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The Master Vent Thread-Negativity Within-Enter at Your Own Risk


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Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He was actually standing up for Snisher IMO, yes he mentions Sam but Sam was a piece involved in the trade he was talking about so it makes since that he references Sam, just like you have referenced him numerous times here in your post.

I honestly think it's time for us all to move on but I'm not sure if either of you two can.

Yep you are right yet again, Houston was a team in shambles, sorry but when you have the weapons that they had and you can't get them the ball, I'm thinking it's the QB's fault!

As far as me being enamoured with Sammie, try again, I'm done with him, I only make a comment when Coug or anyone else brings up some other asinine statement or reference to him!

Most of yiur last post was just a bunch of blah blah blah, said nothing!

You can say I keep bringing up Sammie all Yiu want, but the only time is when Ciug says something stupid about him and then Yiu have to back him up, because you are the Only one that does ? I used to think that Coug was actually Sam Bradford, I'm beginning to think youare Coug!

I'd be more than glad to heed what you said and quit talking about him, but maybe you and Coug should get together and you can tell him to give up the Sammie references, he is no longer with us, he is not our QB, he is irrelevant!

I enjoy almost every other posts that you make in here Vita, but your backing of Cougs views on this "bust" of a QB make no sense!

Most teams are screwed if they have to go to their backup QB for more than a few games. There are some exceptions of course but there is usually a good reason why these guys are backing up a starter in the NFL.

Pure speculation on your part, none of us can say one way or another what would or wouldn't have happened. To me this is about as lame as Coug stating if Sammie was healthy we would have won the Super Bowl last year. LOL!

Again, you two need to move on. One thing though, Coug is talking about the trade and your still stuck on 'woulda, coulda, shoulda'.

First of all your hate is strong. We traded a 7th rounder for Case, remember? That is the true measure of these guys for the now. And somehow you neglect the fact that Davis was pulled for a QB you think very little of in Hill. Just proves the point that Win/Loss isn't what dictates the value of a QB. Disagree, than why didn't the Rams sign Davis to a longer deal when they had a chance? They could have traded Davis away this off season since they obviously didn't value him over Hill? I'll tell you why, it's because he has no trade value, so his 'winning percentage' means squat!

I never compared these two, I only talked about Keenum's college since you said he had only one good year. This is what I mean by you being enamored with Sam. You can't get this guy out of your head! I said he beats out your boy Davis for the No. 2 spot.

Case having several great years in college was my orginal point when you said Case had 'a great year in college, when you compared him to Sam (The guy you can't stop thinking about and said all off season that he only had one good college season) saying they both had a great year in college.

Everybody knows that Case was thrown to the Wolves that year and Houston, who was expected to push for a SB that year, was in shambles that year. Both Case & the Vet Schaub struggled with that 2013 team. That team was a dumpster fire that season, put all the lipstick on that pig you want but you put too much value on winning and losing for the QB when it's actually a team stat.

Do what you must, I don't care but IMO we all just should move on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He was actually standing up for Snisher IMO, yes he mentions Sam but Sam was a piece involved in the trade he was talking about so it makes since that he references Sam, just like you have referenced him numerous times here in your post.

I honestly think it's time for us all to move on but I'm not sure if either of you two can.

Most teams are screwed if they have to go to their backup QB for more than a few games. There are some exceptions of course but there is usually a good reason why these guys are backing up a starter in the NFL.

Pure speculation on your part, none of us can say one way or another what would or wouldn't have happened. To me this is about as lame as Coug stating if Sammie was healthy we would have won the Super Bowl last year. LOL!

Again, you two need to move on. One thing though, Coug is talking about the trade and your still stuck on 'woulda, coulda, shoulda'.

First of all your hate is strong. We traded a 7th rounder for Case, remember? That is the true measure of these guys for
the now. And somehow you neglect the fact that Davis was pulled for a QB you think very little of in Hill. Just proves the point that Win/Loss isn't what dictates the value of a QB. Disagree, than why didn't the Rams sign Davis to a longer deal when they had a chance? They could have traded Davis away this off season since they obviously didn't value him over Hill? I'll tell you why, it's because he has no trade value, so his 'winning percentage' means squat!

I never compared these two, I only talked about Keenum's college since you said he had only one good year. This is what I mean by you being enamored with Sam. You can't get this guy out of your head! I said he beats out your boy Davis for the No. 2 spot.

Case having several great years in college was my orginal point when you said Case had 'a great year in college, when you compared him to Sam (The guy you can't stop thinking about and said all off season that he only had one good college season) saying they both had a great year in college.

