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Series Thread: Rangers at Angels 6/20-6/22


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, I think we are going to have to get used to it. I just can't stand losing to the Angles. I feel the same way about the Angels that you do about the A's.

The Angels are a real close second in my book as far as hated teams, then there is the Yankees and Red Sox only because they aren't in the AL West otherwise it would be hard to say which one I despise almost as much as the A's. All 3 I hate almost equally and the A's just are a head above the rest in that regards


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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The Angels are a real close second in my book as far as hated teams, then there is the Yankees and Red Sox only because they aren't in the AL West otherwise it would be hard to say which one I despise almost as much as the A's. All 3 I hate almost equally and the A's just are a head above the rest in that regards

Yeah, I am not big on the Yanks or Sox either but I appreciate their history nonetheless. Both are up there for me too. Honestly, I sort of admire what the A's are able to do at times with such a small budget but they are really too cheap. You would think they would at least build a new stadium for their fans or something.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Halo Trivia: Name the player 2nd highest on the the Halos payroll this season (no cheating).


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, I am not big on the Yanks or Sox either but I appreciate their history nonetheless. Both are up there for me too. Honestly, I sort of admire what the A's are able to do at times with such a small budget but they are really too cheap. You would think they would at least build a new stadium for their fans or something.

Their fans are human garbage, so they deserve that flooded toilet of a stadium. A's fans make Phillies fans look like saints by comparison. Oakland is consistently rated as the worst large city to live in, rivaled only by Detroit. But at least Detroit fans maintain some level of civility and decorum. And the A's players think being trashy is something worthy of being paid tribute to, as evidenced by their white trash mullets and beards that many of them grow. Josh Reddick started that whole homeless look trend and guys like Norris and Donaldson have followed suit. Between the garbage city, the garbage stadium, the garbage fans, the garbage players, and the obvious steroid use, there's nothing to like about the Oakland A's.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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That was a nice play by Elvis and got to hand it to Snyder, he actually made a few nice picks this inning.


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Vernon Wells?

Yes sir! I find that Hilarious. But he is off the books next season I think, they may actually have some money to spend again and I bet they go after some pitching. My guess is they overpay for Max- bc thats what they do. Can you imagine where they would be if they had that to spend this season though.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He has played well and I advocated him getting the starting catching job while Soto was out vs the AJP platoon and he has performed well both behind the plate and at the plate


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yes sir! I find that Hilarious. But he is off the books next season I think, they may actually have some money to spend again and I bet they go after some pitching. My guess is they overpay for Max- bc thats what they do. Can you imagine where they would be if they had that to spend this season though.

I haven't looked up their payroll in a few seasons but with the Pujols contract, Hamilton contract, Trout contract and CJ and Weaver I would think they will still be fairly limited. It is baseball and there is no cap, only luxury tax so who knows


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He has played well and I advocated him getting the starting catching job while Soto was out vs the AJP platoon and he has performed well both behind the plate and at the plate

Yeah, me too. He had an impressive spring and has had some clutch hits for us. Thing that has caught me by surprise the most is his arm. Soto, is likely going to be sharing catching duties with him when he returns. Or he has actually played a little 1B, so perhaps Chirinos plays a little first for us. That said, it might be better for us to keep him behind the plate. He might be our starting catcher next year.

As for JPA, I never understood that signing.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I believe he's getting paid by the Yankees.

I think the Angels took on most of the contract when they shipped him to the Yanks, don't think the Yankees signed up for much of that contract at all.


F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Yeah, me too. He had an impressive spring and has had some clutch hits for us. Thing that has caught me by surprise the most is his arm. Soto, is likely going to be sharing catching duties with him when he returns. Or he has actually played a little 1B, so perhaps Chirinos plays a little first for us. That said, it might be better for us to keep him behind the plate. He might be our starting catcher next year.

As for JPA, I never understood that signing.

They took a cheap flyer on a former high prospect that just never amounted to much before this season and he proved to be even worse than last season with his lack of HR's


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I haven't looked up their payroll in a few seasons but with the Pujols contract, Hamilton contract, Trout contract and CJ and Weaver I would think they will still be fairly limited. It is baseball and there is no cap, only luxury tax so who knows

Well, they are already on the books for $123M next season but they were at there highest payroll in history this season at $158M. If they are willing to stay in that range, they could add a big name or two. I am pretty sure they are not going to lose anyone big in FA or at least don't have any any big names up for FA in 2015.



