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The PAC12 THREAD v.2

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John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
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Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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Spending $100m + on a weight room and $40m + on a building dedicated to tutoring student athletes (i.e. football and basketball players) is money well spent??? Are you fucking retard???

Again you fucking idiot, whose money is it? Taxpayers, school bonds, or a donor's money? If you want to complain about where people spend their own money, the communist forum is over there>>>>>>>

Phil Knight also paid for and built the library on campus as well as the law school, several parts of the business school and other buildings around campus. Grow up and get over it. He gives a lot of money to your school as well. Are you also going to complain about the millions he gave to Stanford, or the 500 million he has pledged to OHSU for cancer research?

Get over it dude. If you don't like it, donate your money to UW and help them build. I don't see you complaining about how Ohio State, Alabama, Michigan, Nebraska, or even Tennessee, all of which have similar facilities.

You sit and pretend to be all about academics and education, but all you do is bitch about Oregon and how they overspend. Well, at least all of our shit is paid for, unlike yours. Keep buying tickets and repaying that debt. A few more shitty seasons and you will be cursing those bonds.


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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Spending money on a stadium is one thing. I have no issue with the UW spending $280m on a stadium renovation. But spending $100m+ on a weight room? Another $40m on an athlete tutoring building? Come on now.

The Huskies did not go over the top with the renovation like Oregon does on their facilities. I'm just waiting for the day that Knight personally funds a renovation of Autzen and puts in gold urinals and replaces the toilet paper with University of Oregon degrees.

Just more jelly from Husky fan. You do realize that what Oregon did is on par with what other elite program have right? Yes we have the latest and greatest, but look around you. Look at all the SEC facilities, look at Oklahoma, USC, Texas, etc. The only difference is we just did ours. USC just spent 70 million a few years ago. Oklahoma 65 million. TAMU 69 million. OK State 80 million. List goes on and on. In a few years, what Oregon did will be a blip on the radar for other programs. Its called progression.

Our new Death Star is not just a weight room, it is a complete facility. Did you ever see the Casanova center? It was 30 years out of date.

Your jealousy is obvious, even if you try and disguise it dude. anyone who uses the "academics is more important" card is just a fool when it comes to this argument. This is CFB. Money is important. Get over it.


Aug 21, 2013
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On the topic of recruiting ASU just got a Will Sutton clone. 4 star DT Tashon Smallwood :yahoo:

Also got our own Miles Jack yesterday. Kalen Ballage, 6'2'' 214 runs a 4.37 40. Will most likely play RB as that's a bigger position of need but I'd really like to see him play LB.
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Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
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Again you fucking idiot, whose money is it? Taxpayers, school bonds, or a donor's money? If you want to complain about where people spend their own money, the communist forum is over there>>>>>>>

Phil Knight also paid for and built the library on campus as well as the law school, several parts of the business school and other buildings around campus. Grow up and get over it. He gives a lot of money to your school as well. Are you also going to complain about the millions he gave to Stanford, or the 500 million he has pledged to OHSU for cancer research?

Get over it dude. If you don't like it, donate your money to UW and help them build. I don't see you complaining about how Ohio State, Alabama, Michigan, Nebraska, or even Tennessee, all of which have similar facilities.

You sit and pretend to be all about academics and education, but all you do is bitch about Oregon and how they overspend. Well, at least all of our shit is paid for, unlike yours. Keep buying tickets and repaying that debt. A few more shitty seasons and you will be cursing those bonds.

So you're saying that it is okay to spend $100m on a glorified gym, and $40m on a fucking tutoring building for athletes? Is the University of Oregon a school that has a football team or a football team with a school? Might as well change your name to University of Football because that is obviously the only thing Oregon cares about. Little do you or your little flock of sheep realize that football is just a game, it is entertainment. Yet you spend hundreds of millions of dollars to pamper your little cry baby athletes.

The University of Oregon does not give a shit about actually educating its students or helping them graduate debt free. All that they are concerned about is pouring every dime possible into the football team.

Phil Knight stands for everything that is wrong in college football and the fact that you think that money is "well spent" shows how stupid you are. You think that $100m weight room will bring the school $100m in returns? You think that $100m weight room makes the region a better place? Sure it stimulated some economic activity by creating construction jobs but nothing a $20m weight room could not have done.

By saying that Phil Knight spent his money wisely either demonstrates your imbecilic nature or shows that you put more priority on how the football team does than the actual progression of the school and the environment created for the students.

How can you be proud of a school that obviously values football over its students and faculty? Is this a school or a semi-pro football team?

Phil Knight also paid for and built the library on campus as well as the law school, several parts of the business school and other buildings around campus.

Give me a break. His contributions to the sports teams highly outweigh the amount he has contributed to the school itself.

He cares more about his favorite team winning games than actually helping the school and its students.

If you're okay with college football turning into the equivalent of the minor leagues for the NFL go ahead and just state that and we have nothing to talk about.

Not Neutral

Cross Member
Apr 28, 2013
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On the topic of recruiting ASU just got a Will Sutton clone. 4 star DT Tashon Smallwood

Also got our own Miles Jack yesterday. Kalen Ballage, 6'2'' 214 runs a 4.37 40. Will most likely play RB as that's a bigger position of need but I'd really like to see him play LB.



Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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Seahawks fan giving us his lecture on academics versus football.....gimme a fucking break dude...who gives a shit....this is a football forum. Go start a thread about what is wrong with CFB, and let me know how that goes for you. CFB is entertainment for me and 99.9% of others who watch it. For you it sounds like a cause. Were you cut from a team or something? Let me guess, all that time you spent in the classroom, and you never competed in anything? And you get jealous when world class athletes earn millions more than you? Get over it man. You act like UW student athletes are so far above Oregon's. Ever heard Keith Price speak before? He can barely put a sentence together. UW education hard at work. Good thing he stayed all 4 years huh? Maybe if you had a 40 million dollar athlete tutoring center he could actually talk. Just sayin.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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Just more jelly from Husky fan. You do realize that what Oregon did is on par with what other elite program have right? Yes we have the latest and greatest, but look around you. Look at all the SEC facilities, look at Oklahoma, USC, Texas, etc. The only difference is we just did ours. USC just spent 70 million a few years ago. Oklahoma 65 million. TAMU 69 million. OK State 80 million. List goes on and on. In a few years, what Oregon did will be a blip on the radar for other programs. Its called progression.

Our new Death Star is not just a weight room, it is a complete facility. Did you ever see the Casanova center? It was 30 years out of date.

Your jealousy is obvious, even if you try and disguise it dude. anyone who uses the "academics is more important" card is just a fool when it comes to this argument. This is CFB. Money is important. Get over it.

Jealousy? Yeah jealous of a subpar school that looks more like a football team with a school attached to it than a school with a football team.

I recall Mamba saying Oregon's facility ended up costing more than $100m. You could have easily matched USC (Despite not being USC or having USC money, but that is a completely different discussion) and saved $30m and done something useful with it.

Money is important but you don't think spending $100m+ on a fucking weight room for college athletes is too much? Give me a break dude. I can at least understand the justification of saying "Well these other teams are doing it", but do you think it is okay? That these college athletes are being spoiled and pampered like little children?

In a few years, what Oregon did will be a blip on the radar for other programs. Its called progression.

Progression... So spending more and more money on athletic facilities is progression? I think you've got the definitions of regression and progression confused. Seriously is this where we are at as a society today? Where we spend $100m+ on a training facility for "college athletes" so they can entertain us on a football field? For fucks sake give me a squat rack, a patch of grass, some dumbbells, a football and a barbell and I'm good to go man.


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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Spending money on a stadium is one thing. I have no issue with the UW spending $280m on a stadium renovation. But spending $100m+ on a weight room? Another $40m on an athlete tutoring building? Come on now.

The Huskies did not go over the top with the renovation like Oregon does on their facilities. I'm just waiting for the day that Knight personally funds a renovation of Autzen and puts in gold urinals and replaces the toilet paper with University of Oregon degrees.

Your arguments are full of holes dude. You talk about what is wrong with CFB and yet you are OK with University backed bonds being used for a 280 million dollar stadium renovation? If you are a lawyer, you are a shitty one. Case closed. You defeated your own argument smart guy. Tell me, what happens to those bonds if something goes wrong?

What happens if something goes wrong at Oregon? Phil Knight gets mad? Will the University be hurt? No. Will taxpayers or students be hurt? No.

Your argument is weak. Try again.


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Jealousy? Yeah jealous of a subpar school that looks more like a football team with a school attached to it than a school with a football team.

I recall Mamba saying Oregon's facility ended up costing more than $100m. You could have easily matched USC (Despite not being USC or having USC money, but that is a completely different discussion) and saved $30m and done something useful with it.

Money is important but you don't think spending $100m+ on a fucking weight room for college athletes is too much? Give me a break dude. I can at least understand the justification of saying "Well these other teams are doing it", but do you think it is okay? That these college athletes are being spoiled and pampered like little children?

Progression... So spending more and more money on athletic facilities is progression? I think you've got the definitions of regression and progression confused. Seriously is this where we are at as a society today? Where we spend $100m+ on a training facility for "college athletes" so they can entertain us on a football field? For fucks sake give me a squat rack, a patch of grass, some dumbbells, a football and a barbell and I'm good to go man.

So tell me dipshit, what do you do for entertainment? Watch football? Enjoy the entertainment that these world class athletes give you? Enjoy the sound of Seahawk stadium all cheering for these guys? Give it up dude. You are no different than the rest. Your username says it all.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Really? Picking on Price as though he was an idiot? THAT'S what you are reduced to now? :L Holy fuck there is no help for you. None.

That and probably a racist.


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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Really? Picking on Price as though he was an idiot? THAT'S what you are reduced to now? :L Holy fuck there is no help for you. None.

That and probably a racist.

Low blow dude. Calling me a racist. Low fucking blow. Fuck off Wiz.


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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Really? Picking on Price as though he was an idiot? THAT'S what you are reduced to now? :L Holy fuck there is no help for you. None.

That and probably a racist.

