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Raiders 2015/2016 season


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Jun 26, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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Ok so the general consensus is that Oakland is back on track. Last year I didn't have all that much hope before the season but I'm getting pretty excited for this one. Just how good do we think the Raiders can be, tho? I'm guessing 7-8 wins this year which is an improvement but the biggest improvement I believe we will see is how competitive they will be in every game. Here's the schedule:

Vs. Cincy- this game, at home, is a toss up to me
Vs. Baltimore- tough game. Ravens always have a good D and Flacco should have an improved year.
@ Cleveland- Oakland should win this one with the state the Browns are in but man, do they struggle against Cleveland lately. Being from Ohio, I have to hear about it a lot.
@ Chicago- Raiders just might pull this one out on the road.
Vs Denver- I don't see us beating the damn Donkeys either time this year. Manning's last year and then it is our turn.
@ San Diego- I think we split with the Bolts this year
Vs New York Jets- this should be a W
@ Pittsburgh- as much as the Raiders have struggled against Cleveland lately, they have surprised against Pittsburgh. Steelers should win this one, but ya never know.
Vs Minnesota- Another one I think we should win.
@ Detroit- Tough game. Would have loved to see Charles in his prime take on Megatron.
@ Tennessee- Foreseeing another W here.
Vs Kansas City- another in conference split
@ Denver- like I said earlier, one more year.
Vs Green Bay- don't see this happening
Vs San Diego- see earlier about the Bolts.
@ Kansas City- capable of winning either game but only see us winning one.

Another tough schedule, not quite as bad as last year but still a tough draw for a team coming off a 3 win season. I see the ceiling at 9 wins with the bottom at 6. One more good offseason and we should be competing for a playoff spot next year. Although, I won't be upset if they surprise me and sneak into a Wild Card this year.

We added Aldon Smith today. I'm definitely thinking 8-8 and being in every game is possible.


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Jun 26, 2014
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Hoopla Cash
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Hey don't forget about your wonderful rival Bronco fan over here. I definitely wish there were a few more Raider fans on here as would love to get more perspective on the team and what they think. You guys definitely have a tough first test with Cincy coming to town. Playoff team something like the last 3-4 years with what is a very good and deep defense while having some great weapons on offense. I have Jeremy Hill in one of my fantasy leagues so hoping to see him do some work. Also have Cooper in two of my other leagues so hoping Carr just force feeds him the ball all game long.

Oh yeah......definitely. Still trips me out you post so much on here but it's a mutual respect thing......I get it. I have a lot of respect for Denver and when they got Manning.....I told everybody on Fan Nation (previous website a bunch of us came from) that he wasn't done. Popular opinion was Manning was done after that kind of injury.

This game is a very good first test to see where we're at and what we need to improve.


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Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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We added Aldon Smith today. I'm definitely thinking 8-8 and being in every game is possible.
Oh DJ?? It's called Jedi mind tricks.. Cuz that's all we have to fight back with.. Wink Wink.. And totally agree with you on the ranking as of right now, and that record.. It all starts Sunday bro..


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We also could go 5-11 or 6-10, which is slight improvement over last season. But, I think we'll end up 7-9, maybe 8-8.


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Jul 21, 2013
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We also could go 5-11 or 6-10, which is slight improvement over last season. But, I think we'll end up 7-9, maybe 8-8.
That could happen as well.. Let's see what we look like on Sunday.. Hopefully GREAT!!


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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He's a little outlandish (no offense, Idaho) on a lot of the things he says (he's a passionate fan) but I will agree with him on this and I think the Raiders pass rush is now among the best in the AFC West. If in shape and healthy (he'll get a 4-6 game suspension for sure) he he and Mack give them a very good pass rush.

1-Denver (Von Miller and Ware are excellent, but Ware is 33).

2-Oakland. Mack is a promising 2nd year player and Smith is just 3 years removed from a dominating season himself. And he's still just 25.

3-KC (Houston accounted for almost half their sacks himself) Besides Houston, they don't have the potential 1-2 duo Oakland has.


