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Texas culture change.....


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I dont have any information, but I actually heard this one was not a failed drug test that was the final straw. He failed at least one drug test if you listen to the grapevine, but apparently he decided not to go to class while he was suspended. Strong isnt just throwing kids out on one incident, except for felonies. Estelle has been suspended for a long time. Its not about a stance on drugs, guns, or education. He is simply asking kids to make a commitment to the program.

I was just curious about the university drug testing policy, because I was not aware they had such things. I looked into our student handbook and it was not specifically stated, but I suppose it could be used under the policy about "behavioral requirements" put forward by the judicial board.


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When I was the same age that the UT football players are now I was thrown to the tender mercies of Sgt. Muldoon and his House of Horrors also known as Marine Boot Camp. Although Charlie Strong can't use all the same tricks and approaches as Sgt. Muldoon did (it would be frowned upon by the UT administration if CS made his players routinely do PT at 0400 and suffer the indignities of being labeled with nicknames like Okie Maggot, Fat Boy, Yankee Fuck Head, Surfer Susie, Son of Kong and Arky Dip Shit) Charlie Strong can still insist on rock solid discipline and an adherence to the university's rules. He can't make someone run until they pass out, he can't make someone dig a hole and then dig another hole to put the dirt in, he can't threaten to jerk your asshole through your throat. All he can ultimately do is kick your sorry ass off the team and prohibit you from playing for a great college football program that was probably your lifelong dream. People think Charlie Strong is being too tough but the guy is doing what is needed when you have a bunch of loafers and goofballs. Can he go too far in today's world? Has he gone too far in today's PC-tainted society? We'll see. But in the meantime, let's not forget Sgt. Muldoon was building men who needed to learn how to work together as a team. It might be a different environment but Charlie Strong is trying to do the exact same thing in the Texas football program.


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When I was the same age that the UT football players are now I was thrown to the tender mercies of Sgt. Muldoon and his House of Horrors also known as Marine Boot Camp. Although Charlie Strong can't use all the same tricks and approaches as Sgt. Muldoon did (it would be frowned upon by the UT administration if CS made his players routinely do PT at 0400 and suffer the indignities of being labeled with nicknames like Okie Maggot, Fat Boy, Yankee Fuck Head, Surfer Susie, Son of Kong and Arky Dip Shit) Charlie Strong can still insist on rock solid discipline and an adherence to the university's rules. He can't make someone run until they pass out, he can't make someone dig a hole and then dig another hole to put the dirt in, he can't threaten to jerk your asshole through your throat. All he can ultimately do is kick your sorry ass off the team and prohibit you from playing for a great college football program that was probably your lifelong dream. People think Charlie Strong is being too tough but the guy is doing what is needed when you have a bunch of loafers and goofballs. Can he go too far in today's world? Has he gone too far in today's PC-tainted society? We'll see. But in the meantime, let's not forget Sgt. Muldoon was building men who needed to learn how to work together as a team. It might be a different environment but Charlie Strong is trying to do the exact same thing in the Texas football program.

Charlie Strong is doing nothing more than injecting discipline that was common in college football not all that long ago. Somewhere along the way a lot of programs lost it. I'm not convinced that it is going to work anymore because the almighty dollar has made it where coaches can't afford to sacrifice seasons to instill discipline. We are going to suffer in the short term for hopefully long term gain. But it's hard to sell this to teenagers when other direct recruiting rivals are selling a fun and loose atmosphere up against what seems like boot camp. Plus they are winning right now and we are not. If Charlie last and turns this thing around it will be a pretty miraculous accomplishment. I know it sounds weird to say winning at Texas is going to be hard, but A&M, Baylor, and LSU (Houston is basically Louisiana due to Katrina) aren't slouches and are a direct contrast to his style. He is currently the outlier in this state in offensive style and daily expectations as an athlete. I hope he wins in the end. As a former soldier I can attest the discipline side of things will make you a more successful person in the long run. It will change your outlook on life.

