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Seahawk and Mariner Fans


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 663.91
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#1. I love baseball. I went to a (one) Pilot game when I was 7. And 500+ Mariner Games.
#2. I have played WAY more baseball than Football, coached both, huge fan of each.

That said, I was listening to 'sports radio' and they were discussing top 5 Seahawk plays of 2014 (not SB winning Year), this past year. They had some type of list they were debating, and a really great play, like Thomas punching out the ball through the endzone for a touchback, they were like whatever, and couldn't decide on number 6, so they stopped at 5. Therefore the top 5.

This made me laugh and pain at the same time, when I realized that in 2014 alone, the Seahawks had MORE great moments, in just that one year, than the Mariners had ever had in their entire HISTORY.
Add SB winning year, and the list of GREAT Seahawk moments is 'really feel good".

The M's have had a few in History, 1995, beating the Yankees, Wolcott walking the bases loaded to Cleveland, then somehow getting out of it, win that game, but sadly, lose the Series.
2001, Griffey, A-Rod. Edgar.
Felix perfect game, sure, there are great moments, but NOT like the Seahawk Great Moments.

It just made me realize how good we have it as Seahawk Fans right NOW, and realize this great success will eventually subside, but enjoy the ride folks.

Go Hawks.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 805.92
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#1. I love baseball. I went to a (one) Pilot game when I was 7. And 500+ Mariner Games.
#2. I have played WAY more baseball than Football, coached both, huge fan of each.

That said, I was listening to 'sports radio' and they were discussing top 5 Seahawk plays of 2014 (not SB winning Year), this past year. They had some type of list they were debating, and a really great play, like Thomas punching out the ball through the endzone for a touchback, they were like whatever, and couldn't decide on number 6, so they stopped at 5. Therefore the top 5.

This made me laugh and pain at the same time, when I realized that in 2014 alone, the Seahawks had MORE great moments, in just that one year, than the Mariners had ever had in their entire HISTORY.
Add SB winning year, and the list of GREAT Seahawk moments is 'really feel good".

The M's have had a few in History, 1995, beating the Yankees, Wolcott walking the bases loaded to Cleveland, then somehow getting out of it, win that game, but sadly, lose the Series.
2001, Griffey, A-Rod. Edgar.
Felix perfect game, sure, there are great moments, but NOT like the Seahawk Great Moments.

It just made me realize how good we have it as Seahawk Fans right NOW, and realize this great success will eventually subside, but enjoy the ride folks.

Go Hawks.
I have been to almost every Seahawk game since `87, but only about 30 M's games. My timing was good though because I saw Edgar knock in Griff to win the Yankee series in `95 and was at the aforementioned Cleveland game in the next series. IIRC, Wolcott walked the bases loaded to START the game. Flipping rough start but an amazing win.


Trolling 45, it's EASY.
Apr 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 663.91
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I have been to almost every Seahawk game since `87, but only about 30 M's games. My timing was good though because I saw Edgar knock in Griff to win the Yankee series in `95 and was at the aforementioned Cleveland game in the next series. IIRC, Wolcott walked the bases loaded to START the game. Flipping rough start but an amazing win.

Yeah, I was there. Remember it well. Walking out of that game down the ramps was a pretty wild scene. I'm waiting for something better.


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
Your head
Hoopla Cash
$ 500.87
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Bill Bavasi killed the Mariners for me. After 2002 I started to drift from being as diehard of a fan. It seemed like whenever we had something going, Bavasi would trade people away


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2013
PNW... I need warmer clothes
Hoopla Cash
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I love the Mariners. I also love the Seahawks. Fan of both my entire life both teams are big parts of my life.

The Seahawks are fun to watch. Its fun being on top. Game day is a huge event and joyful occasion full of excitement.

The Mariners are not fun to watch, in fact its fucking painful. They haven't been fun to watch for over a decade. I probably watch 85% of the Mariner games each year on tv and try to attend a game or two in Seattle and at least one other at a different ballpark (usually Petco). I am rarely excited to watch the Mariners play because i know its probably going to be depressing.

The Seahawks are run by competent people. The Mariners are run by people that should be in an institution.


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Sep 1, 2011
Twin Peaks
Hoopla Cash
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I've gotten to the point with baseball that not only do I not watch, I don't even want to listen to sports radio if they start talking baseball. To depressing.