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Serious question: Where to go from here?


Free Agent from Elsewhere
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Understanding that it's easy to be spoiled by the success this team has had in recent years, it's still getting to be a bit frustrating watching them blow these last two games (would have been three if the refs had called that batted ball against Detroit).

Now that we know this team needs some SERIOUS help, how should they go by fixing it?

Do they just play out the rest of the year and hope to make some changes for next year?

Or what kind of action can be taken now while we're not even halfway through the season?



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Understanding that it's easy to be spoiled by the success this team has had in recent years, it's still getting to be a bit frustrating watching them blow these last two games (would have been three if the refs had called that batted ball against Detroit).

Now that we know this team needs some SERIOUS help, how should they go by fixing it?

Do they just play out the rest of the year and hope to make some changes for next year?

Or what kind of action can be taken now while we're not even halfway through the season?

Mmmm don't think they need serious help myself. The defense is bringing back 10 of 11 players, true Cary Williams the new guy has been a bust so far, but if the other 10 play their A game the defense would be OK. No reason they can't, not like any players on this squad is over the hill.

The offense has the same issue as in the past, crappy OL, but on the bright side. Wilson discovered Graham, Tyler Lockett looks good and Rawls might just be fine replacing Lynch. To early to tell about Rawls IMO but you got to like what he's shown so far.

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
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I think it has more to do with teams figuring out how to exploit our weakness in the defense vs us having the inability to adjust....


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Jul 2, 2013
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O-line needs help. I really miss having a Zack Miller type player in our 2 TE power sets. We're definitely missing his value in protection. Willson and Graham makes this team more finesse which is not Pete's style.


I love Beer.
Jul 3, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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O-line needs help. I really miss having a Zack Miller type player in our 2 TE power sets. We're definitely missing his value in protection. Willson and Graham makes this team more finesse which is not Pete's style.

Exactly they have gotten players that don't work into the style of play they are accustomed to. Also to be perfectly honest Seattle isn't a power running team, not very often do they line up under center in a power formation. Most of their runs are out of the gun. That being said maybe change their offense to fit the needs at the time. Kind of like the Patriots do.


Go Army!
Dec 28, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Hard to figure out how all of a sudden this team cannot close out games in the 4th quarter. If the games were only 3 quarters long, I think we would be 5-1 or 6-0. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense -- it's almost all the same players using the same system.

I think one thing holding us back is we are approaching the game on offense with the assumption that the D is only going to allow 14-17 points and therefore we only need to score about 20 to win. It's starting to become clear that this season's D is not living up and we need to open it up more offensively in order to win these games.

Lynch is done, too. He'll be a 3.8 ypc guy behind this line the rest of the way. The sooner we move on from featuring him, the better off we'll be.


Bipedal Sea Dog
Jul 23, 2013
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D coord is obviously the glaring issue. At least Bevell adjusted against the Panthers and started forcing Wilson to throw the ball to Graham, but the D coord is playing a bend/don't break defense in the 4th quarter which everyone knows is fail.

Seattle is marching a different defense out quarters 1-3 compared to 4. That's the obvious issue. We did it against St. Louis, Cincy, and Carolina. If our D is playing like the old D we'd be 5-1.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Is it one problem, or many? Are they too big to overcome?

Those will be debated all year and the answer to the second will become more apparent game after game. So far they obviously have been because so far nothing has been done to correct them and the season is more than 1/3 of the way through.

They are a key play or two from being really 5-1. It's not like they've been blown out. I think all of those games they have had leads.

You can't dominate on defense the way they have without all of the correct pieces. It's not like they created some new fancy defense and teams are just now figuring it out. They play a base cover 3 most of the time and it works ONLY if your corners can play man on the outside and cover their responsibilities on top AND you have killer LB's that can play the run and prevent teams from dink and dunking on short hitches and whatnot. If you can do that you hamstring most offenses.

Without a corner you trust on the other side of Sherman, they are dropping into cover 2 a lot more which puts Kam back away from the line and weakens your run defense and opens up more of those seams on intermediate routes. And this team isn't as pro at cover 2 as they are cover 3 since that's pretty much all they've played for at least 4 years now.

