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Sons of Anarchy


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
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Agree with you guys bout the host man did he suck complete ass.

The questions were laughable. "Im calling to ask why you're ending the show so short, seems like you just started the show"

It is season fucking 7 you moron.

Anyways, a lot of stuff set in motion but like I said, holy hell is Jax idiotic. I know his wife died and the light bulbs shouldn't be working in full effect, but what reason would the Chinese have to kill Tara? She always wasn't killed out of retaliation. That was obviously a murder of passion. And Gemma...no one even remotely suspected you, why set up the Chinese? Now everyone is fucked.

Juice definitely has the most interesting storyline right now. Want to see more of what he does.

I didnt understand why Jax was even in prison. He was gonna turn himself in for Taras freedom.

They showed Juice meeting up with the mayan leader, offering to give up info on the sons. Seems like thats gonna be later in the season when all hell breaks loose. The old bastards will probably take all the blame for killing the chinese guy and be the first ones killed off when the war starts. Like he said, his table is about empty now so Jax isnt gonna be getting much from them anyway.

As far as why its believable the Chinese would kill her, simple retaliation for the bloodbath at the barn. They blamed Jax for that. I just dont know if I dozed off if there was a point where Jax and Gemma talked about the chinese doing it. I am thinking it ends up with Jax, Gemma and Nero in a shootout.

I would like to see the ghost of Opie appear when Jax is about to do something stupid.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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One other thing I forgot to mention...

The SFX when they dragged the dude in the wheelchair was REALLY bad. I thought it really distracted from the scene.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Agree about the after show host. He was so bad, I only watched about half of it. They have no live audience, so why make it live? The calls they took were awful! How can they let that happen when they only took 2 calls? Complete amateur hour.
They aren't gonna have an 'after show' after every episode are they? :gaah:. I'm wondering if Jax is just a complete idiot in not figuring out that his Mom was the killer or is he just waiting to play this out. The signs were there for him to see.


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Sep 3, 2014
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I didnt understand why Jax was even in prison. He was gonna turn himself in for Taras freedom.

I was thinking it was cuz he was the best looking and only real suspect to the killing of Tara and Eli. More specifically for Eli since he was shot to death. CCH Pounder's character said something to Jax while they were conversating in lock up about the gun in the house being clean. I was thinking that meant it was not a ballistic match to the slugs they pulled outta Eli's body. The time frame of Jax being in prison for only 10 days after Tara and Eli's deaths could match up to that. The cops would definitely put a rush on ballistic match ups and whatnot with the murder of a police chief that took place in the house of the president of an outlaw biker gang. As well as coming up with no other viable suspects or even clues to who murdered Tara n Eli in those 10 days. .

They showed Juice meeting up with the mayan leader, offering to give up info on the sons. Seems like thats gonna be later in the season when all hell breaks loose. The old bastards will probably take all the blame for killing the chinese guy and be the first ones killed off when the war starts. Like he said, his table is about empty now so Jax isnt gonna be getting much from them anyway.

As far as why its believable the Chinese would kill her, simple retaliation for the bloodbath at the barn. They blamed Jax for that. I just dont know if I dozed off if there was a point where Jax and Gemma talked about the chinese doing it. I am thinking it ends up with Jax, Gemma and Nero in a shootout.

I would like to see the ghost of Opie appear when Jax is about to do something stupid.

Heh @ old bastards. Its Grim Bastards, but even if they don't take the blame or get set up by Jax for the killing of the buffed Chinese kid. They put themselves right in the mix anyway by snatching him up for the Sons in the first place.

I hope Juice doesn't kill Unser, I like Unser, but he'll probably feel he has no choice. but to do so. And if so, that's gonna put Juice at serious odds with Gemma and w/o her help. Juice is a dead man walkin and that's what will force him to turn to The Mayans.......imo.

I agree with you about the Chinese killing Tara as being plausible. Jax will just think they came looking for him for the barn shootout, but instead found her and Eli. One thing led to another and Tara and Eli ended up dead.

Gemma seems, or seemed too smart, to start a full on gang war between the Sons and the Chinese. Which by proxy will drag black and brown into that war. I guess since she's realized she likely sealed her fate for entry into a special place in hell by murdering Tara and breaking Jax's heart. Kicking off a full on gang war isn't really that big of a deal.

In the end I think they all (all the Sons, Gemma, Nero, etc) die or end up in prison broken. One or both of Jax's boys is going to end up dead as well. Gemma's gonna be killed by Jax regardless what happens though. When the full realization hits Jax of what he's done and it was because of Tara's murder who died at the hands of his mother....well, that's how the circle of death rolls.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I saw a commercial for NCIS New Orleans while watching the NFL network game on CBS. CCH is on that show. We know last year the brother/dirty cop/ special inverstigator guy (dont know his name) left the show to do the vikings program and got killed in the hotel room. I am wondering how long CCH is gonna last, especially since some new woman sheriff that worked organized crimes was mentioned as taking over for Eli. (its not courntney love, she is playing a teacher).


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especially since some new woman sheriff that worked organized crimes was mentioned as taking over for Eli.

Annabeth Gish. Her character on The Bridge just got killed off a couple episodes ago.


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Apr 28, 2013
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I saw a commercial for NCIS New Orleans while watching the NFL network game on CBS. CCH is on that show. We know last year the brother/dirty cop/ special inverstigator guy (dont know his name) left the show to do the vikings program and got killed in the hotel room. I am wondering how long CCH is gonna last, especially since some new woman sheriff that worked organized crimes was mentioned as taking over for Eli. (its not courntney love, she is playing a teacher).

