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The future of the offensive line


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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did you knock on wood when you typed this? Never say never. Will Gilliam and Fant improve? not likely, maybe Fant a little, Glowinski i bet regresses a little Britt we might have seen his best season ever as a Seahawk. I hope he improves but saying he will just because is also foolish. Ifedi?? Yeah i think he improves but now does the WHOLE group improve as a whole? only time will tell. This line has got worse every season since 2012 and many say because of the rotatrion of the people going in and out. You think we wont see that this coming season? We don't have a tackle on this team worth starting so there is two Fifths of the line right there.
Heh, I didn't even use the word 'never'.

Anyway, I just think what you're saying makes absolutely no sense. You're telling me that guys who were rookies last year or had only been in the league 1 or 2 years are going to regress or have no shot to improve? If these guys were 33 years old and on the downslope of their careers then I would agree. But you're talking about a group where the oldest starter from last year is Garry Gilliam at the ripe old age of 26. Fant had virtually no experience at all at LT but now has a full season of it, but you're telling me he's not likely but maybe a little chance to improve? Not saying these guys will be world beaters but it just makes no sense to look at a unit of 20-somethings who are at the beginning of their careers and tell me to a man they won't be better off for a year of playing together. It's just ridiculous.


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Apr 22, 2013
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Heh, I didn't even use the word 'never'.

Anyway, I just think what you're saying makes absolutely no sense. You're telling me that guys who were rookies last year or had only been in the league 1 or 2 years are going to regress or have no shot to improve? If these guys were 33 years old and on the downslope of their careers then I would agree. But you're talking about a group where the oldest starter from last year is Garry Gilliam at the ripe old age of 26. Fant had virtually no experience at all at LT but now has a full season of it, but you're telling me he's not likely but maybe a little chance to improve? Not saying these guys will be world beaters but it just makes no sense to look at a unit of 20-somethings who are at the beginning of their careers and tell me to a man they won't be better off for a year of playing together. It's just ridiculous.

history, just look at the history of this team. Rookies regressing in their 2nd season is nothing new on this oline. Here let me throw out a name for you MOFFIT. then lets not forget the handful of 2nd year players they just cut before season #2. Would you really be shocked if the team cut bait on say Fant/Gilliam etc etc? Only two players worth keeping on the Oline and that's Britt and Ifedi. Yes worse can happen. I wont look at the worst group on the Hawks through rose colored glasses.


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Apr 23, 2013
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Guys, John and Pete know the OL is a mess. Today's signing shows
history, just look at the history of this team. Rookies regressing in their 2nd season is nothing new on this oline. Here let me throw out a name for you MOFFIT. then lets not forget the handful of 2nd year players they just cut before season #2. Would you really be shocked if the team cut bait on say Fant/Gilliam etc etc? Only two players worth keeping on the Oline and that's Britt and Ifedi. Yes worse can happen. I wont look at the worst group on the Hawks through rose colored glasses.
LOL, using Moffit as an example. Heck, he was a 3rd round flop that failed for at least 2 NFL teams. He was a head case and lazy.


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Moffit is only one out of a handful. He is just one that none of you can blow off.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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In fact Moffitt is definitely one that is easy to blow off, he obviously had personal issues.

As in being quoted as saying he didn't enjoy playing football and would rather be in the press box than on the field?


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As in being quoted as saying he didn't enjoy playing football and would rather be in the press box than on the field?
Among others. Loved the guy sense of humor and he had talent, real shame he had issues.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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history, just look at the history of this team. Rookies regressing in their 2nd season is nothing new on this oline. Here let me throw out a name for you MOFFIT. then lets not forget the handful of 2nd year players they just cut before season #2. Would you really be shocked if the team cut bait on say Fant/Gilliam etc etc? Only two players worth keeping on the Oline and that's Britt and Ifedi. Yes worse can happen. I wont look at the worst group on the Hawks through rose colored glasses.
Sounds good dude, GO HAWKS.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Rees is/was a 3rd rounder.

Thoughts on him?

Has a chance?
Will never perform?
Cut very soon?
Potential and effective starter.

