Well-Known Member
The Rams defense showed many times this season that they were a top-five defense in the NFL. But over A course of a season if the offense is continuously going three and out and can't score it's going to wear down the defense. Dah. Not to mention it's a little nicer knowing Peyton Manning Will be coming back on the field on your offense vs a back up in case Keenum. If you really don't think three and outs make a difference that's just crazy it wears out the D keeps them on the field which means more injuries shortens careers which causes them to lose money... it all adds up.
Elite defenses come on the field and get right back off after stopping the offense, we give up way to many big plays after big plays, that's on the defense! Peyton Manning sucked this year! Sorry I'm not buying it, so our defense is on the field 2 or 3 more minutes a game than some other defenses, now throw in penalties, time outs, challenges, thats a lot of down time, half the guys are not even in on all the plays, these are young athletic guys, suck it up and make a stop!