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POLL So who wins the B1G in 2018?

Who wins the B1G in 2018?

  • Illinois

  • Indiana

  • Iowa

  • Maryland

  • michigan

  • Michigan State

  • Minnesota

  • Nebraska

  • Northwestern

  • Ohio State

  • Penn State

  • Purdue

  • Rutgers

  • Wisconsin

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Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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You have come on here and attacked anyone who has said anything but Ohio State and do it in every thread.

So again let’s ignore the games that you continually lose that cost you the conference championship game but you bring up all of he meaningless wins that you have won since 2012. You have a quarterback who has seen one half of meaningful playtime. Correct? Am I wrong. You do not know how the offense will look with someone else under center. Do you remember how much shit Ohio State fans were talking going into the 2015 (oh wait of course you don’t, you blocked that from your memory). You were supposed to just walk into the playoffs and your offense looked like shit the entire season. Of course you want to ignore the fact that Ohio State has been choking away games lately. Penn State is losing Barkley but bringing in a very capable replacement. You have to play them on the road. A place where you have lost the last time you played there. Michigan State is returning pretty much all the starters from last year and you are playing them on the road. You have to play Michigan and it looks like they may have a competent quarterback for once, again another team that has been playing you tough. More than likely Wisconsin in the conference championship game if you manage to make it there. A team that had the ball with two minutes left and a chance to win the game last year and will be returning their QB and RB.
Well, no, I actually haven't. If you're talking about the UCF thread, I guess you have a point? I still stand by my assertion in that thread, but I digress.

In this discussion, I've never once attacked anyone for not picking OSU. I'm attacking you because you're an imbecile. Haskins played limited time, but looked fantastic doing it. Do I know exactly how 2018 will play out? No, otherwise I wouldn't be on here. I'd be in Vegas. What I do know, however, is the type of talent he is, and I know Urban's track record of getting the most out of his QBs at OSU. He's on record saying Haskins is the best pure passer he's ever recruited in his coaching career. So you're gonna tell me I'm in the wrong to be confident that he's going to be elite in Urban's system?

Yes, I remember 2015. The year Herman left and he was replaced with the worst OC we've had in over a decade. It sucked, seeing all of that wasted talent. Urban made the switch in the final 2 games and changed things around and all we did was blow out back-to-back top 10 teams. It sucked knowing we were probably the best team in the nation but we were going to be sitting at home watching the playoffs.

Ohio State has been choking games away lately? What fucking football have you been watching? We were the only team with 4 top 15 wins last season. We lost to a better team in Oklahoma and had an inexplicable showing against Iowa.

Here's a good example of your limited knowledge - PSU loses a lot more than just Saquon Barkley, who was their leading rusher and most dynamic return man. They lose 5 of their top 6 pass catchers from 2017. They're returning 4 receiving TDs from last season. Mike Gesicki was extremely important to their offense and how it operated. They lose 3 of their most important defensive players. And oh yeah, they lost their offensive coordinator.

We absolutely murdered Michigan State last season and now their entire athletic department has been turned upside down, nothing about facing them scares me.

michigan will definitely be tough. They have the horses on defense to give any offense trouble, and with the right QB, their offense has the chance to be really, really good. That's going to be one hell of a game, you are right there. Thankfully we have them at home.

I'd love another shot at Wisconsin with a QB that knows how to throw the ball. Did you know he left 3 TD passes on the field because of his poor touch? We shut their offense down. That game was nowhere near as close as the score. Yes, please give us another chance to shut down a Wisconsin offense and beat them again. I know you love bringing up the few games OSU has lost and blowing them up as if it means they're guaranteed to choke one away - did you know we've beaten Wisconsin 6 straight games?

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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ATF — I hate to break the news, but Cardale Jones should be the perfect example for you. Teams didn’t know what they were going to see, so game planning against him was tough. He tore teams up, then was mediocre once teams had film on him. I tip my cap to Haskins against UM, but I GUaRANTEE they didn’t game plan on the chance Haskins would be the QB.

And explain the more talented defense? You lose Sam Hubbard, you lose Tyquan Lewis, you lose Denzel Ward, you lose Damon Webb, you lose Dre’Mont Jones, you lose Jerome Baker. I’m sure I’m missing others, but that is off the top of my head. UM returns everyone but McCrary and Hurst.

Michigan finished as the #3 defense in the country last year. OSU finished 9th. We lose 2 players, you lose over half your defense. So explain how your defense will be better?
Dude, Cardale wasn't mediocre because teams had film on him. He was mediocre because Herman left and Tim Beck was given play-calling duties, and anyone who has seen him try and orchestrate an offense knows he is unbelievably horrible. If Herman doesn't leave, OSU very likely wins back-to-back titles. Not only that, but Haskins is a MUCH better QB than Cardale. He has a cannon arm, but unlike Cardale, he has touch on those short/intermediate throws. You should know that by watching the throws he made against michigan, he's the real deal.

