First 20-30 minutes are a bit slow as the back story is unfolded. But after that it gets very good.
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter
It was on one of the movie channels and the g/f was curious. It was actually better than I had expected but I had very low expectations for it. It kept me entertained and had some good little twists. I can check it off the list and have no real interest in watching it again. I'd give it a 6/10.
Gladiator was on AMC earlier, so I watched it ......... again.
and again,and again and again..........Love the beiginning of that movie.
one of the greats.
It was free HBO and Cinemax weekend for Directv so I recorded a few movies.
This is one of them..........
i`m not really into watching movies a 2nd time either,unless they are a classic.
Waz....I thought gravity was over the top. It was an hour 30 of one disaster after another. They should have looked to Apollo 13 for a quality space adventure gone bad done very well.