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Special Teams


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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As we all know, the special teams were downright horrible today and a main reason why the Seahawks lost the game.

My question is: What has happened? The special teams unit last year was historically good and a main reason why the team did as well as they did. Is it just a lack of depth throughout the team that is starting to show on the special teams? Coaching? Is there another factor?


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well let me start by saying that last year's special teams unit was so good that it was going to be impossible to match this year no matter what. I think yesterday's performance was about as bad as it can get in terms of kick and punt coverage. I do not expect that to happen again. With that in mind, it comes down to poor tackling. The tackling on defense and special teams just hasn't been as good this year. There's been too many broken and missed tackles and I guess you could blame a lack of roster depth compared to last year or the fact that some of the guys on the field are playing hurt, but I think the players themselves would say that that stuff is no excuse for poor execution.


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I think the losses of Maragos and Farwell were huge to our special teams play.

What happened yesterday was an anomaly though. I've never seen a whole team fake that the ball was punted right when it really went left. I doubt I'll ever see again. That was a one in 1000 kind of play. Same with the fake punt from their own 18 yard line with a 2 point lead. That was a head scratcher that they were fortunate it worked out for them. That could have lost them the game very easily and Fischer would be doing a ton of explaining. Heck, given how poorly the Rams have done since Fischer got there a play like that might have even got him fired if it didn't work. Another 1 in 1000 type of play in my opinion. The Rams pulled out all the stops that's for sure.


Feb 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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I think the losses of Maragos and Farwell were huge to our special teams play.

What happened yesterday was an anomaly though. I've never seen a whole team fake that the ball was punted right when it really went left. I doubt I'll ever see again. That was a one in 1000 kind of play. Same with the fake punt from their own 18 yard line with a 2 point lead. That was a head scratcher that they were fortunate it worked out for them. That could have lost them the game very easily and Fischer would be doing a ton of explaining. Heck, given how poorly the Rams have done since Fischer got there a play like that might have even got him fired if it didn't work. Another 1 in 1000 type of play in my opinion. The Rams pulled out all the stops that's for sure.

Agreed. Our special teams gave the Rams at least 10 points (put return and kickoff return that put them in field goal range).

Mostt of the Rams pass completions were over the midddle, where Bobby Wagner's absence severely hurt.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I think the losses of Maragos and Farwell were huge to our special teams play.

What happened yesterday was an anomaly though. I've never seen a whole team fake that the ball was punted right when it really went left. I doubt I'll ever see again. That was a one in 1000 kind of play. Same with the fake punt from their own 18 yard line with a 2 point lead. That was a head scratcher that they were fortunate it worked out for them. That could have lost them the game very easily and Fischer would be doing a ton of explaining. Heck, given how poorly the Rams have done since Fischer got there a play like that might have even got him fired if it didn't work. Another 1 in 1000 type of play in my opinion. The Rams pulled out all the stops that's for sure.

But why do they keep always doing it against us? And just roll over and die when they play Santa Clara? :gaah:


Livin' la vida loca
Apr 21, 2013
Alberta, Canada
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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But why do they keep always doing it against us? And just roll over and die when they play Santa Clara? :gaah:

I thought they played the niners pretty tough. I honestly thought their long bomb to Lloyd at the end of the first half should have been brought back. One of the Rams pass rushers was going to get to Kaeptain Kaengaroo but he ended up in a headlock instead that somehow the refs missed. That play put SF back in the game.

You're right though, the Rams always have some magic when they play us. In 2012 they beat us with 4 field goals, two of which were from 58 and 60 yards. Normally those are punts but when the Rams play us they "pull out all the stops".


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
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Fav. Team #3
I thought they played the niners pretty tough. I honestly thought their long bomb to Lloyd at the end of the first half should have been brought back. One of the Rams pass rushers was going to get to Kaeptain Kaengaroo but he ended up in a headlock instead that somehow the refs missed. That play put SF back in the game.

You're right though, the Rams always have some magic when they play us. In 2012 they beat us with 4 field goals, two of which were from 58 and 60 yards. Normally those are punts but when the Rams play us they "pull out all the stops".

In the first half, but in the second half, the Rams secondary didn't even come out of the locker room, a high school QB could have done what Kaep did to them.

And then the fake FG a few years ago, which was questionable about it's legality too.


Active Member
Apr 30, 2013
Akron, Ohio
Hoopla Cash
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But why do they keep always doing it against us? And just roll over and die when they play Santa Clara? :gaah:

That's a question I (and probably 99% of Rams fans) absolutely wish that I could answer. I wish we could've gotten both of ya. Unfortunately, for the last 3 weeks we've been blowing sizeable leads, or "almost" coming back after horrendous starts. As far as yesterday goes... the Rams finally put together a full game of football (and still almost blew it at the end). The 'Hawks just happened to be the ones in the building when it finally went down.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.12
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I thought they played the niners pretty tough. I honestly thought their long bomb to Lloyd at the end of the first half should have been brought back. One of the Rams pass rushers was going to get to Kaeptain Kaengaroo but he ended up in a headlock instead that somehow the refs missed. That play put SF back in the game.

You're right though, the Rams always have some magic when they play us. In 2012 they beat us with 4 field goals, two of which were from 58 and 60 yards. Normally those are punts but when the Rams play us they "pull out all the stops".

Haha I remember that, kept shaking my head in disbelief....

Probably goes back to the intense rivalry during the Holmgren/Martz era. Granted all those players are gone now, but sometimes those little rivalries last. I know San Fran/Seattle is the new thing, but St. Louis/Seattle was pretty intense since we were always competing for that division winner.

St. Louis/San Fran has been a rivalry forever but I just feel it's not as intense as of the past few decades. Both teams gotta be GOOD to really preserve a rivalry over sustained time and it's been a while since the Rams and 49ers were good at the same time.