We lose Hubbard and Lewis, and replace them with superior talents in Bosa and Chase Young. I am delighted that Hubbard left so we can actually unleash these two. Believe what you want, but we will be better in pass rush this year with these two now starting and not just rotating in. Also, we didn't lose Dre'Mont - he came back, which makes our DL that much better.

We lose Ward and that hurts, but we've never had a problem developing high end defensive backs. Jeffrey Okudah will be the next one up to give you fits this year. This is definitely the unit that makes me the most nervous, but we will be fine. Losing Baker means nothing, he was shit this year outside of the Wisconsin game. Harrison, Borland, and Booker are all back, and all 3 looked better than him last year. Not to mention we have more than enough elite LB talent that's gotten playing time ready to step up in Keandre Jones and Baron Browning (remember this name).

OSU finished with a better defensive efficiency than michigan last year, too. If you're going by raw numbers, take a look at the teams' schedules and get an idea of how that all came to be. OOC you faced South Carolina and Florida while we faced Oklahoma and USC, not to mention we had the CCG against Wisconsin. No wonder you had better raw defensive metrics. Don't get me wrong, I've already said plenty of time you guys have an elite defense that can give any team fits, but I'd take our players.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 581.82
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Well, no, I actually haven't. If you're talking about the UCF thread, I guess you have a point? I still stand by my assertion in that thread, but I digress.

In this discussion, I've never once attacked anyone for not picking OSU. I'm attacking you because you're an imbecile. Haskins played limited time, but looked fantastic doing it. Do I know exactly how 2018 will play out? No, otherwise I wouldn't be on here. I'd be in Vegas. What I do know, however, is the type of talent he is, and I know Urban's track record of getting the most out of his QBs at OSU. He's on record saying Haskins is the best pure passer he's ever recruited in his coaching career. So you're gonna tell me I'm in the wrong to be confident that he's going to be elite in Urban's system?

Yes, I remember 2015. The year Herman left and he was replaced with the worst OC we've had in over a decade. It sucked, seeing all of that wasted talent. Urban made the switch in the final 2 games and changed things around and all we did was blow out back-to-back top 10 teams. It sucked knowing we were probably the best team in the nation but we were going to be sitting at home watching the playoffs.

Ohio State has been choking games away lately? What fucking football have you been watching? We were the only team with 4 top 15 wins last season. We lost to a better team in Oklahoma and had an inexplicable showing against Iowa.

Here's a good example of your limited knowledge - PSU loses a lot more than just Saquon Barkley, who was their leading rusher and most dynamic return man. They lose 5 of their top 6 pass catchers from 2017. They're returning 4 receiving TDs from last season. Mike Gesicki was extremely important to their offense and how it operated. They lose 3 of their most important defensive players. And oh yeah, they lost their offensive coordinator.

We absolutely murdered Michigan State last season and now their entire athletic department has been turned upside down, nothing about facing them scares me.

michigan will definitely be tough. They have the horses on defense to give any offense trouble, and with the right QB, their offense has the chance to be really, really good. That's going to be one hell of a game, you are right there. Thankfully we have them at home.

I'd love another shot at Wisconsin with a QB that knows how to throw the ball. Did you know he left 3 TD passes on the field because of his poor touch? We shut their offense down. That game was nowhere near as close as the score. Yes, please give us another chance to shut down a Wisconsin offense and beat them again. I know you love bringing up the few games OSU has lost and blowing them up as if it means they're guaranteed to choke one away - did you know we've beaten Wisconsin 6 straight games?
I guess you are lucky you don’t play Iowa this year because they murdered you last year and nothing changes from year to year. I mean we murdered Penn State in 2015 and they same happened in 2016. Michigan murdered Penn State in 2016 and the same happened in 2017.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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Using players that you know should be ineligible is cheating. If all the sudden Bom Trady is the UM QB is that not cheating?
When did you become this fucking retarded? Are you seriously saying that kids trading their own personal belongings for tattoos suddenly turn them into all-time NFL HOF caliber players? Fucking hell, you're losing it.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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I guess you are lucky you don’t play Iowa this year because they murdered you last year and nothing changes from year to year. I mean we murdered Penn State in 2015 and they same happened in 2016. Michigan murdered Penn State in 2016 and the same happened in 2017.
Ok - tell me how Michigan State, with everything going on and with what has happened with personnel changes, is going to beat Ohio State. Honest question, I want to know what you think will happen.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 581.82
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Ok - tell me how Michigan State, with everything going on and with what has happened with personnel changes, is going to beat Ohio State. Honest question, I want to know what you think will happen.
We kicked off 4 starters off our team 3 months before the start of the season last year. I have no idea what’s going to happen next year. It could kill the team or it could bring them together with a us against everyone mentality. Much of the ESPN report was bullshit that was brought to the proper authorities and was handled by them but people want to act like their was coverups going on. They want to tie the Nassar horror show to the football and basketball team and get a pound of flesh from them.

