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Series Thread: Rangers at Angels 6/20-6/22


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Will, I would say your statement about the fans is a little harsh. I am sure there are some good loyal A's fans out there that are well educated and far from being trash.

And really, there are a few things to say good about them even if you don't like them. They seem to run there FO well and scout players well. Especially pitching. Hell, they seem to revive someones pitching career nearly every season. Even when they were bad, they could still pitch, just couldn't score.

I know there is completion and we are supposed to hate our rivals and I do but sometimes I think we take it a little too far. I know I can get a little irrational when it comes to the Halos.

As far as the stadium goes, Murph you are likely right. I can't ever remember them drawing too much attendance. But they might draw a few more fans if they didn't have to wade around knee high in sewage to get to their seats. Maybe not though. I know our seats started to fill up a ton more when we started winning. And we never really drew huge crowds when they built the ballpark, but they still did it. Seems like it would be worth a shot but thats just not their business.

Also, my feelings toward Oakland and its fans have nothing to do with being "rivals". I have despised Oakland for as long as I've known about their people. The Raiders aren't rivals of the Cowboys, yet I still hate them. And even when the A's stunk, I still hated them. Sure, I root against divisional teams just like every fan. But I harbor no ill will toward the Mariners and their fans. Astros fans have always been nice. And even the hated Angels have much nicer people there than Oakland. The A's could switch to the National League and never win another game and I'd still despise them and their garbage fans.


Jul 3, 2013
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Also, my feelings toward Oakland and its fans have nothing to do with being "rivals". I have despised Oakland for as long as I've known about their people. The Raiders aren't rivals of the Cowboys, yet I still hate them. And even when the A's stunk, I still hated them. Sure, I root against divisional teams just like every fan. But I harbor no ill will toward the Mariners and their fans. Astros fans have always been nice. And even the hated Angels have much nicer people there than Oakland. The A's could switch to the National League and never win another game and I'd still despise them and their garbage fans.

Guess I was taking you too literally. And you are right, I have never been to game there, let alone Oakland in general. I know its a rough city with some of the highest crime rates per capita and I wouldn't particularly want to live there. Pretty nuts about what you said about the guy pissing on other fans. Really sad those sort of things happen. I suppose that mob mentally is more influential in some places over others.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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A buddy of mine sent me an article titled: "I Was Tony Gwynn's Bat Boy" by David Johnson.

I't much too lengthy to post here, but it was a delightful read. Read it first thing this morning and it will brighten my day.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Thought everyone would enjoy seeing this:

Kelly Durrett, wife of the late Richard Durrett, issued a statement Friday night through Emily Jones of the Rangers.
“On Tuesday our peaceful life exploded into a chaos and devastation that will redefine our existence. It will take weeks and months just to begin processing a way forward without Richard. But even as our world turns dark, glimmering around us are the hundreds of small lights Richard planted throughout his life. With every message and article and post the reflection of the light beats back the darkness. We are blinded by the Rangers’ generosity and a community unfathomably larger and more generous than we ever could have imagined . It is impossible to adequately express our gratitude.”
– Kelly, Owen, Alice and Baby Durrett


I hate the Angels...
Jul 2, 2013
Atlanta, GA
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Just read up on last night's posts...I wish Will would stop beating around the bush and tell us what he really thinks about A's fans! :laugh3: cracked me up!

I feel bad for Snyder, he finally gets his big league chance and he's playing out of position. Not really fair...but you know he was a good hitter at AAA and he showed signs of coming around in the Mariners series, then Wash sat him for two straight days against the A's...lost his momentum.....and before I throw Wash under the bus, that first game was Murphy's 2 HR game, so you can't really criticize Wash for that move in hindsight.

Choo is a mess, put him on the DL, put Snyder where he belongs in the OF and bring up one of the farm team 1B. When Soto returns, platoon Gimenez and Chirinos at 1b - but, but, but, I'm of the strong opinion that Chirinos should be our primary catcher now...he has earned it IMO.


former loyal Hoopilist
Jul 3, 2013
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Guess I was taking you too literally. And you are right, I have never been to game there, let alone Oakland in general. I know its a rough city with some of the highest crime rates per capita and I wouldn't particularly want to live there. Pretty nuts about what you said about the guy pissing on other fans. Really sad those sort of things happen. I suppose that mob mentally is more influential in some places over others.

My only experience with people from Oakland.

In 2003 a buddy of mine went out to cook BBQ - he has a 2 1/2 ton armadillo shaped cooker - for a bunch of folks affiliated with the wine industry. This was the last time the Raiders went to the Super Bowl. Anyway, they were having this decent size party (s) and I was thinking what a bunch of assholes I was going to encounter, but tagged along anyway.

To shorten the story, met a bunch of Oakland fans and very decent people. It surprised me how much fun and enjoyment I had.

But get this, what I could gather from them, they don't go to too many contests, regardless of sport, due to the assholes they have to deal with rooting for their team. They are embarrassed, ashamed and frankly intimidated by their "supposed" fellow-fan brethren. According to them, they only went to games when they could secure 8-10 seats together so they could travel as a group, to secure their own safety.

