Suck My Brine
If Pickles' music critique is anywhere close to Pickles' movie critique, I'd leave it alone...
LOL i love good movies .... Scarface just happens to suck and you all dont realize it.
If Pickles' music critique is anywhere close to Pickles' movie critique, I'd leave it alone...
It has NOTHING to do with immigration...I know that's how you want to frame this so that you can just reach into your trusty bag of "you're a racist" retorts...
But it has nothing to do with immigration...repeat. It has nothing to do with least not for me...
I'm not saying ship every illegal aliens body back to country of origin, I'd have to agree to that for your accusation to have any merit.
These are 2 people that attacked this country...they came here, lived off taxpayers, and then blew them frankly, they don't deserve one measure of respect or decency from us...
No..I don't think a grave, especially at tax payer expense, is an appropriate act...Ship them back to russia, they have family there...let them deal with what to do with it...
LOL i love good movies .... Scarface just happens to suck and you all dont realize it.
LOL i love good movies .... Scarface just happens to suck and you all dont realize it.
LOL i love good movies .... Scarface just happens to suck and you all dont realize it.
never saw it
never saw any of the godfather movies
never saw shawshank
finally saw full metal jacket a few weeks ago
why they have to swear so much?
why they have to swear so much?
scarface does suck
Scarface is overBradley'd...
Wait, that's way too harsh..
Scarface is overWade'd...That should do it...
never saw it
never saw any of the godfather movies
never saw shawshank
finally saw full metal jacket a few weeks ago
LOL i love good movies .... Scarface just happens to suck and you all dont realize it.
never saw it
never saw any of the godfather movies
never saw shawshank
finally saw full metal jacket a few weeks ago
WELLWhere were you guys when this got me claimed the worst movie critic ever ????
Full Metal Jacket is awesome .... for the first half. Once Pyle dies, so does the movie
Weird fact that surprised me the other day:
Former NBA star Kevin Johnson is the mayor of Sacramento.
shawshank redemption is a great movie...definitely worth a watch