Last season Our offense was shit, our defense was shit. Probably a 8 win season next year. I struggled to find 6-7 wins before last season and we ended with 9-3.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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When did you become this fucking retarded? Are you seriously saying that kids trading their own personal belongings for tattoos suddenly turn them into all-time NFL HOF caliber players? Fucking hell, you're losing it.
It’s hyperbole. You want to pretend using an all Big10 QB instead of a Joe Bauserman would cause no drop off in production? Had your head coach not lied to the NCAA the games wouldn’t have been vacated and more than likely Tressel would still be your head coach and Urban would be at Notre Dame.

Sgt Brutus

Nov 19, 2014
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$ 500.41
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Ok - tell me how Michigan State, with everything going on and with what has happened with personnel changes, is going to beat Ohio State. Honest question, I want to know what you think will happen.
Cause anything can happen. Like Iowa miraculously putting up 55. Like Georgia blowing a Super bowl and National Championship in back-to-back years. Like Leciester fucking City winning the premier. It's what makes sports so fun to watch

Plus Dantionio is a very solid coach and Sparty has given everybody trouble while he has been in E Lansing. Never sleep on the guys in green.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, no, I actually haven't. If you're talking about the UCF thread, I guess you have a point? I still stand by my assertion in that thread, but I digress.

In this discussion, I've never once attacked anyone for not picking OSU. I'm attacking you because you're an imbecile. Haskins played limited time, but looked fantastic doing it. Do I know exactly how 2018 will play out? No, otherwise I wouldn't be on here. I'd be in Vegas. What I do know, however, is the type of talent he is, and I know Urban's track record of getting the most out of his QBs at OSU. He's on record saying Haskins is the best pure passer he's ever recruited in his coaching career. So you're gonna tell me I'm in the wrong to be confident that he's going to be elite in Urban's system?

Yes, I remember 2015. The year Herman left and he was replaced with the worst OC we've had in over a decade. It sucked, seeing all of that wasted talent. Urban made the switch in the final 2 games and changed things around and all we did was blow out back-to-back top 10 teams. It sucked knowing we were probably the best team in the nation but we were going to be sitting at home watching the playoffs.

Ohio State has been choking games away lately? What fucking football have you been watching? We were the only team with 4 top 15 wins last season. We lost to a better team in Oklahoma and had an inexplicable showing against Iowa.

Here's a good example of your limited knowledge - PSU loses a lot more than just Saquon Barkley, who was their leading rusher and most dynamic return man. They lose 5 of their top 6 pass catchers from 2017. They're returning 4 receiving TDs from last season. Mike Gesicki was extremely important to their offense and how it operated. They lose 3 of their most important defensive players. And oh yeah, they lost their offensive coordinator.

We absolutely murdered Michigan State last season and now their entire athletic department has been turned upside down, nothing about facing them scares me.

michigan will definitely be tough. They have the horses on defense to give any offense trouble, and with the right QB, their offense has the chance to be really, really good. That's going to be one hell of a game, you are right there. Thankfully we have them at home.

I'd love another shot at Wisconsin with a QB that knows how to throw the ball. Did you know he left 3 TD passes on the field because of his poor touch? We shut their offense down. That game was nowhere near as close as the score. Yes, please give us another chance to shut down a Wisconsin offense and beat them again. I know you love bringing up the few games OSU has lost and blowing them up as if it means they're guaranteed to choke one away - did you know we've beaten Wisconsin 6 straight games?
So, you just said here that Ohio State will have no problem beating Penn State, Michigan, or Michigan State but you aren’t saying they are going to walk through the conference? Who is going to give them trouble then since you just said that the top three teams, that are not Ohio State, have no shot at beating them?

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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We kicked off 4 starters off our team 3 months before the start of the season last year. I have no idea what’s going to happen next year. It could kill the team or it could bring them together with a us against everyone mentality. Much of the ESPN report was bullshit that was brought to the proper authorities and was handled by them but people want to act like their was coverups going on. They want to tie the Nassar horror show to the football and basketball team and get a pound of flesh from them.