Everybody knows that Case was thrown to the Wolves that year and Houston, who was expected to push for a SB that year, was in shambles that year. Both Case & the Vet Schaub struggled with that 2013 team. That team was a dumpster fire that season, put all the lipstick on that pig you want but you put too much value on winning and losing for the QB
when it's actually a team stat.

Do what you must, I don't care but IMO we all just should move on.

Your statement that Houston was a team in shambles is ridiculous, any decent QB could have put up good numbers with the weapons they had!

I will continue to rip Coug or anyone else in here who constantly brings up Bradford, contrary to your delusional beliefs "I don't bring him up" I only do it in response to some asinine comment or statement that refers to Sammies!

So I'm more than willing to heed your request to drop the Sammie talk, that all falls on your boy Coug, the guy is out of control, the Sammie banter never, ever ends with him! And you continue to back him up and you are the only one that
does, I think that in itself says something?

I enjoy almost all your other posts in here Vita, but your backage of Coug, makes no sense, most of the time!


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hate to stoke the fire, but I think we're finally seeing the full picture here when it concerns Bradford. Apparently he had been considering retirement this off-season and Josh Heupel talked him out of it. Philly can't be too thrilled about hearing this story after trading for him...

College coach talked Sam Bradford out of quitting NFL - NFL.com
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Apr 17, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
Hoopla Cash
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That would make sense. He got his millions. Why go through the meat-grinder and "fan appreciation tour" he is going to go through in Philadelphia?


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That would make sense. He got his millions. Why go through the meat-grinder and "fan appreciation tour" he is going to go through in Philadelphia?

Couldn't agree more. Heupel should really stay out of it. I know he was the guys coach years ago, but he's not the one who has to go back in there and take the hits. It's easy to say "oh yeah, go for it", it's real different when you have 6' 7, 300lb lineman bearing down on you wanting to crush you. Seriously, why take the risk when you're already loaded with dough? Is it worth possibly being handicapped for life?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I'll betcha that there is a very good chance that he still quits the NFL.

My guess is the he will get injured again or just wont be able to handle the Philly pressure and then quit at the end of the 2015 season. That way he will still get paid. IMO he is just looking to finish the last year of his bloated contract with some team. Then his career will be over. He wasn't willing to help any team with a pay cut. He's was "Bulgerized" a long time ago. Thank god the Eagles were stupid enough to take him away!

Right now all the Eagles are doing is surrounding him with people that he is familiar with or who he played with before, hoping that he will regain his college form. What they don't realize is he is too scared to play, he doesn't have that killer instinct(never did). Once they realize this......OH BOY, its all over for Sammy Blammy and Chip! Heck they probably made arrangements to take Sammy's $$ and move to a tropical island and spend the rest of their lives together! :suds:


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Hate to stoke the fire, but I think we're finally seeing the full picture here when it concerns Bradford. Apparently he had been considering retirement this off-season and Josh Heupel talked him out of it. Philly can't be too thrilled about hearing this story after trading for him...

College coach talked Sam Bradford out of quitting NFL - NFL.com

That is old news sam said in a press conference after his second knee blow out he thought about retiring. But then realized he loved ghe game to much. Who wouldn't consider retiring after he just went thru that rehab and was facing it again?

If he blows out his knee in philly he will retire there would be no point in him coming back. I love how you guys try to act like he isn't tough or something. He could have retired after the first one but he battled back only to have it happen again. Then to go thru all of that rehab over again and try to come back from that is one tough dude.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Your statement that Houston was a team in shambles is ridiculous, any decent QB could have put up good numbers with the weapons they had!

I will continue to rip Coug or anyone else in here who constantly brings up Bradford, contrary to your delusional beliefs "I don't bring him up" I only do it in response to some asinine comment or statement that refers to Sammies!

So I'm more than willing to heed your request to drop the Sammie talk, that all falls on your boy Coug, the guy is out of control, the Sammie banter never, ever ends with him! And you continue to back him up and you are the only one that
does, I think that in itself says something?

I enjoy almost all your other posts in here Vita, but your backage of Coug, makes no sense, most of the time!

Says the guy who can't make up his mind if he right or wrong. But says he won't concede. Then he does but not really lol

Everything Vita says makes sense your just to hard headed Smed. Your hate is just to strong. :nono:


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Your statement that Houston was a team in shambles is ridiculous, any decent QB could have put up good numbers with the weapons they had!

I will continue to rip Coug or anyone else in here who constantly brings up Bradford, contrary to your delusional beliefs "I don't bring him up" I only do it in response to some asinine comment or statement that refers to Sammies!