I heard they were able to work around her schedule to get her back for "like 3 episodes". So we'll see what they have her up to in her remaining couple appearances.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Second episode tonight. Who if anyone (major credit actor) dies. I'm still sticking with Chibs....no reasoning..just a feeling.


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Apr 28, 2013
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Sons are basically the antagonist for the final season it appears.


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Second episode tonight. Who if anyone (major credit actor) dies. I'm still sticking with Chibs....no reasoning..just a feeling.

If you mean dies throughout the season........everybody. Jax, Gemma, Chibs, Bobby etc.

If you mean tonight's episode...no one.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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alot of story today, chess moves, everyone is too quick to suspect Jax so far. Do the chinese show up at that house and kill the pres (looked like the kid was his son) or does he realize they were killed before the chinese get there and leave, (doubt they would leave the drugs) or does he talk his way out of it and realize it wasnt the chinese and align himself with the chinese to go against Jax too.

Did Juice go to Gemmas fathers house or back to wendys at the end?


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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The whole scene with Jury at the end was a little confusing. If the "muscle" was in fact his son, you would think Jax would have met him at some point through he years. Also, hard to have Jury get totally pissed at Jax (assuming he was able to put two and two together) since he flat out told Jax that they were just a couple locals and not protected.


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Apr 28, 2013
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As both of the two previous posts touched on..I think the two biggest questions are

1. Who is the dead muscle and why does Jury care so much? I've heard theories from Son, lover to son of a former war vet that Jury is close with.

2. Juice. To answer your question anotheridiot..yes he went back to Wendy's now my question is why? We have two options I believe

- The easiest/most probable option is Juice is just his same moron self wanted to try and call Chib for a chance to talk and didn't want to leave charming his home

- The other option that is based off me watching just once. I know Gemma told Juice to call a number when he got to her dads. Maybe Juice was smart and called ahead of time and the number was Chibs? So he found out she was setting him up?

Second option is the Gemma thing to do but I doubt Chibs would already have a new phone that Juice didn't recognize the number and next episode its shown Juice is meeting with Chibs. So it seems the call was his idea.


There will always be someone to blame......
Jul 5, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, looks like he meets with chibs, but nobody knows what really happend other than him and Gemma. Chibs still thinks Jax wants him for telling Nero about the girl. He saved the mom after she killed the love of Jax life. Gemma gave Juice another burner when she gave him the 4300.00. He called Chibs in the car, so he knew his number, it couldnt have been a setup with Chibs. I thought he tried to call to say goodbye or get advice from Chibbs. So his caller ID did not show up on Chibs phone. He just couldnt bring himself to talking when Chibbs answered.

Gemma is definitely keeping Juice close enough to be able to use, but Nero ended up believing Juice when he told him Jax told him to kill the girl, I have a feeling Jax would believe Juice when he says Gemma killed Tara, he killed the sheriff to protect her. Hell, Nero might end up protecting Juice and killing Gemma himself.

The more I think of it, maybe Juice is the only one that survives at the end? Pretty sure he is one of Suttons friends.


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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If you mean dies throughout the season........everybody. Jax, Gemma, Chibs, Bobby etc.

If you mean tonight's episode...no one.
First overall. I doubt that they will kill off one per episode. Right now it's about the build up of events .


Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
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Yeah, looks like he meets with chibs, but nobody knows what really happend other than him and Gemma. Chibs still thinks Jax wants him for telling Nero about the girl. He saved the mom after she killed the love of Jax life. Gemma gave Juice another burner when she gave him the 4300.00. He called Chibs in the car, so he knew his number, it couldnt have been a setup with Chibs. I thought he tried to call to say goodbye or get advice from Chibbs. So his caller ID did not show up on Chibs phone. He just couldnt bring himself to talking when Chibbs answered.

Gemma is definitely keeping Juice close enough to be able to use, but Nero ended up believing Juice when he told him Jax told him to kill the girl, I have a feeling Jax would believe Juice when he says Gemma killed Tara, he killed the sheriff to protect her. Hell, Nero might end up protecting Juice and killing Gemma himself.

The more I think of it, maybe Juice is the only one that survives at the end? Pretty sure he is one of Suttons friends.
He would be the one I would expect to live if one actually does.


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I saw some article by Sutter a bit back and he said only 2 maybe 3 of the sons will die.

The guy is completely full of shit most of the time though so who knows.


Sarcastic F-wad
Aug 11, 2010
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Of all the "major" Sons...


I am 100% confident that Jax, Tig, Happy and Chibs will die (or worse - see The Shield). Bobby and Juice MAY survive (but I expect Bobby to die).

Unser is already essentially dead. Gemma is going to die a horrific death, most likely at Jax's hand. The secondary Sons (Rat, Jury, the 3 other new patches - Quin, Montez, West) will live or die. Most likely they will die. Drea De Mateo (I forget her characters name at the moment) will live, taking the boys with her. Nero will certainly die, probably sooner rather than later.
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Warped Member
Jul 6, 2013
In Hostile Territory
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Of all the "major" Sons...


I am 100% confident that Jax, Tig, Happy and Chibs will die (or worse - see The Shield). Bobby and Juice MAY survive (but I expect Bobby to die).

Unser is already essentially dead. Gemma is going to die a horrific death, most likely at Jax's hand. The secondary Sons (Rat, Jury, the 3 other new patches - Quin, Montez, West) will live or die. Most likely they will die. Drea De Mateo (I forget her characters name at the moment) will live, taking the boys with her. Nero will certainly die, probably sooner rather than later.
Good list really. I have Nero before Bobby and Jax at the end of that list.