I'm not saying it doesn't give them a good pass rush. At this point though Denver and KC have more proven guys at the Pass Rush spot. At this point all we have to go off of is last year and while Khalil Mack had a great year his sack numbers were below average. He had 4 for the year. When you throw in that Aldon Smith has barely played the last 2 years and hasn't had more than 8.5 sacks in a year for the last 2 years that would mean that the Raiders have a pass rush duo that when combined together don't even amount to 1 pass rusher from either the Broncos or Chiefs. Now yes factoring in potential I could see them surpassing the Chiefs as Tamba Hali looked like he slowed down a lot last year. Now as for best in the NFL that will be tough to do as there are a lot of great pass rush duos out there. St. Louis with Aaron Donald and Robert Quinn. Buffalo has a nice group all around. Baltimore maybe boasts the best duo in the league right now as they are the only ones to have 2 guys finish in the top-10 for sacks.

I'm also interested to see about the suspension side of things. Honestly if I were the Raiders I would want that handed down as soon as possible as right now it looks like he will be missing the 2nd half of the season not the first and I would rather have him in the 2nd half. Especially when you factor in it will take some time before he is fully ready to be a full go. At least a few weeks suspension gives him some time to learn the defense and get back into football shape.


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Jun 26, 2014
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I'm not saying it doesn't give them a good pass rush. At this point though Denver and KC have more proven guys at the Pass Rush spot. At this point all we have to go off of is last year and while Khalil Mack had a great year his sack numbers were below average. He had 4 for the year. When you throw in that Aldon Smith has barely played the last 2 years and hasn't had more than 8.5 sacks in a year for the last 2 years that would mean that the Raiders have a pass rush duo that when combined together don't even amount to 1 pass rusher from either the Broncos or Chiefs. Now yes factoring in potential I could see them surpassing the Chiefs as Tamba Hali looked like he slowed down a lot last year. Now as for best in the NFL that will be tough to do as there are a lot of great pass rush duos out there. St. Louis with Aaron Donald and Robert Quinn. Buffalo has a nice group all around. Baltimore maybe boasts the best duo in the league right now as they are the only ones to have 2 guys finish in the top-10 for sacks.

I'm also interested to see about the suspension side of things. Honestly if I were the Raiders I would want that handed down as soon as possible as right now it looks like he will be missing the 2nd half of the season not the first and I would rather have him in the 2nd half. Especially when you factor in it will take some time before he is fully ready to be a full go. At least a few weeks suspension gives him some time to learn the defense and get back into football shape.

Fair enough, you brought up some good points. However, there's a lot of excitement with this signing, despite his history. Woodson and Tuck can help him when it comes to that.

As far as the suspension, I agree. I think it'll be 4-6 games.


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Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Fair enough, you brought up some good points. However, there's a lot of excitement with this signing, despite his history. Woodson and Tuck can help him when it comes to that.

As far as the suspension, I agree. I think it'll be 4-6 games.

I'm just hoping during his suspension he goes and gets the help he needs. That is my biggest worry right now is he hasn't had that time to actually go work out his issues and in a couple of weeks we are right back into another Aldon Smith does something stupid stories. He is definitely a talent though and a hard one to pass up especially at the price you guys paid. It is a win-win for you in if he fails it didn't cost you much but if he succeeds then yes you could potentially have one of the better pass rush duos in the league.


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Jun 26, 2014
Soon to be the west coast
Hoopla Cash
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I'm just hoping during his suspension he goes and gets the help he needs. That is my biggest worry right now is he hasn't had that time to actually go work out his issues and in a couple of weeks we are right back into another Aldon Smith does something stupid stories. He is definitely a talent though and a hard one to pass up especially at the price you guys paid. It is a win-win for you in if he fails it didn't cost you much but if he succeeds then yes you could potentially have one of the better pass rush duos in the league.

I agree.


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Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Suddenly the Raiders have Aldon Smith.. What a trip,.