Leroy Brown

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Charlie Strong is doing nothing more than injecting discipline that was common in college football not all that long ago. Somewhere along the way a lot of programs lost it. I'm not convinced that it is going to work anymore because the almighty dollar has made it where coaches can't afford to sacrifice seasons to instill discipline. We are going to suffer in the short term for hopefully long term gain. But it's hard to sell this to teenagers when other direct recruiting rivals are selling a fun and loose atmosphere up against what seems like boot camp. Plus they are winning right now and we are not. If Charlie last and turns this thing around it will be a pretty miraculous accomplishment. I know it sounds weird to say winning at Texas is going to be hard, but A&M, Baylor, and LSU (Houston is basically Louisiana due to Katrina) aren't slouches and are a direct contrast to his style. He is currently the outlier in this state in offensive style and daily expectations as an athlete. I hope he wins in the end. As a former soldier I can attest the discipline side of things will make you a more successful person in the long run. It will change your outlook on life.

Well, he will have an advantage when it comes to the parents. He CAN win that way. I don't think athletes now are as bad as they used to be. It's just a 24 hour news cycle now. Once he gets a few blue chippers to buy in and they publicly praise the Strong Way on their path to the NFL...Texas is going to be dominant.

I'm just wondering if he'll even have a team to put on the field by November at the rate he's kickin' mofos' off the squad!:fear:


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I was just waiting for someone to bring up the 'transitive property'. The concept that your school suddenly became better because it is now part of the SEC is 'transitive'.

So do you believe that your school is going to stop playing FCS teams and 2 other cupcakes in their OOC? If so when?

And I wasn't using the transitive property. I wrote that SMU and Rice are the 2 worse FBS teams in Texas. Both winless and both on the bottom of the list made by mysantonio.com, while North Texas is 2-2 and beat SMU handily.

I also wrote that if Texas had played SMU, Rice and Lamar, Texas would be undefeated. Anybody who writes otherwise is trolling, pure and simple. My team may suck but we could easily beat those 3 teams.

Aggy does play the Sun Devils in Houston next year, so they're stepping it up in OOC it seems like.


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Transitive Property argument doesn't work with scrubs. Especially since most of our team was full of twos, threes, and walk-ons for the second half.

I will, however, agree with Texas Exes previous statements about Arizona HS QB's being over hyped. I've seen enough of Kyle Allen to not care much when he transfers out next year when Kyler Murray wins the No 2 spot.

As for our weak OOC, I don't like it either but after switching conferences they had to change their schedule and throw something together real fast and that ended up giving us way too many cup cakes for the first few seasons. It is what it is and it's getting better starting next season.

BTHO, I lived in Scottsdale for about 10 years after graduating and I watched the high school football out there and it is ATROCIOUS. We had an overhyped, 4 star QB come out of the same district Kyle Allen did and broke all kinds of records as well and was buried on the depth chart and couldn't beat out Ash or Derp (if you can't beat Derp out, something's wrong) and wound up transferring. I don't even think that kid is playing ball anymore. Watch out for Murray, he may transfer too. Hill is only a soph and QB's hate to compete for their jobs today.

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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Looks like Strong kicked another linemen off the team for breaking team rules. I'll give the guy credit he don't play. But WTF Mack Brown who in the hell were you recruiting and how much bad behavior did you cover up while at Texas?

Horn Stampede and Charlie42 made it sound like Mac was a saint and only recruited guys of high character...guess the joke is on them.


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May 19, 2013
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Looks like Strong kicked another linemen off the team for breaking team rules. I'll give the guy credit he don't play. But WTF Mack Brown who in the hell were you recruiting and how much bad behavior did you cover up while at Texas?

Horn Stampede and Charlie42 made it sound like Mac was a saint and only recruited guys of high character...guess the joke is on them.

You seem to always get it wrong. What we've always written is that Mack recruited players who, AFAHK, didn't display low character. ie: once a recruit screwed up, Mack didn't want him.

AFA Mack being a 'saint'. :lol:


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Looks like Strong kicked another linemen off the team for breaking team rules. I'll give the guy credit he don't play. But WTF Mack Brown who in the hell were you recruiting and how much bad behavior did you cover up while at Texas?

Horn Stampede and Charlie42 made it sound like Mac was a saint and only recruited guys of high character...guess the joke is on them.

TexasMan and Texas_Jeff are quality posters. The rest are a laugh.


