when did justin schultz start going by the name "lebron james"?
Ted Kulfan (Detroit based writer) says the Wings are out of the Schultz sweepstakes and feels it is down to Edmonton and Vancouver.
Legit question:
How good is Schultz? For his sake I hope he's worth the hype.
when did justin schultz start going by the name "lebron james"?
Seems to me he's got a bit of an ego their. Maybe not as big as the BIG E, but, it might be close.
as far as Bob McKenzie has said no teams have actually talked to him yet. how can they be out?
Legit question:
How good is Schultz? For his sake I hope he's worth the hype.
from someone who is pretty tuned into scouting:
Q: Schultz or Ryan Murray? Haven't decided this yet, tough call.
and as you know, Isles were willing to sell their entire draft for Murray.
Could be just speculation from Kulfan...Maybe WW, higgy, or Eddie can vouch for Kulfan's credibility.
from someone who is pretty tuned into scouting:
Q: Schultz or Ryan Murray? Haven't decided this yet, tough call.
and as you know, Isles were willing to sell their entire draft for Murray.
Well he is 22 right? So he has a bit of an advantage over Murray & the other 2012 draftees.
The Islanders are one of the 26. I know there's very little chance he signs with them. Heck he's probably already eliminated them from contention. What I don't get is why Edmonton is a top destination?
if Im that young and could stand the weather (I can I quite like Edmonton actually) it would be a wonderful place to play for the fans and the team they have now. to grow with that core WOW would it be fun
Well he is 22 right? So he has a bit of an advantage over Murray & the other 2012 draftees.
The Islanders are one of the 26. I know there's very little chance he signs with them. Heck he's probably already eliminated them from contention. What I don't get is why Edmonton is a top destination?
Makes sense. I just don't like the way Edmonton has gone about building their team. It's not difficult when you have the 1st pick in the draft 3 straight years. The Islanders have stunk up the ice since 2008, but have only finished in the bottom 3 once.
Fortunately LoweBellini are somehow still in charge of player personnel so the rest of the league should be able to rest easy for another year or so at the very least.
so he will be on an ELC ntil he is 25, which is pretty darned attractive too.
Edmonton is attractive b/c they can pretty much guarantee him 20+ minutes per night.
and it's a very young core to grow up with. IF (note the big 'if') they can pull it together, it could be a fun team.
Does anyone know his favorite team growing up? If I were in his shoes, and that team was targeting me, I'd go for it. Not just for the team, but to live around my family.