There wasn't any, it's hilarious to even suggest there was any intent. 2 minute penalty max. Boston fans are playing their "look over there!" game again.
yeah, look over the standings...:rollseyes: at the leader in the eastern conference
There wasn't any, it's hilarious to even suggest there was any intent. 2 minute penalty max. Boston fans are playing their "look over there!" game again.
There have been some questionable hits tonight, any chance they are going reevaluate the suspension because of them?
yeah, look over the standings...:rollseyes: at the leader in the eastern conference
Yet you defend Dupius and his stick swing that broke a guys leg.
I disagree. It has everything to do with the thread. Orpik drilled a defenseless player without the puck and left the game. Marchand got a knee to the head, Kelly gets a broken leg.
All of that resulted in a 2 minute minor penalty to the Pens.
If that was Sid getting drilled by lets say Boychuck do you think that it would have been deemed a clean hit?
If you say yes you are completely full of shit.
IMO 15 was harsh for his 1st offence,when you factor in the circumstances.
IMO 15 was harsh for his 1st offence,when you factor in the circumstances.
Question to Boston people: do you like Haggerty? Because he seems like Dejan Kovacek on steriods with a worse ego.
He is a hack IMO.
Ge usually just goes with what ever the majority wants to hear.
Great. So I'm not wrong in finding him to be an incredible egotistical douche. Hah. He's a complete troll on twitter. He even "subtweeted" another Boston media member who said something like "seems pretty likely that we'll see a ruling on Saturday" on Friday when people were awaiting the ruling. Just a jerk.
He is a self proclaimed expert.
He is a self proclaimed expert.
aren't we all?
He is a self proclaimed expert.
Set an example, 30 games. Another suspensipn done wrong.