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Rivals Banned

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What do you think about this shit man? It was a defunct TCU board that had a single spam bot that contributed anything. Such a fkn joke.
I'm a TCU fan so I control that shit. I just thought it would be funny to get rid of all the TCU fans on that board and tell everyone else to come in and go ape shit. Does that answer your question, SCAR SEC redneck loser?


Homeboard Troll
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I'm a TCU fan so I control that shit. I just thought it would be funny to get rid of all the TCU fans on that board and tell everyone else to come in and go ape shit. Does that answer your question, SCAR SEC redneck loser?

If any board should fuck with poster, It should have been a Baylor board. What the fuck, no TCU fans ever went to their on home board. At least Baylor I can see why no one would.


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That sucks so bad. As a mod, you were so fair and upstanding. I thought that you + (Poke, Psute) and any other Mods that were banned that I missed, + Melb were the best of the best. I'm glad you made it over here though, and I hope that you hang around for a while.


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Appreciate it.

Seriously though as I told others. This was my last year modding. It gets old after a while. Yahoo had pretty strict rules, and it was becoming a second job trying to keep things right. All mods on any board are just people trying to do something right. Sometimes they get it right sometimes they don't.

As @CowpokeU said. I am really enjoying it here. It is a lot like we wanted SO to be. And honestly I couldn't be more happy with how inviting and welcoming the members here have been of this huge surge.

So all in all it is better to leave Rivals in Rivals and move on and enjoy what's to come.

Oh, and fuck Greg. Guy can eat a dick
You were a pos from the get go. I remember like it was yesterday when you 'asked to become a mod' on there after AR said they were looking for one more mod to replace BG. You have some balls coming to this board after the shit you pulled. Don't get too comfortable here because I'll let you know now your ride is going to be bumpy.


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So here is how it played out. Email string for those of you who were didn't see the thread I started with it:

Re: CowpokeU, Toadman005Alabama9
Greg Ladky <[email protected]>

Nov 29 at 6:36 PM
Company policy. Many more are coming.
Anyone (user or moderator) using a dead/slow forum on our network to post off topic material on a site they are not registered is subject to full banning. Rivals believes there is zero reason for anyone other than TCU fans to be there (and TCU opponents' fans there to talk sports related topics). The TCU Football forum was clearly being used for other reasons.
Zero tolerance policy on this.
Adult or clearly offensive material - that goes without saying, and some of that was going on too.

*** Disclaimer: There was ONE thread NSFW***

PSUTE <[email protected]>
To:Greg Ladky
Nov 29 at 6:47 PM

Appreciate your prompt response. The participants were a virtual Who's who of the soundoff board, by invite only, myself and other mods included. Perhaps you can find a better solution than "zero tolerance"

Greg Ladky <[email protected]>

Nov 29 at 6:51 PM
Our only action forward will be to make sure the key participants (users and moderators) are banned.
Again, zero tolerance for this. That will not change.

  • PSUTE <[email protected]>
    To:Greg Ladky
    Nov 29 at 8:20 PM

    Done in ignorance as opposed to willful disregard of rules not made available. Heavy handed on your part. Been modding longer than you have ever heard of Rival's I'll bet, and was unaware of such a rule.
Greg Ladky <[email protected]>
Nov 30 at 3:34 AM
You mean people need to be told they can’t start threads with **** in it and can’t encourage others to post in it? Are you saying we need to spell that out for people?
Good to know

PSUTE <[email protected]>
To:Greg Ladky
Nov 30 at 8:36 AM

Not at all. I was referring to posting on another board...


Throbbing Member
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100+ college football message boards on the internet and you fvcks bring those spineless no testicle Rivals mods to this board .... the same board I post on since the bs ban I got. If any of you former no testicle fvck face Rivals mods think you're going to rewrite history on this board you've got another thing coming.


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Well I'm drunk and trying to get banned or at least fuck with Rivals
Gooner Gooner, Gooner Gooner, Gooner Gooner, Gooner Gooner.

Gooner Gooner, Gooner Gooner, Gooner Gooner, OKU!!!!

I'm Gooner born and Gooner bread and when I die, I'll be Gooner dead.



Throbbing Member
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So here is how it played out. Email string for those of you who were didn't see the thread I started with it:

Re: CowpokeU, Toadman005Alabama9
Greg Ladky <[email protected]>

Nov 29 at 6:36 PM
Company policy. Many more are coming.
Anyone (user or moderator) using a dead/slow forum on our network to post off topic material on a site they are not registered is subject to full banning. Rivals believes there is zero reason for anyone other than TCU fans to be there (and TCU opponents' fans there to talk sports related topics). The TCU Football forum was clearly being used for other reasons.
Zero tolerance policy on this.
Adult or clearly offensive material - that goes without saying, and some of that was going on too.

*** Disclaimer: There was ONE thread NSFW***

PSUTE <[email protected]>
To:Greg Ladky
Nov 29 at 6:47 PM

Appreciate your prompt response. The participants were a virtual Who's who of the soundoff board, by invite only, myself and other mods included. Perhaps you can find a better solution than "zero tolerance"

Greg Ladky <[email protected]>

Nov 29 at 6:51 PM
Our only action forward will be to make sure the key participants (users and moderators) are banned.
Again, zero tolerance for this. That will not change.

  • PSUTE <[email protected]>
    To:Greg Ladky
    Nov 29 at 8:20 PM

    Done in ignorance as opposed to willful disregard of rules not made available. Heavy handed on your part. Been modding longer than you have ever heard of Rival's I'll bet, and was unaware of such a rule.
Greg Ladky <[email protected]>
Nov 30 at 3:34 AM
You mean people need to be told they can’t start threads with **** in it and can’t encourage others to post in it? Are you saying we need to spell that out for people?
Good to know

PSUTE <[email protected]>
To:Greg Ladky
Nov 30 at 8:36 AM

Not at all. I was referring to posting on another board...
Tell that fvck I'll PayPal him a hundred bucks right fvcking now if he unbans you spineless cvnts and takes you back.


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100+ college football message boards on the internet and you fvcks bring those spineless no testicle Rivals mods to this board .... the same board I post on since the bs ban I got. If any of you former no testicle fvck face Rivals mods think you're going to rewrite history on this board you've got another thing coming.

Hey, hey, hey!!! I was here before all the other RIVALS fucks came screaming across the border, OK?! KD

Peter Gozintite

NO!...but yes.
Hoopla Pickems Staff
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You were a pos from the get go. I remember like it was yesterday when you 'asked to become a mod' on there after AR said they were looking for one more mod to replace BG. You have some balls coming to this board after the shit you pulled. Don't get too comfortable here because I'll let you know now your ride is going to be bumpy.
You ain't nofuckingbody


TCU Homeboard Wrecker
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I'm a millennial here that is far less offended that some grown us 50 some odd year old "man" though his gender is really in question.


TCU Homeboard Wrecker
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I noticed that when they made you a mod on there that you were another IB jr. A fvckng nobody on that site that let the power go to their head.

You can't not know who I am as a tactic all day and then now act like you remember me.

You really have a huge touch of the downs huh?
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