and that was against Green Bay. They could easily be 1-7 right now.


I Support Law Enforcement.
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The league wanted to get rid of the gray area and look tough so domestic abuse is six games regardless. It either had to be six games or zero based on that.

Problem is post the league calling for automatic 6 game suspensions the league continued to slap wrists with more public evidence than we know with Zeke.
Hell there's two others right now playing in which the league has said no problem to with evidence equal to Zeke.
If they're going to act tough they need to be consistent.


I Support Law Enforcement.
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with or without Zeke this week, is anyone else surprised the Falcons are favored over the Cowboys by 3 points? The Falcons have looked very unimpressive to me and the Cowboys seem to be catching fire ... not sure what I'm missing ... (which probably means the Falcons will win by 3 touchdowns)
Atl is a good team and their home, no problem this the line.


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That's an odd statement. Eagles 8-1. Cowboys 5-3. Redskins 4-4 with a very tough schedule and just coming off a win at Seattle. One bad team in the division.
I forgot about philly


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with or without Zeke this week, is anyone else surprised the Falcons are favored over the Cowboys by 3 points? The Falcons have looked very unimpressive to me and the Cowboys seem to be catching fire ... not sure what I'm missing ... (which probably means the Falcons will win by 3 touchdowns)

If I was in Vegas I'd put a hundred on Dallas and the money line.


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The league wanted to get rid of the gray area and look tough so domestic abuse is six games regardless. It either had to be six games or zero based on that.

This is going to be interesting because I'm not sure if we've ever seen a player docked 6 games for an offense w/o ANY HARD evidence.

Given the league has created this hard line stance...I guess they felt they couldn't wimp out and go with nothing and have another Rice video on their hands 6 mos from now so they are swinging for the fences on this one.

I don't expect it, but I wouldn't be shocked to see a defamation lawsuit if he sits 6 games.


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This is going to be interesting because I'm not sure if we've ever seen a player docked 6 games for an offense w/o ANY HARD evidence.

Given the league has created this hard line stance...I guess they felt they couldn't wimp out and go with nothing and have another Rice video on their hands 6 mos from now so they are swinging for the fences on this one.

I don't expect it, but I wouldn't be shocked to see a defamation lawsuit if he sits 6 games.

That's the thing. We are assuming that there is no hard evidence. No one knows what the NFL has.

There will be no defamation suit. The NFL is not making a claim that he is this or that type of person. They are suspending him based on the CBA and the rules of that do not require the same amount of proof as a criminal investigation.


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No problem with this thinking. No way can I say nothing happened and I'm a where there's smoke there's fire persob, just theres I trust any words thus girl utters.

I can accept that but Zeke has credibility issues as well.