F the Houston Astros
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Their fans are human garbage, so they deserve that flooded toilet of a stadium. A's fans make Phillies fans look like saints by comparison. Oakland is consistently rated as the worst large city to live in, rivaled only by Detroit. But at least Detroit fans maintain some level of civility and decorum. And the A's players think being trashy is something worthy of being paid tribute to, as evidenced by their white trash mullets and beards that many of them grow. Josh Reddick started that whole homeless look trend and guys like Norris and Donaldson have followed suit. Between the garbage city, the garbage stadium, the garbage fans, the garbage players, and the obvious steroid use, there's nothing to like about the Oakland A's.

I certainly wouldn't put my foot forward for a new venue for a fan base as lousy as theirs. They haven't ever proven to come out for competitive teams, so why in the world would you give them a new stadium?


Jul 3, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Their fans are human garbage, so they deserve that flooded toilet of a stadium. A's fans make Phillies fans look like saints by comparison. Oakland is consistently rated as the worst large city to live in, rivaled only by Detroit. But at least Detroit fans maintain some level of civility and decorum. And the A's players think being trashy is something worthy of being paid tribute to, as evidenced by their white trash mullets and beards that many of them grow. Josh Reddick started that whole homeless look trend and guys like Norris and Donaldson have followed suit. Between the garbage city, the garbage stadium, the garbage fans, the garbage players, and the obvious steroid use, there's nothing to like about the Oakland A's.

I certainly wouldn't put my foot forward for a new venue for a fan base as lousy as theirs. They haven't ever proven to come out for competitive teams, so why in the world would you give them a new stadium?

Will, I would say your statement about the fans is a little harsh. I am sure there are some good loyal A's fans out there that are well educated and far from being trash.

And really, there are a few things to say good about them even if you don't like them. They seem to run there FO well and scout players well. Especially pitching. Hell, they seem to revive someones pitching career nearly every season. Even when they were bad, they could still pitch, just couldn't score.

I know there is completion and we are supposed to hate our rivals and I do but sometimes I think we take it a little too far. I know I can get a little irrational when it comes to the Halos.

As far as the stadium goes, Murph you are likely right. I can't ever remember them drawing too much attendance. But they might draw a few more fans if they didn't have to wade around knee high in sewage to get to their seats. Maybe not though. I know our seats started to fill up a ton more when we started winning. And we never really drew huge crowds when they built the ballpark, but they still did it. Seems like it would be worth a shot but thats just not their business.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2012
Hoopla Cash
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Will, I would say your statement about the fans is a little harsh. I am sure there are some good loyal A's fans out there that are well educated and far from being trash.

And really, there are a few things to say good about them even if you don't like them. They seem to run there FO well and scout players well. Especially pitching. Hell, they seem to revive someones pitching career nearly every season. Even when they were bad, they could still pitch, just couldn't score.

I know there is completion and we are supposed to hate our rivals and I do but sometimes I think we take it a little too far. I know I can get a little irrational when it comes to the Halos.

As far as the stadium goes, Murph you are likely right. I can't ever remember them drawing too much attendance. But they might draw a few more fans if they didn't have to wade around knee high in sewage to get to their seats. Maybe not though. I know our seats started to fill up a ton more when we started winning. And we never really drew huge crowds when they built the ballpark, but they still did it. Seems like it would be worth a shot but thats just not their business.

If you think my statement is harsh, you've obviously never been to Oakland or an A's/Raiders game before. It will literally crush your faith in humanity. They are absolute animals out there. I saw a guy urinate on a father and son from up above them. Another fan threw a cell phone at Carl Everett. Brawls break out there constantly. The Dallas Cowboys take fans on road trip giveaway packages to all NFL cities except for one- Oakland. They stopped taking fans along with them there because of the unimaginably inhumane ways they were treated by the Oakland fans. Now am I saying that every last Oakland fan is trashy? No, of course not. But the overwhelming vast majority of them are. They are unlike anything you have ever experienced at a sporting event. Oakland is as rough, poor, blue collar, and trashy as it gets.