I do need to find a new avatar, any suggestions? And with my obvious distain for everything Mike Leach it's fairly easy to tell it's me. Most Coug fans are sipping the Leach juice because he "led" the comeback against UW in the AC even though Tuel completely went back to using Wulff's offense during that comeback.
Not a bad place to start. Hard to find an unspoiled coug. They all put out on first sight.
I won't take wazzy seriously until he gets his trademark space needle avatar up.
I'm more into brunettes. But since I suppose, if I must.
The Cougs would always have a game in Seattle and UW and WSU would have "Seattle week" where schools to raise money for whatever charity/foundation or cause and the winner got to fly their banner on the space needle.
Most Coug fans are on a different site but I'm considered a troll because I don't worship at the feet of Mike Leach.
I can say most UW fans never respected rick neuheisl. Always thought he was a weasel. We did grow to accept him to some degree when he brought winning seasons and a rose bowl win, but he never gained our respect.
I'd imagine the same will be true for wazzy and his ilk. Even if Leach somehow finds a way to build a team and maybe even win a RB, I doubt he suddenly starts liking the guy. I may pick on my neighbors a bit, but I respect fans who want more for their team and Leach does bring a lot of baggage and has done some odd things so far.
Shoktart sighting...