Former WS Champs. Hope this updates in 2025
So true the IKF, he is far from being an elite hitter and his value is in his flexibility and as seen he is an upgrade from Elvis who unfortunately in his career scrapes the bottom of the barrel. Looking at it from a WAR standpoint Trevor S is not a huge leap better especially taking into account a drop in his defense this year. Corea is near the top but comes with the Astros cheater taint. Tough situation as we could easily do an overpay this year but not get the value. I guess if Storey is not trying to break the bank he would be good and slide to 3B eventually. Jung will maybe move as well at some point.Here is something for you to chew on if you want to see how he stacked up against other SS this year at the plate, this should give you an idea as to what GMs might think he would be worth in a trade...
Major League Leaderboards - 2021 - Batting | FanGraphs Baseball
Love to get an elite CF with bat as well as glove.