You should be banned for that shit. You have no fucking clue who I am or where I am from or even what color I am. Fuck you and everything about you, calling me a racist.


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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As if calling Oregon football players Thugs is not racist dude? I didn't even call you out for that shit. You are a fucking tool. Tell me asshole, what does the word Thug imply?


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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You pick on a black QB's accent. I said that could probably make you a racist. If that offends you then you can go fuck straight off yourself. Or simply retract it and man up, but I doubt that happens. Ban me? Go for it. Hit your bro up and make it happen. I fucking dare you. Punk ass bitch.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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FB is entertainment for me and 99.9% of others who watch it.

Do you know why the Romans built the Colosseum? It was to entertain and distract the people from all of the problems that plagued their society. By attending events at the Colosseum it distracted the people from the poor lives most of them had. But I'm sure you won't be able to comprehend the comparison I am making.

Were you cut from a team or something? Let me guess, all that time you spent in the classroom, and you never competed in anything?

I have played sports my entire life. I walked on for the UW football team and I was cut, but that does not bother me. But it was a great experience, it made me have a massive amount of respect for the athletic ability these guys have. The game moves so much faster at the college level. Even the bigger guys move so fast.

All that time I spent in the classroom allowed me to attend one of the greatest law schools in the world. My hard work "spending all that time in the classroom" has given me an amazing job that pays more in one year than you likely make in a decade with your Oregon diploma in Women's studies. Although I may be giving you too much credit, for all I know you may not have even attended Oregon.

And you get jealous when world class athletes earn millions more than you? Get over it man.

What...? Where did you deduce this from...? Reading comprehension is not your strong suit bro. To reiterate: I have a problem with treating student athletes like pros. I'm sure we all have a certain level of jealousy when it comes to world class athletes. Most of those guys worked their asses off to get where they are at but doesn't mean most of us would not trade spots with them in a second. Does not mean I'm bitter about it though, not sure where you got that from.

You act like UW student athletes are so far above Oregon's.

Where did I say that? I simply said I had a problem with Oregon dumping so much money into a weight room and "student athlete center" that Oregon students are not even allowed inside the 2nd or 3rd floors of. That is just ridiculous.

Maybe if you had a 40 million dollar athlete tutoring center he could actually talk. Just sayin.

Sure helped Colt Lyerla with those decision making skills eh? Oregon's graduation rate is lower than UW's. So nice try. That $40 million hard at work. You should be proud. I'm sure a nice new building dedicated to athletes sure improves their study habits.

I'm really trying to think of a word that accurately describes you. Moron, idiot, imbecile and retard would honestly be a step up for you.

Please do the world a favor and don't breed.


Resident Fake Asian!
May 12, 2013
In the PacificNorthwest
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You pick on a black QB's accent. I said that could probably make you a racist. If that offends you then you can go fuck straight off yourself. Or simply retract it and man up, but I doubt that happens. Ban me? Go for it. Hit your bro up and make it happen. I fucking dare you. Punk ass bitch.

Hey Wiz, you doing ok? Lets skip the whole "ban talk" for a while fella's :suds:


Blocked, Ignored, and Hated in equal parts (12)
Aug 9, 2013
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You pick on a black QB's accent. I said that could probably make you a racist. If that offends you then you can go fuck straight off yourself. Or simply retract it and man up, but I doubt that happens. Ban me? Go for it. Hit your bro up and make it happen. I fucking dare you. Punk ass bitch.

We all know what you are saying. You have no clue. You don't know me at all, do you know what color I am? I made a simple crack on KP, and you call it racist. This is what is wrong with people like you, you live in a shell, you have no fuckng clue. I made absolutely no insult on the guys race, color, or anything else. I simply called him stupid. I dont care what fucking color he is. John Boyett is a fucking idiot, does that make me a racist? Colt Lyerla is a fucking moron and talks like an idiot, am I a racist now? Dude can barely speak.

You are the punk ass, fuck off. Calling someone a racist with no fucking grounds is wrong dude, man up and apologize.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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Ducks and Huskies dont like each other.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
Hoopla Cash
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Your arguments are full of holes dude. You talk about what is wrong with CFB and yet you are OK with University backed bonds being used for a 280 million dollar stadium renovation? If you are a lawyer, you are a shitty one. Case closed. You defeated your own argument smart guy. Tell me, what happens to those bonds if something goes wrong?

What happens if something goes wrong at Oregon? Phil Knight gets mad? Will the University be hurt? No. Will taxpayers or students be hurt? No.

Your argument is weak. Try again.

A $280m stadium renovation brings the school money. Not to mention it included countless safety improvements to the stadium. A renovation had to be done. It added suites (which increases revenue) and now Husky Stadium is a lot nicer for the 70,000 people who attend the games.

Renovating Husky stadium benefits the school with increased revenue and the community by fixing safety concerns.

Building an extravagant weight room does not benefit the University of Oregon or provide any type of return on investment.

You obviously cannot comprehend that a $100m training facility does not bring Oregon $100m in returns.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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Just as I thought. Not willing to take it back. If it fits it fits.

Fuck off. I'm done with you.
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