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Saban draws comparisons to smoking heaters and the HUNH


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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probably be more like this cult leader


Mandatory kool aid drinking

The Authority

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Aug 2, 2013
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I have never spoke once about liking or disliking injuries or even caring about them. Being a former injured player, I can tell you that its not fun, months of rehab, doctors poking and twisting previously injured knees and ankles. On the reverse side, I dont feel that this rule would impact but maybe a play or two each game and think its absolutely funny the amount of defense its getting from the HUHN camps. Sheeple on boths sides apparently.

Only one side is lobbying for rules to be changed to limit a coaching style they don't use.

The Authority

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No i dont agree with that assessment at all. I think the man has some legitimate arguments and all he asked for was a study to look into if it impacts player safety. He even stated he didnt have any stats or figures to back up his thoughts on the matter. What he did have was information on the average plays of a HUHN versus a slower style of offense. Really, let me ask you, how many times do you need to read this to commit it to memory, or are you just being intentionally difficult to serve your own selfish needs.

Yes he has arguments against a style that he doesn't use. Thats called self serving.

The Authority

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didnt know we had attorneys now, i thought you had an argument you wanted to prove correct and that usually needs proof.

Since you want to go down that road:The opposition has three witnesses to its account and thats good enough in any court of law I know about...especially when the other side hasnt produced anything but opinion/disbelief. I find in favor of team A with the witnesses.:whistle:

Wrong. I made a statement that I believe to be true and there is no evidence to prove me wrong.

Are you including yourself in those three witnesses because you contradicited yourself a few posts back and said you never spoke about injuries before.

Looks like you lost credibility.


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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If you read the article in the OP, you'll see a doctor with 30 years in the game pretty much saying that there is very likely a link between the 2 and player safety.

And then there is this:

In-game fatigue influences concussions in nat... [Res Sports Med. 2008] - PubMed - NCBI

Now, me personally - my reasons for disliking it has nothing to do with player safety. But to say it doesn't exist at all would be false. My problems with it are the no substitution part. I have no issue with the no huddle, I have no problem with the hurry up part. But the no substitution part is lame, especially when the offense isn't even in hurry up mode and just goes to the line and they all turn their heads to the sideline for the play like a bunch of cats chasing a laser light.
None of you ever spoke on the matter till Lil' Nick started asking for favors. :lol:
I don't see you saying anything about injuries here. In fact, I said right away that my reasons for disliking it has nothing to do with player safety in the actual paragraph you quoted and replied too.

So, who has no credibility?

Oh, and as far as wiz goes.

Authority, 4D20 was talking about this subject much of last season. You really don't need to troll him for 20 posts about it.

But hell, it's not like you really care about the reality since you can't even attribute what you've said correctly.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
Hoopla Cash
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What's with the Saban talk? I thought this was Wizardhawks cult thread now?:noidea:


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Wrong. I made a statement that I believe to be true and there is no evidence to prove me wrong.

Are you including yourself in those three witnesses because you contradicited yourself a few posts back and said you never spoke about injuries before.

Looks like you lost credibility.

Really, I said I never spoke about injuries before...or did I say

I have never spoke once about liking or disliking injuries or even caring about them.

That sounds more like me, but again you and putting words in my mouth. I remember posting about the HUHN offense and this possible rule change last offseason when the committee was deliberating on it, so yes I am backing up WizardHawk and 4D20 that a conversation was had about this rule change. I also seem to remember i was not in favor then about it being a good rule to implement. I just want enough refs to accurately call the game and not make it an advantage for the offense because they snap the ball when the refs are out of place.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Only one side is lobbying for rules to be changed to limit a coaching style they don't use.

Oh but all the SportsHoopla surrounding this rule sure has made jimmies get rustled on the HUHN side even though it wont impact but a couple of plays per game at best. Even you have droned on endlessly in favor of it(anti-Saban poster) not passing because you are afraid he has that much influence. You dont care that studies have shown it wont do a thing to slow the pace of the game, you just want the world to know your panties are bunched.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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But you cant say anything, he's a mod.

You damn right. So quit bitching and shut your mouth...


There, is that what you were looking for? Seems like me being patient and fair isn't what you all are after.



Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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What's with the Saban talk? I thought this was Wizardhawks cult thread now?:noidea:

Wizard makes Bigfoot hangout around Mamba's house I'm told.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I just want to see if its lip service, or if he is really going to back up his strong words. Seems that if he is willing to be a man of his word that it needs to start on his own front porch. Time to put up or shut up...I think thats the term isnt it.

I like cliches...like practice what you preach, put or shut up. Hits right to the core where they live. I dont go around calling names and I certainly dont like the name Gump, no matter if its a term associated with my team or not.

Careful, he will hack your computer and ruin us. :rollseyes:

Man, you Gumps are on ultra sensitive mode of late.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes he has arguments against a style that he doesn't use. Thats called self serving.

Thats your opinion and your welcome to it, biased though its apparent to be.

I have arguments against it too, but dont have a dog in the fight so to speak because I am not a college coach. Is it self serving of me.

And on that not, is it self serving of the HUHN coaches for speaking against Saban having an opinion on the subject, or is it ok because they run that style of offense? See to me if they say a word then they too can be called self serving because they are just trying to preserve their style of offense, even though it was a rule change that allowed them to run it in the first place.

In the end we are all protective in nature and tend to be a tad bit self serving(you most of all apparently as you claim to never be wrong, but are quite often)


Quit checking me out.
May 10, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 394.91
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Careful, he will hack your computer and ruin us. :rollseyes:

Man, you Gumps are on ultra sensitive mode of late.

Oh please, you would have went into full OD mode already if Oregon was getting anything near what has been going on.

Hell, the mere mention of possible sanctions last season by Washington fans sent you and other Oregon fans off many times.

Alabama fans are no different than any other fans. When your team is attacked, you defend it.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Careful, he will hack your computer and ruin us. :rollseyes:

Man, you Gumps are on ultra sensitive mode of late.

Name calling leads to escalation, which leads to cussing and hateful comments. This is in response to the comments by Caneman(mostly trollman to me) and his comments earlier today.

Tell you what, We "Gumps" will drop this argument if we are allowed to drop it, but it keeps getting bumped or rehashed by a certain few. I will stay and debate as long as it continues to be around. Let it drop and it will fade into the next pages and beyond. Its pretty simple logic actually.

And you most of all should know i dont and never will use my trade in a negative manner. It would cost me everything I have if I ever got caught.


John: 8:36
Apr 16, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 61.19
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I thought the term Gumps was an endearment of sorts. Oscar winning movie and actor and a great Bama football player.

Who doesn't like Forrest Gump?