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Saban draws comparisons to smoking heaters and the HUNH


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Jun 27, 2013
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I remember reading them at one time, but I stay so busy that I cannot commit them to memory at this time. I do remember when i read it that I thought that it was funny that he and Saban are not exactly chummy pals and his comments seemed like he held resentments towards Nick.

I have friends that are high placed Alums at Florida and FSU and both sides have heard Rumblings that this could be the last year for Muschamp if he doesnt seem like he has a handle on the team. Last year was a cluster fuck of the worst order and he never seemed to look as if he knew how to fix it.

Basically you dont know what he said and attacking him is easier than a 10 second Google search. I can not believe that others had the audacity to accuse Bama fans of deflection.

The Authority

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Seeing as they only go back 500 posts on the users page and the time frame would be well over a year ago, this is simply not possible, but you continue to be your normal self and those who actually discussed it well over a year ago will continue to know we did. Want proof, go find it yourself, otherwise View attachment 9165

Why would I go out of my to find something I don't think exists.

That would be a waste of time.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Basically you dont know what he said and attacking him is easier than a 10 second Google search. I can not believe that others had the audacity to accuse Bama fans of deflection.

Like I said, I dont remember the exact comments, but I do know the past history of Saban and Muschamp and there is no friendship lost. Its not deflection, simple lack of memory of exact comments. I do remember what I thought when I read it and thats enough for my purposes. You want to call it deflection, thats your opinion.


2nd amendment supporter
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Why would I go out of my to find something I don't think exists.

That would be a waste of time.

So instead you will continue to be obstinate and not take the word of three posters who had commented on the subject...yeah that sounds about right for someone not wanting to prove themselves wrong and having to admit being incorrect.

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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Dear Mods:

Please change the title of this thread to: "The Real Housewives of Sportshoopla"

Because there is never ending bitching and drama up on this thread! Can't wait until Mamba host the after thread should be epic.

The Authority

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Bama fans sure do fail in the backing up their statements department.

The Authority

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So instead you will continue to be obstinate and not take the word of three posters who had commented on the subject...yeah that sounds about right for someone not wanting to prove themselves wrong and having to admit being incorrect.

Why would I admit being incorrect where there has been no evidence that I am.

In turn you are just stating what you want to be true, to not look like idiots who blindly follow their coach like lost sheep.

Its extremely hard for me to believe any of you gave two shits about injuries until your Sheep herder spoke out about it.
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2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Why would I admit being incorrect where there has been no evidence that I am.

In turn you are just stating what you want to be true, to not look like idiots who blindly follow their coach like lost sheep.

I dont think i follow anyone blindly and have come out in several of these threads on this very subject and said i dont think a rule would change a thing. My thoughts are they should add in another ref and not allow the snap of the ball until all of them are in their positions to accurately call the game. This is another example of you perceiving what someone is thinking and doing so incorrectly. Thanks for putting words in my mouth, but I am a big boy and dont need the likes of you to do it for me.

The Authority

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Do defense attorneys spend their time trying to prove their defendant guilty?

What you are suggesting is idiotic.

The Authority

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I dont think i follow anyone blindly and have come out in several of these threads on this very subject and said i dont think a rule would change a thing. My thoughts are they should add in another ref and not allow the snap of the ball until all of them are in their positions to accurately call the game. This is another example of you perceiving what someone is thinking and doing so incorrectly. Thanks for putting words in my mouth, but I am a big boy and dont need the likes of you to do it for me.

So you agree that Saban was being a bit Self Serving and it kind of bit him on the ass in the perception department?


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Why would I admit being incorrect where there has been no evidence that I am.

In turn you are just stating what you want to be true, to not look like idiots who blindly follow their coach like lost sheep.

Its extremely hard for me to believe any of you gave two shits about injuries until your Sheep herder spoke out about it.

I have never spoke once about liking or disliking injuries or even caring about them. Being a former injured player, I can tell you that its not fun, months of rehab, doctors poking and twisting previously injured knees and ankles. On the reverse side, I dont feel that this rule would impact but maybe a play or two each game and think its absolutely funny the amount of defense its getting from the HUHN camps. Sheeple on boths sides apparently.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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So you agree that Saban was being a bit Self Serving and it kind of bit him on the ass in the perception department?

No i dont agree with that assessment at all. I think the man has some legitimate arguments and all he asked for was a study to look into if it impacts player safety. He even stated he didnt have any stats or figures to back up his thoughts on the matter. What he did have was information on the average plays of a HUHN versus a slower style of offense. Really, let me ask you, how many times do you need to read this to commit it to memory, or are you just being intentionally difficult to serve your own selfish needs.


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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Do defense attorneys spend their time trying to prove their defendant guilty?

What you are suggesting is idiotic.

didnt know we had attorneys now, i thought you had an argument you wanted to prove correct and that usually needs proof.

Since you want to go down that road:The opposition has three witnesses to its account and thats good enough in any court of law I know about...especially when the other side hasnt produced anything but opinion/disbelief. I find in favor of team A with the witnesses.:whistle:


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Yes, WizardHawk is my god.

I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no ban in my future.

GREAT!! Thanks a lot!! Now Wiz is going to be impossible to live with on the PAC-12 thread!!:gaah:

Wild Turkey

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May 21, 2013
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I gave up Wiz worship for Lent.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Come on WT, get on the Bandwagon(dont do it you filthy minded bastids)

We all gonna join the WizardHawk Cult:yahoo:
