Zig's Enchanted Oriental Cuisine & Massage Parlor (Private parking and entrance in rear)
Mark Reynolds is not good enough to play for my local Single-A team, much less the Yankees. His SO to HR ratio is something like 12:1.
Mark Reynolds is not good enough to play for my local Single-A team, much less the Yankees. His SO to HR ratio is something like 12:1.
Zig's Enchanted Oriental Cuisine & Massage Parlor (Private parking and entrance in rear)
Sometimes the truth hurts. People who act like 7th graders don't usually like to have it pointed out.
He has always been streaky. He Had one in April then nothing. My premise here is. He gets Hot again. That's all.. Could just as easy go 1 for 40. He is literally a Boom or Bust player. And he useless the Vast majority of the time.
AP - Boston. In a last minute decision, the MLB front office has allowed the Red Sox to store extra baserunners in the third base coaches box. "It was that or allow them to pile up a bunch of guys at third base. I think that's against the rules so we decided to give the Red Sox the opportunity to let their base runners hang out with the third base coach as long as they don't interfere with the field of play." When asked why the Sox simply didn't try to get these extra baserunners home, manager Farrell stated, "Why would we do that? We want baserunners. No one said anything about getting them home. Plus I don't know if there's enough room in the dugout for them." MLB is still considering the Sox request to put a recliner in the coaches box or whether to make the extras stand.
the fucks wrong with that guys head??
It was just a thing between Dirt and I...
He's off on his honeymoon, so I don't think you have to worry.
And besides...sometimes bicker-fests are fun.
AP - Boston. In a last minute decision, the MLB front office has allowed the Red Sox to store extra baserunners in the third base coaches box. "It was that or allow them to pile up a bunch of guys at third base. I think that's against the rules so we decided to give the Red Sox the opportunity to let their base runners hang out with the third base coach as long as they don't interfere with the field of play." When asked why the Sox simply didn't try to get these extra baserunners home, manager Farrell stated, "Why would we do that? We want baserunners. No one said anything about getting them home. Plus I don't know if there's enough room in the dugout for them." MLB is still considering the Sox request to put a recliner in the coaches box or whether to make the extras stand.
Not hitting? Awwww....
No, they're hitting. Single, walk, infield single, strike out, strike out, flyout to deep center.
soriano was the same way till he put on the pinstripes.. now hes freakin superman
I think he is just the personality type that only performs when he is on the big stage, or, when his team is winning. I think all the losing in Chicago took the fun out of the game for him for a bit.
And, this is sad, as these guys get paid so much, so as this should never ben an issue. Sadly though, I think it is. For Soriano now, and for others in the past as well.
affleck curse lives - 15 birthdays and counting....
Well, considering his contract, as well as his bad hitting, baserunning, and fielding were a big reason why they were losing so often...