With 3rd round OL picks, you should hit on not some, but more than 50%. Thoughts?


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Rees is/was a 3rd rounder.

Thoughts on him?

Has a chance?
Will never perform?
Cut very soon?
Potential and effective starter.

With 3rd round OL picks, you should hit on not some, but more than 50%. Thoughts?

Hard to say, he's going to be given the chance to compete. Think health will be one of important factors for him, he's had injuries issues in college.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
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Hard to say, he's going to be given the chance to compete. Think health will be one of important factors for him, he's had injuries issues in college.

He is really an unknown. And that is sad for a 3rd. I would bet he never sees quality time. Hope I'm wrong in that he is a stud, and NOT a guy filling a spot. We have HAD ENOUGH of those.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
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He is really an unknown. And that is sad for a 3rd. I would bet he never sees quality time. Hope I'm wrong in that he is a stud, and NOT a guy filling a spot. We have HAD ENOUGH of those.
I would say it's "sad" for a 3rd rounder to be an unknown after a few seasons, but not 1. I would say the majority of 3rd rounders are still unknowns after their rookie year.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I would say it's "sad" for a 3rd rounder to be an unknown after a few seasons, but not 1. I would say the majority of 3rd rounders are still unknowns after their rookie year.

Agreed. But, WILL THIs GUY, ever be a factor as a 3rd rounder?


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Agreed. But, WILL THIs GUY, ever be a factor as a 3rd rounder?
Who knows? He hasn't even been a Seahawk for 365 days yet. He'll get a chance to show what he can do in the next season or two, and until then it doesn't cost a whole lot to keep him around.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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So we signed Joeckel and still went after Lang, both of whom are/were guards, a position that ranks probably 3rd out of 5 as far as needs on the line go. So, do you think Joeckel is here to fill LG? Maybe RT? Move Ifedi to RT and make Joeckel RG?

I'm not a fan of the jumbled puzzle our offensive line seems to be every offseason.

My initial opinion is that Joeckel right now is our new RT, though I would prefer Ifedi to develop enough for him to be the tackle and leave Joeckel as the Guard.


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Apr 21, 2013
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So we signed Joeckel and still went after Lang, both of whom are/were guards, a position that ranks probably 3rd out of 5 as far as needs on the line go. So, do you think Joeckel is here to fill LG? Maybe RT? Move Ifedi to RT and make Joeckel RG?

I'm not a fan of the jumbled puzzle our offensive line seems to be every offseason.

My initial opinion is that Joeckel right now is our new RT, though I would prefer Ifedi to develop enough for him to be the tackle and leave Joeckel as the Guard.

Somebody said the day that we signed Joeckel that his move to guard only lasted a handful of games due to injury, so unless Schneider, Carroll, Bevell and/or Cable saw something they really liked in those 4 or 5 games, my guess is that he was brought here to play at a tackle spot. Which side, I don't know, but considering he's played tackle his entire career except for that handful of games and considering that tackle is more of a need than guard, it makes more sense to me to think he was brought here to play tackle.

At this point, even though Ifedi is only entering his second year as a pro, he already has more experience playing guard in the NFL than Joeckel does. If they're serious about gaining continuity on the line, they'll keep Ifedi where he is and let Joeckel move back to a position he's played his whole career. No more tinkering.


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Apr 25, 2013
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I think joeckel is our LT, its the only way the move makes sense. Whether he works out there is a whole other matter.

Can fant play rt?


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Apr 22, 2013
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Can fant play rt?

Can he Play LT?

lol Fant is so raw, he may finally become passable one day but throwing someone from left to right that never has played and is learning the basics would spell disaster.


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Sheil KapadiaESPN Writer
Offensive lineman Oday Aboushi announced on Twitter that he is signing with the Seahawks. Aboushi, 25, has started 18 games in the past three seasons at guard. Originally a fifth-round pick in 2013, Aboushi began his career with the New York Jets before joining the Houston Texans in 2015. That year, Aboushi was suspended one game for violating the league's substance abuse policy. He will likely fill a backup role but will have an opportunity to compete for playing time.