king of cake
Spy with the wife.....probably funniest MM movie I've seen but then again I hate her movies usually. Not top ten but funny parts all around.
Trashier maybe.
Teresa Palmer is far from trashy. She is gorgeous. Great rack too.
Wild Card Wild Card (2015) - IMDb
Typical Jason Statham movie, story wasn't anything good. A few good action scenes. 4.9/10
Absolutley, I'll watch anything of his even though the movie might be bad he is usually goodI'll always watch a Turkish movie. He's a guilty pleasure of mine.....
I still say a pointless remake.
Racks aren't everything....
Absolutley, I'll watch anything of his even though the movie might be bad he is usually good
Same with Adam Sandler movies. You know quality wise they might not be the best but it's still worth a watch to me
I keep getting suckered in with him. He does bomb after bomb. Jack and Jill you knew was going to suck. That one doesn't count. The last movie Sandler did that I enjoyed was Grown Ups.
I liked the one with Chris Walken and the vampire killer gal Beckinsale, Click? Where he had the magical remote control? And I liked 50 First Dates.
But I start running out of what I'd call good ones after that.
Statham plays a bit of a Buffon in spy. Funny to see her m play against type.
If I liked Jazz mire, I definitely think I would have liked the movie more. It definitely had a "Jazz-Pron" feel to it.
As it is, I thought it was an OK movie. Not great, but enjoyable. Maybe "enjoyable" is not the right word, seeing as the professor character was sooo overbearing, it was almost hard to watch.
i have read people complaining that the final concert was too "Hollywood" because the professor would not sabotage his own reputation while taking down the kid. I disagree. His life's journey was to find the next great musician, and the kid had taken that away from him. There was no point in his continuing. It was, in a way, musical suicide.
After the humiliation, and the kid came back out and took over, he realized that he had found what he was looking for, thus trumping his desire for revenge, and his life's work had been accomplished.
My all-time favorite film. I doubt there will ever be another as good.Lord of the Rings Return of the King is the last movie I've watched. Seen it about a hundred times.