Bad Education: Hugh Jackman and Allison Janney did a bang up job here. Good documentary on a true story about a school administration that embezzled millions of taxpayer dollars through fraud. The ending pissed me off SEVERELY (not really spoilers, based on true events) after the credits rolled and they were stating where things are now, when it said the guy behind most of the fraud still gets paid almost $200K a year because of NY state law on pensions. UGGGGGH. Liberal states man... that's the reason that Chicago is still in a shithole. All those corrupt politicians with their BULLSHIT pensions that are STILL getting paid out. 8/10
Thomas Crown Affair (1999): Never watched it, but just kind of came across it. Decent twist on a romance/crime drama kind of playing cat/mouse between man/woman, thief/investigator. 6.5/10
Thomas Crown Affair (1999): Never watched it, but just kind of came across it. Decent twist on a romance/crime drama kind of playing cat/mouse between man/woman, thief/investigator. 6.5/10