Well-Known Member
Had to think about what you were disagreeing on, because I'm certain you don't believe it will all turn out roses for Sam in Philly...
So, it's not that you disagree with my statement as much as you think I'm lying...
That's okay, disagree if you must, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that's my whole point here.
I wouldn't call it sucking up as much as sticking up. Sometimes the mob mentality is strong here and I'd stand up for anyone of yous, you too zeke!
Just as a matter of reference, here is Coug's actual quote @LongtimeRamsFan42 where he backed off...
The bottom line, there are plenty of QB's who have had success, like a ...
None of those dudes, that I'm aware of, will be making $18M next season, now if SB was as bad as what I've heard from somehere, why the hell is he not on this list?
- Josh Freeman
- Matt Moore
- Kevin Kobb
- Ryan Tannehill
- Jake Locker
- Brandon Weedon
- Mark Sanchez
- Johnny Manziel
- Matt Cassel
- Robert Griffin
- Tim Tebow
- Nick Foles
- Case Kneenum
- Even the adored Austin Davis
I read RR's post, still doesn't answer why!
So why SB?
If I listen to some of you, it just doesn't add up.
So what gives?
Bradford should be on this list, but even I would have to admit I would take him over a few of these guys? Most of these guys are career backups, the few that have been starters started years ago and obviously aren't going to be making big money now?
I believe that Tannehill is making close to $20 mil a year and he has put up better stats than Bradford ever has.
It comes down to some idiots that still believe in SAMs potential, why I'll never understand, the guy has had more chances than all these guys combined yet he has proven nothing. Obviously there continues to be teams that are desperate, and signing Bradford to that kind of money, is a sign of desperation!
As far as coaches wanting him, Fisher has proven to be not very good at evaluating talent, i still think (along with many Eagle fans) that Kelly really didn't want him, he thought he could still get Marriota with the right trade pieces, it back fired on him! Is he really Pedersens first choice, i doubt it, the draft doesn't offer much this year, and most FA QB's will probably re-sign with the team they were already on, or they would cost Philly even more money, because EVERY FA QB this year, had a better year than Bradford did! I think Philly made a good move to retain him, but overpaid for him!