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May 19, 2013
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Charlie Strong is doing nothing more than injecting discipline that was common in college football not all that long ago. Somewhere along the way a lot of programs lost it. I'm not convinced that it is going to work anymore because the almighty dollar has made it where coaches can't afford to sacrifice seasons to instill discipline. We are going to suffer in the short term for hopefully long term gain. But it's hard to sell this to teenagers when other direct recruiting rivals are selling a fun and loose atmosphere up against what seems like boot camp. Plus they are winning right now and we are not. If Charlie last and turns this thing around it will be a pretty miraculous accomplishment. I know it sounds weird to say winning at Texas is going to be hard, but A&M, Baylor, and LSU (Houston is basically Louisiana due to Katrina) aren't slouches and are a direct contrast to his style. He is currently the outlier in this state in offensive style and daily expectations as an athlete. I hope he wins in the end. As a former soldier I can attest the discipline side of things will make you a more successful person in the long run. It will change your outlook on life.
I'm certain that after Strong was announced as the next Longhorn HC some of the athletes who decommitted from Texas and went to another school did so because they didn't want to endure Strong's form of discipline.


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Looks like Strong kicked another linemen off the team for breaking team rules. I'll give the guy credit he don't play. But WTF Mack Brown who in the hell were you recruiting and how much bad behavior did you cover up while at Texas?

Horn Stampede and Charlie42 made it sound like Mac was a saint and only recruited guys of high character...guess the joke is on them.

These are the same players the Texas posters have been defending for the last five years. Now, all of a sudden, OMG!!! WTF!!!! While the rest of America saw it, Texas fans and their orange tinted glasses ignored it.

I believe the Texas posters just recently were calling Kennedy Estelle their BEST lineman on these forums. Not to mention how Malcolm Brown and Johnathan Gray were both going to win the Heisman for the last four years because of how great the O line was.
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Starbigd is a rational Texas fan, IMHO.

who among us hasn't been hell bent and irrational at some point on the Hoop? Everyone has their moments :)


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These are the same players the Texas posters have been defending for the last five years. Now, all of a sudden, OMG!!! WTF!!!! While the rest of America saw it, Texas fans and their orange tinted glasses ignored it.

I believe the Texas posters just recently were calling Kennedy Estelle their BEST lineman on these forums. Not to mention how Malcolm Brown and Johnathan Gray were both going to win the Heisman for the last four years because of how great the O line was.

Estelle and Harrison were easily the 2 most talented OL on the roster. Estelle had shown a lot of promise. Shame he pissed it away on drugs. Laughing at your contention that a single Horn fan said the OL woudl be great. 1 returning starter. You really need to lay off the crack.


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who among us hasn't been hell bent and irrational at some point on the Hoop? Everyone has their moments :)

half the fun is the back and forth with trolls or occasionally stir it up as a troll.


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Chip Brown reveals details of Estelle's dismissal.
Scout.com - College and High School Football, Basketball, Recruiting, NFL, and MLB Front Page

Free education up in smoke. smh

Well if he's hell bent on fucking up his life for drugs and rap career (LMAO) then fine. It's really disappointing that even after Strong went to bat for them and got him a pretty nice deal for his last chance, he still couldn't man up and get his shit together. Hopefully Harrison stays on track.

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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You seem to always get it wrong. What we've always written is that Mack recruited players who, AFAHK, didn't display low character. ie: once a recruit screwed up, Mack didn't want him.

AFA Mack being a 'saint'. :lol:

Ok you spun it with a twist but the gist remains the same you guys. The main point is that it now seems Mac kept a lot of stuff hush hush and my guess is the inmates were running the asylum to some degree.

What will be interesting to see is if any of these guys that got dismissed start talking trash in the media and what comes up. These type of situations tend to have some risk involved of at least false allegations being thrown at the school its just the nature of the beast.


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Ok you spun it with a twist but the gist remains the same you guys. The main point is that it now seems Mac kept a lot of stuff hush hush and my guess is the inmates were running the asylum to some degree.

What will be interesting to see is if any of these guys that got dismissed start talking trash in the media and what comes up. These type of situations tend to have some risk involved of at least false allegations being thrown at the school its just the nature of the beast.