For, whatever that's worth. And don't get me wrong.....I still hate the A's and the Raiders too.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
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Thought everyone would enjoy seeing this:

Kelly Durrett, wife of the late Richard Durrett, issued a statement Friday night through Emily Jones of the Rangers.
“On Tuesday our peaceful life exploded into a chaos and devastation that will redefine our existence. It will take weeks and months just to begin processing a way forward without Richard. But even as our world turns dark, glimmering around us are the hundreds of small lights Richard planted throughout his life. With every message and article and post the reflection of the light beats back the darkness. We are blinded by the Rangers’ generosity and a community unfathomably larger and more generous than we ever could have imagined . It is impossible to adequately express our gratitude.”
– Kelly, Owen, Alice and Baby Durrett

Did not realize his wife is pregnant with their 3rd child, I did not think this situation could get much more tragic but that really blows me away.


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Jul 3, 2013
North Richland Hills, TX
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I think the Angels took on most of the contract when they shipped him to the Yanks, don't think the Yankees signed up for much of that contract at all.

You're right sir. Wells is owed $21MM this season, $18.6MM of which comes from the Angels, with the Yankees on the hook for just $2.4MM.
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Jul 2, 2013
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I would not mind seeing what Baker could do if they would ever leave him alone and pitch every 5th day. That has not been done since he was called up months ago. Might as well see what we have in him and if he could help us next year.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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My only experience with people from Oakland.

In 2003 a buddy of mine went out to cook BBQ - he has a 2 1/2 ton armadillo shaped cooker - for a bunch of folks affiliated with the wine industry. This was the last time the Raiders went to the Super Bowl. Anyway, they were having this decent size party (s) and I was thinking what a bunch of assholes I was going to encounter, but tagged along anyway.

To shorten the story, met a bunch of Oakland fans and very decent people. It surprised me how much fun and enjoyment I had.

But get this, what I could gather from them, they don't go to too many contests, regardless of sport, due to the assholes they have to deal with rooting for their team. They are embarrassed, ashamed and frankly intimidated by their "supposed" fellow-fan brethren. According to them, they only went to games when they could secure 8-10 seats together so they could travel as a group, to secure their own safety.

For, whatever that's worth. And don't get me wrong.....I still hate the A's and the Raiders too.

Yeah, I think things get a little over exaggerated a lot and stereotypes get formed. Just like all of us being bible thumping, horse riding, conservative cowboys with thick country accents inept to modern technology. I get their fears though, I think Oakland has one of the highest robbery rates per capita in the country by a pretty large margin. But the is still a much much lager margin of those people that are not robbing their fellow citizens. I really never try to form an opinion of people in groups but rather as individuals. I will admit that it is pretty tough not to though, I think it is in our nature. Appreshiate your input on the conversation.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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You're right sir. Wells is owed $21MM this season, $18.6MM of which comes from the Angels, with the Yankees on the hook for just $2.4MM.

Well, it looks like your are right, several reliable sites list it the same way. I guess Baseball Prospectus is junk reference for team payrolls. It's a shame too because they way they lay things out with charts, the addition stats they provide based on salary, and the overall format is really nice. They even show you future payrolls. Pretty useless if all the data is bunk though.

By the way, even with the decrease, it still appears Wells is the second highest paid Halo this season according to baseball reference. Just barely higher than Hamilton's whose contract is back loaded.


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Jul 3, 2013
North Richland Hills, TX
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Well, it looks like your are right, several reliable sites list it the same way. I guess Baseball Prospectus is junk reference for team payrolls. It's a shame too because they way they lay things out with charts, the addition stats they provide based on salary, and the overall format is really nice. They even show you future payrolls. Pretty useless if all the data is bunk though.

By the way, even with the decrease, it still appears Wells is the second highest paid Halo this season according to baseball reference. Just barely higher than Hamilton's whose contract is back loaded.

It was a terrible contract, but I always thought Wells would've succeeded had he played for the Rangers and not the Angels. I think with his best friend on the Rangers, and playing back home he would've had a better ending to his career. I guess we'll never know.


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Jul 2, 2013
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@RangerBlake: Sat. at LAA: Martin 8, Andrus 6, Choo, 7, Beltre 5, Rios dh, Snyder 3, Chirinos 2, Choice 9, Odor 4, Martinez 1.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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It was a terrible contract, but I always thought Wells would've succeeded had he played for the Rangers and not the Angels. I think with his best friend on the Rangers, and playing back home he would've had a better ending to his career. I guess we'll never know.

Yeah, I imagine he would have played well here. He used to tear us up when he was with the Jays but there was no way we were going to give him what the Halos did. That seems to have become the Halos thing, vastly over paying. That's why I sort of think they will Likely get Max- they will over pay and have significant amount coming off the books next season in Wells. Of course Max is only 29, they generally like to vastly overpay guys on the other side of 30.


Vietnam Veteran
Jul 2, 2013
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Martinez vs Weaver mmmm? Be back in a minute. Checking Vegas odds.


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Jul 22, 2013
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I would not mind seeing what Baker could do if they would ever leave him alone and pitch every 5th day. That has not been done since he was called up months ago. Might as well see what we have in him and if he could help us next year.

I agree....like Baker more than Saunders.
Saunders hasn't been half bad, thus baker waits I guess