So I'm more than willing to heed your request to drop the Sammie talk, that all falls on your boy Coug, the guy is out of control, the Sammie banter never, ever ends with him! And you continue to back him up and you are the only one that
does, I think that in itself says something?

I enjoy almost all your other posts in here Vita, but your backage of Coug, makes no sense, most of the time!
So you're saying that a 2X Pro Bowler & Pro Bowl MVP was not good? It was Schaub who was benched in favor of Keenum after he couldn't put up good numbers with the weapons they had. I mean Schaub was the NFL passing leader in 2009 and a Pro Bowler the year prior.

Also you are saying a team that tied an NFL record for the biggest season to season decline in win totals wasn't in shambles? A team that fired it's 8th year HC before the season was over after suffering their 11th straight loss and ended up with a franchise record of 14 straight losses in the season was not in shambles?

My brother, that was a team in shambles and to say anything otherwise is ridiculous!


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That is old news sam said in a press conference after his second knee blow out he thought about retiring. But then realized he loved ghe game to much. Who wouldn't consider retiring after he just went thru that rehab and was facing it again? .

Old News??? wake up cougie!!

  • By Conor Orr
  • Around The NFL Writer
  • Published: March 30, 2015 at 08:08 a.m.
  • Updated: March 30, 2015 at 02:47 p.m


Peace & Love, Peace & Luv
May 16, 2010
Southern NJ
Hoopla Cash
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I'll betcha that there is a very good chance that he still quits the NFL.

My guess is the he will get injured again or just wont be able to handle the Philly pressure and then quit at the end of the 2015 season. That way he will still get paid. IMO he is just looking to finish the last year of his bloated contract with some team. Then his career will be over. He wasn't willing to help any team with a pay cut. He's was "Bulgerized" a long time ago. Thank god the Eagles were stupid enough to take him away!

Right now all the Eagles are doing is surrounding him with people that he is familiar with or who he played with before, hoping that he will regain his college form. What they don't realize is he is too scared to play, he doesn't have that killer instinct(never did). Once they realize this......OH BOY, its all over for Sammy Blammy and Chip! Heck they probably made arrangements to take Sammy's $$ and move to a tropical island and spend the rest of their lives together! :suds:
8 games and he can do whatever the hell he wants!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Old News??? wake up cougie!!

  • By Conor Orr
  • Around The NFL Writer
  • Published: March 30, 2015 at 08:08 a.m.
  • Updated: March 30, 2015 at 02:47 p.m

It is old. Sam said that in a live press conference a month ago. it's just that it is getting tooPhiladelphia now.


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
Fav. Team #1
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Hate to stoke the fire, but I think we're finally seeing the full picture here when it concerns Bradford. Apparently he had been considering retirement this off-season and Josh Heupel talked him out of it. Philly can't be too thrilled about hearing this story after trading for him...

College coach talked Sam Bradford out of quitting NFL - NFL.com
This is really a non story.

Apparently this conversation happened right after the second ACL injury.

Of course he thought of retiring, anyone would have in that situation.


Animale rurale
Apr 18, 2013
The Ozarks
Hoopla Cash
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This is really a non story.

Apparently this conversation happened right after the second ACL injury.

Of course he thought of retiring, anyone would have in that situation.

Not me if I am Bradford I suck up the money on my last year. Then I retire. Buy land right next to Smed build a huge house. Call it the house the Rams built. Run wind sprints in my new bionic leg I bought and roll my smokes with C notes. All the while telling Smed to clean up his yard.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Not me if I am Bradford I suck up the money on my last year. Then I retire. Buy land right next to Smed build a huge house. Call it the house the Rams built. Run wind sprints in my new bionic leg I bought and roll my smokes with C notes. All the while telling Smed to clean up his yard.

That's just too funny. I can visualize's Smed standing out in the front yard screaming at Bradford... Davis could beat you out!! look at his Win percentage. Fact!!


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
Hoopla Cash
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Cabaret Royale boys....

This joint is about 15-20 minutes from my house. I even know the backroads.. :heh: I'm not a big fan of strip clubs.. Don't get me wrong, I love naked women running around. But I hate paying for it. But I do love B's & G's.


Are you all talking about Samantha again.. :scratch:


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
That's just too funny. I can visualize's Smed standing out in the front yard screaming at Bradford... Davis could beat you out!! look at his Win percentage. Fact!!
Like 3-5 is something to be proud of... :pound:


Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 141,051.00
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Are you all talking about Samantha again.. :scratch:
Let me see... :scratch:

I've talked about:
  • Houston's dumpster fire season
  • How Austin Davis sucks ass and
  • Some non story about some ex Ram QB.