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Sherman & Baldwin Poke Fun at the NFL


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Jul 3, 2013
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This just in! Cardboard Baldwin just got fined 100,000 by Roger Goodell


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Jul 17, 2013
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I'm not a big Sherman fan but he just moved up in my book because of this interview! That was some intelligent humor right there. Good ell had to be fuming in his office watching this. Plus probably makes Lynch feel a it better about a teammate sticking up for him like that.

R.J. MacReady

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The players all agree to this under the CBA. I have no zero sympathy for people who sign an agreement and then have a problem with their own agreement.

There is a million poor slobs out there who have to sign a non complete clause to get a job, and they would be fired in 2 seconds if they bitched about after the fact.


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The players all agree to this under the CBA. I have no zero sympathy for people who sign an agreement and then have a problem with their own agreement.

There is a million poor slobs out there who have to sign a non complete clause to get a job, and they would be fired in 2 seconds if they bitched about after the fact.

NFL is the entertainment business .... You can't fire them because who are the fans gonna come too see? You can't doubt the contradictions the NFL puts on themselves .... Sherman and Doug used humor too jab at them a bit .... I think it's brilliant ... Freedom of speech bro ..


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Jul 3, 2013
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I'm not a big Sherman fan but he just moved up in my book because of this interview! That was some intelligent humor right there. Good ell had to be fuming in his office watching this. Plus probably makes Lynch feel a it better about a teammate sticking up for him like that.

Lol oh hell yeah the Fuhrer was fuming ... He's assessing potential fines as we type ... Such insolence cannot be tolerated...


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The players all agree to this under the CBA. I have no zero sympathy for people who sign an agreement and then have a problem with their own agreement.

There is a million poor slobs out there who have to sign a non complete clause to get a job, and they would be fired in 2 seconds if they bitched about after the fact.

You do realize that not every player actually agrees with the CBA, right?

Marshawn Lynch clearly dislikes speaking to the media. He uncomfortable doing it. He is forced to because of the CBA that was agreed to by the NFLPA, not him.

Regardless, I think this was great. It's great to see players standing up for their own publicly like this. They may get fined as well but I bet every single player on the team appreciated them doing it.


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Regardless, I think this was great. It's great to see players standing up for their own publicly like this. They may get fined as well but I bet every single player on the team appreciated them doing it.

Just don't get suspended is all I ask.


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And the media cry babies just hate it, self important douchebags.


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Apr 23, 2013
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The players all agree to this under the CBA. I have no zero sympathy for people who sign an agreement and then have a problem with their own agreement.

There is a million poor slobs out there who have to sign a non complete clause to get a job, and they would be fired in 2 seconds if they bitched about after the fact.

Thats such a tired argument. The Players have zero leverage in the whole negotiation. The owners threw them a few token bones with the practice sched and the rookie wage scale.

The players who's average life span in the league is 3 years have ZERO negotiating power. They give the owners whta the owners want or they lose a third of their career opportunity to make money.....

IF you think the players union has any power at all I have a bridge to sell you.

R.J. MacReady

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Oct 15, 2013
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Thats such a tired argument. The Players have zero leverage in the whole negotiation. The owners threw them a few token bones with the practice sched and the rookie wage scale.

The players who's average life span in the league is 3 years have ZERO negotiating power. They give the owners whta the owners want or they lose a third of their career opportunity to make money.....

IF you think the players union has any power at all I have a bridge to sell you.

I never realized how victimized the players were. Is there a players fund that I can donate too?



Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
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The media access requirement helps as many players as it hurts, if not a lot more. Gives them more exposure which helps with their endorsements and merchandise sales. As much as this is a requirement of the players, it also prevents what used to happen in the past when coaches would tell their guys not to talk to the media at all or be tossed off the team.

It is needed by both sides. The league wouldn't be the same without it. We all know there are people who don't do well with those and the media has to just suck up and deal with it. Kaepernick isn't giving them anything either. And they aren't alone.

Members of the national media are the ones that keep turning Lynch in. It has been well established it isn't the local media. If those national guys weren't crying about it, nothing would come of it. Then some of the same ones write articles on how Lynch is going too far with his non answers and forcing them to write about him and how he drags the team down instead of the good stories around the team. In other words, they aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about and do everything they can to blame their own inadequacies on others.

But R.J., what Sherman and Baldwin wasn't crying over being forced to talk to them, they were pointing out the hypocrisy. Go ahead and tell me how the CBA terms excuses the league from having beer sponsors and yet forbid players from having alcohol sponsors themselves? How does this excuse them having casino sponsors and again forbidding the players from the same? Listen again to what they actually said before bring out some tired old BS that really doesn't apply.