When all else fails, Smack em' in the Mouth!
well she is the Halftime Show So.......So the big day is finally here. Would have loved to see a Bills or Bengals against Lions SB, but I’ll take it. I guess the best teams finally made it to the big dance, so good luck to both teams and cheers to a good game! And to as few TS sightings as possible, hopefully none.

Seriously though. This might be the 1st Superbowl where I actually am not excited to watch it.
Yes. I will still watch it, but havent been watching anything about going on to it the past two weeks, nor this morning.
In fact. I still have to go look up when it starts & what channel. Commercials arent what they were in the old days either.
Simply not the spectacle I am looking forward to this year. At all. Might be the most Meh Superbowl I ever waited to see.