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Jul 21, 2013
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We got out coached and out played big time!! But that's not the bad news?? You can fix those kind of problems!!
Losing our starting QB, Starting DT, and our 2 starting Safety's is a MAJOR PROBLEM!! Unreal man!!
Im floored by what happened.. Well, we have a wee to fix those problems..


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Jul 21, 2013
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The REFS were dirty in this game.. PAC MAN should be in jail for what he did to COOP!! Goodell didn't like the Aldon Smith signing by the RAIDERS!! The REFS played a HUGE part in this game!! Im not saying we would of won, no no no!! But you could see what was up!! Dirty ball!! But HEY?? Cheating is the IN thing eh??


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Jul 21, 2013
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I think im a curse to this team!! They put up 33 we put up unlucky 13!! That's crazy!! No freakin way we should of been schooled like that!! Bad REFS, losing KEY players, a bunch of bad sheet happened!! That's what you call a trip man.. All i want is to WIN!!


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Jul 21, 2013
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Hey RAIDERS?? im not mad at the loss anymore, im used to my team not being ready to play ball..
What i am mad about is them taking your manhood!! They took your heart and ate it!! Only a PUNK gives that up!!
Are you guys PUNKS?? Now you guys are down our starting QB, Cwood, Allen, and who knows who else!!
So what ya going to do?? GIVE UP?? Only punks give up!!

Hey Goodell?? Fine PAC MAN his $100.00 and put Aldon on ice for the rest of the year!! And do it quickly so we could all move on!!


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Jul 21, 2013
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I expect the RAIDERS to be VERY physical with the Ravens win or lose!! Take back what you gave!!
Soo, Carr might play in this game, i hope so!! He's our ONLY CHANCE!!
But put a sticky glove on till that hand is 100%.. When a ball sails on you, it means you losing grip!! Put a glove on for better control of the ball.. We down, but not out yet!!


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Jul 21, 2013
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This is what i think?? The RAIDERS and the coaches were a big tease leading up to this first game, Ya know?? Like some fine chick that's a tease only to find out she's not all that.. Yeah..

So now what?? We throw this first game along with the chick in the dumpster and move on!! This will be the biggest game the RAIDERS play this season period!! But its ONLY the 2nd game of the year right?? That don't matter!! When EVERYBODY has high hopes, and you let them down like that, it makes it the biggest game of the year!! Feel that pressure?? You should!! Cuz RaiderFan feels it all the time!! JUST WIN!!


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Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Soo, the Raiders trade, what seemed like a young promising WR in Butler to the Boys!! Man the Drama is thick!! Then throw in the beat down we took on top of that!! Ouch!! The pitchforks are out!! I'm down with the draft pick btw.. We need a WIN big time!!


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Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Im not mad at the RAIDERS anymore.. Its game time now!! Looks like Carr is going to play, good news!! ITS HIS TEAM!! What Carr has to do, is not listen to Musgrave and hit this team DEEP!! You get 2 or 3 deep hits, that opens the RUN game up!! Mix it up for cry out loud!! Get Rivera the ball as well!! USE the skill players Musgrave!!
On D?? We just need to be NASTY PERIOD!! Head hunt them!! Hey Goodell don't care ANYWAYS!! TAKE THEM OUT!! Hey RAIDERS?? You will be playing the Ravens as well as the REFS!! SO HEAD HUNT THEM!!
Freakin show them DIRTY BALL!! GO RAIDERS!!


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Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, that is a little to extreme.. Just play them HARD, hit them hard, and give them nothing!! RAIDER BALL.. Man it's crazy CWOOD MIGHT play.. I am Iron Man to CWOOD!! Pure HOF player!! The heart of the RAIDERS D!!


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Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Well, that is a little to extreme.. Just play them HARD, hit them hard, and give them nothing!! RAIDER BALL.. Man it's crazy CWOOD MIGHT play.. I am Iron Man to CWOOD!! Pure HOF player!! The heart of the RAIDERS D!!
Let's give the Ravens a GAME!! Let's do this!!