Kam is proving why preseason matters. The DC is proving why losing Quinn hurt. Williams is a prime example of why next man up is a farce in the NFL. And until someone puts up a middle of the road offensive line you really need not ask any other question about the offense. It starts and ends in the trenches and right now our guys are getting their asses handed to them way too often.


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Jul 14, 2013
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You choked a boat load of points to Brady in the 4th Qtr of the Superbowl...this pattern has been coming since at least then...don't blame lack of Quinn or Norton.


Jul 4, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You choked a boat load of points to Brady in the 4th Qtr of the Superbowl...this pattern has been coming since at least then...don't blame lack of Quinn or Norton.

This goes as far back as when Bradley was the coordinator for this team. Except then, they were still capable of closing games out and make one or two defensive plays when needed. Now? Not so much because the team's continuing to fail on 3rd down situations and NFL teams are adjusting to this defense and know exactly what they need to do against this defense late in the game.


Free Agent from Elsewhere
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This goes as far back as when Bradley was the coordinator for this team. Except then, they were still capable of closing games out and make one or two defensive plays when needed. Now? Not so much because the team's continuing to fail on 3rd down situations and NFL teams are adjusting to this defense and know exactly what they need to do against this defense late in the game.
They need reminding that this isn't the Canadian league. You CAN force a fourth down, guys, remember?

Anointed One

Gone Country!
Aug 29, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Lynch is done, too. He'll be a 3.8 ypc guy behind this line the rest of the way. The sooner we move on from featuring him, the better off we'll be.

Yeah, I agree... He's running very old it seems... It's amazing how fresh, young Rawls looks running the ball vs Lynch... You'd think Lynch would run w/ purpose knowing he's being outplayed by an undrafted rookie....


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Apr 23, 2013
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Guys, i wouldn't write Lynch off yet, at least for this year.
IMO, the OL was still learning each others names in the first couple of games.
Now that Marshawn is back, Carolina has always been tough to run against. Going back in time in the last 5 games Marshawn ran for 54, 59, 62, 43, and 85 yards.
Let's see how he does against SF.
Yes, Rawls looks great and might be the future as we will need someone else to take over soon.


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To early to write off Lynch, but Rawls sure looks good so far. If the Seahawks lose many more games, then it may be time to make a change, but Lynch still has credit in the bank for how great he's been all these years. So don't expect a change any time soon. Mostly just relieved that the Seahawks have a RB on the roster that can take over for Lynch when the need arrives.


Release the Kraken - Fuck the Canucks
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 8,800.06
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You choked a boat load of points to Brady in the 4th Qtr of the Superbowl...this pattern has been coming since at least then...don't blame lack of Quinn or Norton.
Naw, didn't have that collapse until after Avril went out. Which was after Lane went out and one other injury. Not having Avril on the pass rush left Brady literally all day in the pocket. No one is going to stop him with unlimited time.

Big big difference vs this year. It's a bad corner, SS that sat out and still isn't fully up to speed, a few injuries, and a mix of weird play calling and miscommunication with the calls that's on the new DC. We didn't have that last year.


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You choked a boat load of points to Brady in the 4th Qtr of the Superbowl...this pattern has been coming since at least then...don't blame lack of Quinn or Norton.

Got a question for you. This is a Seahawk board, Seahawks fans come here to talk amoung our selves. Lots of us post on the NFL general board to talk with other fans of other teams. Why are you camping out here?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2013
3rd stone from the sun
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Got a question for you. This is a Seahawk board, Seahawks fans come here to talk amount our selves. Lots of us post on the NFL general board to talk with other fans of other teams. Why are you camping out here?

He is gloating. Sort of like little kids saying "neener neener" after you lose.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Got a question for you. This is a Seahawk board, Seahawks fans come here to talk amount our selves. Lots of us post on the NFL general board to talk with other fans of other teams. Why are you camping out here?

He's a D-Bag. That's all i've got.


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2013
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I"m a little worried this won't be fixable this year... We've had basically 5 meltdowns late in the 4th quarter of games, something is seriously wrong... Unless we change D coordinators I don't see this trend ending... Even a veteran group needs a good coach that call's a good game... When collapses keep happening on defense you have too look towards the coaching staff... Richard's I don't think is doing a very good job... were handing shit away right now like a charity ... A high school TE would a made that catch beating us ... NO ONE was covering him...