I live again
Agreed, but you forget that we shorthand everything we say/write...
This "we" thing seems to spill over into other parts of life I see. Leave it to me to be different, to not do things like everyone else.
Agreed, but you forget that we shorthand everything we say/write...
They aren't. They're fans....sure they may effect the game environment, but they aren't part of the team.
creating a homefield advantage =/= part of the team
Is the ball boy part of a team, or do you have to play or coach to be part of a team... I think this thread should branch out and define what does being part of a team mean and who can be part of a team...
This "we" thing seems to spill over into other parts of life I see. Leave it to me to be different, to not do things like everyone else.
it's just a message board not a resume or business letter. typing your thoughts out as quickly as you can are part of the nature of the beast. misusing ellipses is fun too.....
Agreed. It's not that I make it a mission or anything. I will still use it as a reflection of intellegence myself, as, we have little else to go on, and, I want to avoid spending time in discussions with fools if at all possible.
To each their own....
I mean i agree that it is annoying, and many overuse it... But i dont know if it is actually wrong...
Just wondering, did you misuse commas on purpose to be ironic?? not to mention the other gramatical mistakes!!!
I don't think I'm part of them team. At least with the Padres and Titans, I just identify so closely with them that I.... well, maybe you're right. I almost do feel like I'm somehow connected to the team. I'm trying to come up with a way to explain how I feel, but I guess that's pretty much it.
No. I screw up, just like everyone else. And, I just admit it, and move on. However, I don't mind being corrected, as, how else can I learn from my mistakes?
Who does it?
Who hates it?
Wow. Whow knew I would be able to wrap several subjects/points here into a nice little bundle.
The reason to point out things are wrong is not always to shame the offending party. If said party is receptive, you can show them why what they are doing is wrong, and, they will stop doing it.
What I have in mind with the above is texting. I see it is more and more acceptable to spell phonetically at best, and use just letters and symbols at worst.
If this goes on long enough, it will proably end up being pretty much universally accepted.
Then, who will be left that really knows how to spell?
I just see this as possibly a very slippery slope.......
Just for argument sake then why is using the "we" and "us" wrong?? and in your explanation can you define "team"??
In the context of sports and sporting teams, I feel that "we" and "us" should be reserved for members or employees of said team.
And, a team is a group of people playing together against another team in a game, match, or sporting event.
By your definition of team then i agree with you nobody should call themselves "WE", or "us"... But i am sure there are much looser definitions- including allowing coaches to be part of a team...
But i do believe it is all about your personal definition of team to answer if using those words are wrong...
Semantics can be and are fun sometimes, huh?
In a civilized conversation?? yes!!! but there is nothing worse than when the discussion is getting heated, and someone catches you on semantics and misses the hole point!!!