Last season Our offense was shit, our defense was shit. Probably a 8 win season next year. I struggled to find 6-7 wins before last season and we ended with 9-3.
I'm interested in seeing how it shakes out with Dantonio and Izzo. I was surprised so many "sources close to the programs" came out with reports that they were going to be retiring. It's a horrible thing that happened, but Nassar is being tied in where it shouldn't be, so I'm hoping that gets straightened out. The B1G is better with both of those coaches in it.

What's changing on the offense? I know a couple WRs transferred but that's all I know about the offense going into 2018.

Wild Turkey

Sarcasm: Just one of my many services.
May 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 14,000.00
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Purdue shocks the world.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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Fav. Team #3
It’s hyperbole. You want to pretend using an all Big10 QB instead of a Joe Bauserman would cause no drop off in production? Had your head coach not lied to the NCAA the games wouldn’t have been vacated and more than likely Tressel would still be your head coach and Urban would be at Notre Dame.
He was saying "cheating" in quotations like that because the tattoos didn't give us a competitive advantage. They broke a bi-law that's only in place because the NCAA can't handle the thought of someone making money without them getting a piece of the pie. It's not like they were popped for steroids or HGH, or point-shaving or something.

I don't know that Tressel would be at OSU today necessarily. Even if Urban went to ND first, he'd have been at OSU sooner or later when Tressel hung it up.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 581.82
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I'm interested in seeing how it shakes out with Dantonio and Izzo. I was surprised so many "sources close to the programs" came out with reports that they were going to be retiring. It's a horrible thing that happened, but Nassar is being tied in where it shouldn't be, so I'm hoping that gets straightened out. The B1G is better with both of those coaches in it.

What's changing on the offense? I know a couple WRs transferred but that's all I know about the offense going into 2018.
It was largely freshman and sophomores last year and ended up being the youngest team in the conference by season’s end. So they are just going to be older, bigger and more used to the system. The players that left were non factors last year but will be a slight hinderance going into this season. I suspect we will be much better than last year, but when you are around the 100th in Offense, there really isn’t much farther down you can go.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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So, you just said here that Ohio State will have no problem beating Penn State, Michigan, or Michigan State but you aren’t saying they are going to walk through the conference? Who is going to give them trouble then since you just said that the top three teams, that are not Ohio State, have no shot at beating them?
Where did I say they'll have no problem beating them? Where did I say they'd have no shot? I'm saying there are obviously reasons why OSU would be favored against them. Penn State lost a lot more than OSU did, michigan still doesn't have the QB situation figured out, and Michigan State (by your own admission) is a shit offense. Wisconsin, yeah, we will walk through them again if we face them in the CCG. We won't have Barrett out there gift-wrapping INTs and tossing dogshit to open OSU WRs ready to waltz into the end zone.

I'm not being a homer for saying OSU should be favored against these teams, you know. The overwhelming majority of the sports world agrees that OSU should be favored to win the conference.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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It was largely freshman and sophomores last year and ended up being the youngest team in the conference by season’s end. So they are just going to be older, bigger and more used to the system. The players that left were non factors last year but will be a slight hinderance going into this season. I suspect we will be much better than last year, but when you are around the 100th in Offense, there really isn’t much farther down you can go.
Makes a lot of sense. Also, we're traveling to EL in November, so anything can happen.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He was saying "cheating" in quotations like that because the tattoos didn't give us a competitive advantage. They broke a bi-law that's only in place because the NCAA can't handle the thought of someone making money without them getting a piece of the pie. It's not like they were popped for steroids or HGH, or point-shaving or something.

I don't know that Tressel would be at OSU today necessarily. Even if Urban went to ND first, he'd have been at OSU sooner or later when Tressel hung it up.
That’s the difference, he is focusing on the validity of the offense, I’m focusing on the using ineligible players.

Across The Field

Oaky Afterbirth
Apr 21, 2015
Hoopla Cash
$ 24,656.63
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That’s the difference, he is focusing on the validity of the offense, I’m focusing on the using ineligible players.
I can see that. At the end of the day, OSU still got what they deserved IMO. That said, I think initial rule-breaking that started the whole thing is horseshit. If a kid earns something and it's now his possession, he should be able to sell it.


Funniest SH member
Jul 18, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 581.82
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I can see that. At the end of the day, OSU still got what they deserved IMO. That said, I think initial rule-breaking that started the whole thing is horseshit. If a kid earns something and it's now his possession, he should be able to sell it.
Agreed. But the problem is you will get crazy boosters paying $10k for an XBOX360 as a way to get around paying players. I said in 2011 that OSU should just take a bowl ban because it was going to just be a shit bowl anyways so who cares.