Active Member
I didn't know Crash was on twitter.
LOL. Rep'd...Sorry Crash.
I didn't know Crash was on twitter.
They pushed him as if he was the next Roger Clemens.......the only fair description of his career is disappointing......I'm not sure why he can't get people out, he has good stuff.....guess he's a head case.....
Less than 17,000 at the game last night, against what could be considered our biggest Division rival. I guess some things don't change in Cincinnati.
Why would attendance be any different than last season? People in Cincinnati don't spend money on tickets these days. What's the point? The economy is bad, the games are on television, the product is inconsistent. 17K for a school night in April is probably going to be high compared to some of the other games this month.
Tickets are cheap, the 'school night' argument is typically bs because the games are over before 10 (not everyone in Cincy has 4 year olds), the ownership just opened up the purse strings in a big way, and the Cincy metro area has like 2.2 million people. More than 16,000 should be at games.
It pisses me off to hear the litany of excuses Reds fans continue to use for not going to can bring in your own food for God's sake. And before you say, 'then why don't YOU go to games?' I live more than 500 miles away and will hit at least 4 games at GABP this season, as well as all 4 this week when they play the Nats.
It's my experience that the claim "kids are an excuse" generally comes from people that don't currently have kids!
much else going on. The bigger bumps will be on Friday-Sunday when the games don't interfere with school or sports, and of course if the weather continues to hold up.
You can blame those of us who say that, but it's a fact. My kids have sports/practice/games 4 days a week. I'm not going to a game when they have practice or games as I enjoy being at their practices, and judging by attendance of parents at those practices and others around us...there's more than you might think.
I can totally understand and respect your position. Obviously there isn't going to be a major pull from your respective demographic, but as I said, with 2.2 million people in the metro area, there are plenty of folks not in your position as well.
I think 24k for Easter Sunday of the opening weekend seemed a little low too. I understand wanting to 'spend time with the family' but a baseball game isn't a bad way to do that, it's only 2.5 hours - not the entire day, and the weather seemed to be very nice.
Obviously attendance is directly correlated with the ability to increase payroll and become more of a contender. I think ownership (unlike the Bengals) has actually shown they are interested and committed long term to winning, so it would be great to see the fans get involved more as well.
I can totally understand and respect your position. Obviously there isn't going to be a major pull from your respective demographic, but as I said, with 2.2 million people in the metro area, there are plenty of folks not in your position as well.
I think 24k for Easter Sunday of the opening weekend seemed a little low too. I understand wanting to 'spend time with the family' but a baseball game isn't a bad way to do that, it's only 2.5 hours - not the entire day, and the weather seemed to be very nice.
Obviously attendance is directly correlated with the ability to increase payroll and become more of a contender. I think ownership (unlike the Bengals) has actually shown they are interested and committed long term to winning, so it would be great to see the fans get involved more as well.
6 years, 72.5 million for BP.
It's my experience that the claim "kids are an excuse" generally comes from people that don't currently have kids!
A family of 4 (normal ppl not Amish) can;t get out of there without dropping at absolute minimum $100....and that's a lot of money. If you make $10 an hour you bring home about $225-$250 a week. Try living on that with a family.